
function Get-NinjaOneTicketForms {
            Gets ticket forms from the NinjaOne API.
            Retrieves ticket forms from the NinjaOne v2 API.
            PS> Get-NinjaOneTicketForms
            Gets all ticket forms.
            PS> Get-NinjaOneTicketForms -ticketFormId 1
            Gets ticket form with id 1.
            A powershell object containing the response.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = 'Uses dynamic parameter parsing.')]
        # Ticket form ID.
    if ($Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.AuthMode -eq 'Client Credentials') {
        throw ('This function is not available when using client_credentials authentication. If this is unexpected please report this to')
        exit 1
    try {
        if ($ticketFormId) {
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving information on ticket form with id $($ticketFormId)"
            $Resource = "/v2/ticketing/ticket-form/$($ticketFormId)"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'Retrieving ticket forms'
            $Resource = '/v2/ticketing/ticket-form'
        $RequestParams = @{
            Resource = $Resource
        $TicketForms = New-NinjaOneGETRequest @RequestParams
        Return $TicketForms
    } catch {
        New-NinjaOneError -ErrorRecord $_