
This file is part of the NinjaRmmApi module.
This module is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or related to NinjaRMM, LLC.
NinjaRmmApi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
NinjaRmmApi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
with NinjaRmmApi. If not, see <>.

Function Set-NinjaRmmSecrets {
        [String] $AccessKeyId,

        [String] $SecretAccessKey

    $env:NinjaRmmAccessKeyID     = $AccessKeyId
    $env:NinjaRmmSecretAccessKey = $SecretAccessKey

Function Reset-NinjaRmmSecrets {

    Remove-Variable -Name $env:NinjaRmmAccessKeyID
    Remove-Variable -Name $env:NinjaRmmSecretAccessKey

Function Set-NinjaRmmServerLocation {
        [ValidateSet('US', 'EU')]
        [String] $Location = 'US'

    $env:NinjaRmmServerLocation = $Location

Function Send-NinjaRmmApi {
        [String] $RequestToSend,

        [ValidateSet('GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE')]
        [String] $Method = 'GET'

    # Stop if our secrets have not been learned.
    If ($null -eq $env:NinjaRmmSecretAccessKey) {
        Throw [Data.NoNullAllowedException]::new('No secret access key has been provided. Please run Set-NinjaRmmSecrets.')
    If ($null -eq $env:NinjaRmmAccessKeyID) {
        Throw [Data.NoNullAllowedException]::new('No access key ID has been provided. Please run Set-NinjaRmmSecrets.')

    # Get the current date. Calling -Format converts it to a [String], so we
    # need two separate calls to Get-Date.
    $DateString = Get-Date -Format 'R' -Date ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime())
    # Format our signing string correctly.
    # NinjaRMM's signature has a place to put Content-MD5 and Content-Type
    # values, but leaving them out ($null) seems to be perfectly acceptable.
    $ContentMD5   = $null
    $ContentType  = $null
    $StringToSign = @($Method, $ContentMD5, $ContentType, $DateString, $RequestToSend) -Join "`n"

    # Convert your string to a byte array, and then Base64-encode it.
    # Not sure why we're removing newlines, but Ninja's example C# code did it.
    $StringToSignBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($StringToSign)
    $EncodedString = ([Convert]::ToBase64String($StringToSignBytes)).Trim()

    # Construct our HMAC-SHA1 thing, then convert *it* to Base64 as well.
    # Sample:
    $Hasher = [Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm]::Create('HMACSHA1')
    $Hasher.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($env:NinjaRmmSecretAccessKey)
    $HashedStringBytes= $Hasher.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($EncodedString))

    # Convert the result to a Base64 string.
    $Signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String($HashedStringBytes) -Replace "`n",""
    # Pick our server. By default, we will use the United States server.
    # However, the European Union server can be used instead.'
    If (($env:NinjaRmmServerLocation -eq 'US') -or ($null -eq $env:NinjaRmmServerLocation)) {
        $HostName = ''
    ElseIf ($env:NinjaRmmServerLocation -eq 'EU') {
        $HostName = ''
    Else {
        Throw [ArgumentException]::new("The server location ${env:NinjaRmmServerLocation} is not valid. Please run Set-NinjaRmmServerLocation.")

    # Create a user agent for logging purposes.
    $UserAgent  = "PowerShell/$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion) "
    $UserAgent += "NinjaRmmApi/$((Get-Module -Name 'NinjaRmmApi').Version) "
    $UserAgent += '(implementing API version 0.1.2)'

    # Ensure that TLS 1.2 is enabled, so that we can communicate with NinjaRMM.
    # It may be disabled by default before PowerShell 6.
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    # Some new versions of PowerShell also support TLS 1.3. If that is a valid
    # option, then enable that, too, in case NinjaRMM ever enables it.
    If ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMembers() -Contains 'Tls13') {
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls13

    # Finally, send it.
    Write-Debug -Message ("Will send the request:`n`n" `
        + "$Method $RequestToSend HTTP/1.1`n" `
        + "Host: $HostName`n" `
        + "Authorization: NJ ${env:NinjaRmmAccessKeyID}:$Signature`n" `
        + "Date: $DateString`n" `
        + "User-Agent: $UserAgent")

    $Arguments = @{
        'Method'  = $Method
        'Uri'     = "https://$HostName$RequestToSend"
        'Headers' = @{
            'Authorization' = "NJ ${env:NinjaRmmAccessKeyID}:$Signature"
            'Date'          = $DateString
            'Host'          = $HostName
            'User-Agent'    = $UserAgent

    Return (Invoke-RestMethod @Arguments)

Function Get-NinjaRmmAlerts {
        [UInt32] $AlertId,

        [UInt32] $Since

    $Request = '/v1/alerts'
    If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'OneAlert') {
        $Request += "/$AlertId"
    ElseIf ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AllAlertsSince') {
        $Request += "/since/$Since"

    Return (Send-NinjaRmmApi -RequestToSend $Request)

Function Reset-NinjaRmmAlert {
        [UInt32] $AlertId

    Return (Send-NinjaRmmApi -Method 'DELETE' -RequestToSend "/v1/alerts/$AlertId")

Function Get-NinjaRmmCustomers {
        [UInt32] $CustomerId

    $Request = '/v1/customers'
    If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'OneCustomer') {
        $Request += "/$CustomerId"
    Return (Send-NinjaRmmApi -RequestToSend $Request)

Function Get-NinjaRmmDevices {
        [UInt32] $DeviceId

    $Request = '/v1/devices'
    If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'OneDevice') {
        $Request += "/$DeviceId"
    Return (Send-NinjaRmmApi -RequestToSend $Request)