
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="msi";ModuleVersion=""}
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Import-Module -Name "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)\Private\Helpers.psm1" -DisableNameChecking

function Install-NordVpn
        Installs NordVPN app
    .PARAMETER version
        Version of NordVPN app to install
    .PARAMETER paths
        Folder where to install
    .PARAMETER force
        Indicates if to remove existing NordVPN installation
    .PARAMETER displayLog
        Indicates if to display installation log
    .PARAMETER dontRun
        Indicates if to don't launch NordVPN after installation


    $existingInstallation = Get-MSIProductInfo -Name "NordVPN"
    if ($existingInstallation -ne $null)
        Write-Host "Found existing installation of NordVPN $($existingInstallation.ProductVersion)"
        Write-Host "Product code $($existingInstallation.ProductCode)"
        Write-Host "Install location $($existingInstallation.InstallLocation)"
        if (!$force.IsPresent)
            Write-Host "Exiting. Specify -force to force the installation."

        Write-Host "Removing existing installation"
        Uninstall-MSIProduct -ProductCode $existingInstallation.ProductCode

    $source = ""
    if ($version)
        $source = "$version.exe"
        $source = " beta setup.exe"
    $destination = $null
    $result = $null
    $logFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()

        $destination = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() + ".exe"
        Write-Host "Downloading $version..."
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination

        Write-Host "Installing..."
        $result = RunInstaller -installerFile $destination -path $path -logFileName $logFileName
        if ($destination -and (Test-Path $destination))
            Remove-Item $destination -ErrorAction Ignore

    if ($displayLog.IsPresent)
        DisplayLog $logFileName

    if ($result.ExitCode -ne 0)
        Write-Host "Failed to install NordVPN" -ForegroundColor Red
    $installation = Get-MSIProductInfo -Name "NordVPN"
    Write-Host "NordVPN $($installation.ProductVersion) has been successfully installed" -ForegroundColor Green

    if (!$dontRun.IsPresent)
        Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path $installation.InstallLocation "NordVPN.exe")

function RunInstaller($installerFile, $path, $logFileName)
    $installerArgs = @("/exenoui", "/qn", "/norestart")
    if ($path)
        $installerArgs += "APPDIR=""$path"""

    $installerArgs += "/li ""$logFileName"""
    # Can't use MSI cmdlets here because Advanced Installer exe packages are not supported
    $result = Execute-Command -path $installerFile -arguments $installerArgs
    return $result

function DisplayLog($fileName)
    $logPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP $fileName
    Get-Content $logPath | Write-host 