
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

using namespace System.Collections.Generic

# Assert once that NPM is already installed on the system.

$global:useNpmCmd = $false
$global:npmCmdPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\nodejs\npm.cmd"

#region DSCResources
class InstallNpm
    # DSCResource requires a key. Do not set.





    [InstallNpm] Get()
        if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.packageDirectory)))
            VerifyDirectoryAndSetLocation -directoryPath $this.packageDirectory

        # `npm list` returns a nonzero exit code if there are missing packages to install.
        $listResult = Invoke-NpmList
        $this.installAvailable = $listResult.ExitCode -ne 0

        return @{
            packageDirectory = $this.packageDirectory
            arguments = $this.arguments
            global = $
            installAvailable = $this.installAvailable

    [bool] Test()
        $currentState = $this.Get()
        return $currentState.installAvailable -eq $false

    [void] Set()
        if ($this.Test() -eq $false)
            Invoke-NpmInstall -Arguments $this.arguments -Global $

class InstallNpmPackage
    # DSCResource requires a key. Do not set.






    [InstallNpmPackage] Get()
        if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.packageDirectory)))
            VerifyDirectoryAndSetLocation -directoryPath $this.packageDirectory

        # Set initial value of installedStatus to true so that if any of the packages are not installed, it returns false.
        $this.installedStatus = $true
        foreach ($package in $this.packages)
            $localResult = Invoke-NpmList -PackageName $package -Global $
            $this.installedStatus = $this.installedStatus -and ($localResult.ExitCode -eq 0) 

        return @{
            SID = $this.SID
            packageDirectory = $this.packageDirectory
            packages = $this.packages
            arguments = $this.arguments
            installedStatus = $this.installedStatus

    [bool] Test()
        $currentState = $this.Get()
        return $currentState.installedStatus

    [void] Set()
        if ($this.Test() -eq $false)
            foreach ($package in $this.packages)
                Invoke-NpmInstall -PackageName $package -Arguments $this.arguments -Global $

#endregion DSCResources

#region Functions
function Assert-Npm
    # Try invoking npm help with the alias. If it fails, switch to calling npm.cmd directly.
    # This may occur if npm is installed in the same shell window and the alias is not updated until the shell window is restarted.
        Invoke-Npm -command 'help'
    catch {}

    if (Test-Path -Path $global:npmCmdPath)
        $global:useNpmCmd = $true;
        Write-Host "Calling npm.cmd directly located at: $global:useNpmCmd"
        throw "NodeJS is not installed"

function Invoke-NpmInstall
    param (



    $command = [List[string]]::new()

    if ($Global)

    return Invoke-Npm -command $command

function Invoke-NpmList
    param (



    $command = [List[string]]::new()

    if ($Global)

    return Invoke-Npm -command $command

function Invoke-NpmUninstall
    param (


    $command = [List[string]]::new()

    return Invoke-Npm -command $command    

function Invoke-Npm
    param (

    if ($global:useNpmCmd)
        return Start-Process -FilePath $global:npmCmdPath -ArgumentList $command -Wait -PassThru -WindowStyle hidden
        return Start-Process -FilePath npm -ArgumentList $command -Wait -PassThru -WindowStyle hidden

function VerifyDirectoryAndSetLocation
    param (

    if (Test-Path -Path $directoryPath -PathType Container)
        Set-Location -Path $directoryPath
        throw "Path does not point to a valid directory."

#endregion Functions