
function Convert-Number
    Convert any integer number to Hex, binary or byte array
    This cmdlet takes a integer number as input and will return a PSCustomobject
    with values for hex, binary, IsOddNumber and the byte array of the number.
    This cmdlet support pipeline input.
    PS C:\> Convert-Number -Number 16
    Int : 16
    Hex : 0x0010
    Binary : 10000
    Bytes : {16, 0, 0, 0...}
    OddNumber : False
    PS C:\>
    This example converts the integer 16 to Hex, Binary, a byte array and indicates if it
    is a OddNumber
    PS C:\> 16 | Convert-Number
    Int : 16
    Hex : 0x0010
    Binary : 10000
    Bytes : {16, 0, 0, 0...}
    OddNumber : False
    PS C:\>
    This example converts the integer 16 to Hex, Binary, a byte array and indicates if it
    is a OddNumber using pipeline input.
    NAME: Convert-Number
    AUTHOR: Tore Groneng @toregroneng
    LASTEDIT: Jul 2016
    KEYWORDS: Convert, Hex, Binary, bytes


        foreach($int in $Number)
            $out = "" | Select-Object -Property Int, Hex, Binary, Bytes, OddNumber
            $out.Int = $int
            $out.Hex = Get-HexNumber -Number $int
            $out.Binary = Get-BinaryNumber -Number $int
            $out.Bytes = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($int)
            $out.OddNumber = Test-OddNumber -Number $int