
function Get-HexNumber
    Converts an INT64 to a hex representation
    This cmdlet takes a integer number as input and will return a string
    object with the hex representation of the integer value. It
    supports pipeline input. By default it will pad with a maximum of
    3 zeros. You can override this with the NumberOfDigits parameter
    PS C:\> Get-HexNumber -Number 16
    PS C:\>
    This example converts the integer 16 to the hex representation
    PS C:\> 16 | Get-HexNumber
    PS C:\>
    This example converts the integer 16 to the hex representation using
    the pipeline
    PS C:\> 255 | Get-HexNumber -NumberOfDigits 8
    PS C:\>
    This example converts the integer 255 to the hex representation using
    the pipeline and returns 8 digits
    NAME: Get-HexNumber
    AUTHOR: Tore Groneng @toregroneng
    LASTEDIT: Jul 2016
    KEYWORDS: Convert, Hex, Binary, bytes

    [int]$NumberOfDigits = 4


        foreach($num in $Number)