
pushd $PSScriptRoot
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

if( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6 ) { 
    write-error "This script requires Core PowerShell (don't worry: generated cmdlets can work in Core PowerShell or Windows Powershell)" 

if( -not $isolated )  {
    # this ensures that we can run the script repeatedly without worrying about locked files/folders
    write-host -fore green "Spawning in isolated process." 
    $pwsh = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Path
    & $pwsh -command $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -isolated 

    if( $lastExitCode -ne 0) {

    if($test) {
        $mpath = $(( dir ./*.psd1)[0].fullname)
        $mname = $(( dir ./*.psd1)[0].basename)
        & $pwsh -noexit -command  "function prompt { `$ESC = [char]27 ; Write-host -nonewline -foregroundcolor green ('PS ' + `$(get-location) ) ; Write-Host (' ['+ `$ESC +'[02;46m testing $mname '+ `$ESC +'[0m] >') -nonewline -foregroundcolor white ; write-host -fore white -nonewline '' ; return ' ' } ; ipmo '$mpath' "
    } else {
        write-host -fore cyan "To test this module in a new powershell process, run `n"
        write-host -fore white " & '$([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Path)' -noexit -command ipmo '$( (dir ./*.psd1)[0].fullname )' "        
        write-host -fore cyan "`nor use -test with this script`n"

write-host -fore green "Cleaning folders..."
@('./exported','./obj', './bin') |% { $shh = remove-item -recurse -ea 0 $_ }

if( test-path ./bin ) {
    write-error "Unable to clean binary folder. (a process may have an open handle.)"

write-host -fore green "Compiling private module code"
$shh = dotnet publish --configuration Release --output bin
if( $lastExitCode -ne 0 ) {
    # if it fails, let's do it again so the output comes out nicely.
    dotnet publish --configuration Release --output bin
    write-error "Compilation failed"

@('./bin/Debug','./bin/Release') |% { $shh = remove-item -recurse -ea 0 $_ }
$dll = (dir bin\*.private.dll)[0]

if( -not (test-path $dll) ) {
    write-error "Unable to find output assembly."

$commands = get-command -module (ipmo $dll -passthru)
write-host -fore gray "Private Module loaded ($dll)."

# merge scripts into one file
$modulename = (dir *.psd1)[0].Name -replace ".psd1",""
$scriptmodule = $dll -replace ".private.",".scripts." -replace ".dll",".psm1"
$scriptfile = ""; 
dir -recurse private\*.ps1 |% { $scriptfile = $scriptfile +"`n`n# Included from: $(resolve-path -relative $_)`n" + (get-content -raw $_) } ; 
Set-Content $scriptmodule -Value $scriptfile
if( $scriptfile -ne '' ) {
    $commands = $commands + (get-command -module (ipmo $scriptmodule -passthru))
    write-host -fore gray "Private Scripts Module loaded ($scriptmodule)."

# No commands?
if( $commands.length -eq 0  ) {
    write-error "Unable get commands from private module."

$outputs = @{}

write-host -fore green "Processing cmdlet variants"
$commands |% {
    $metadata  = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData($_)
    if( $metadata.Name.IndexOf("_") -gt -1 ) {
        $targetCmdlet = $metadata.Name.split("_")[0];
        $variant = $metadata.Name.split("_")[1];
    } else {
        $targetCmdlet = $metadata.Name
        $variant = "default"

    if( -not ($outputs.ContainsKey($targetCmdlet))) {
        $newCmdlet = @{ 
             cmdlet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData($metadata)
             name = $targetCmdlet
             variants = @{}
        # create the new target cmdlet
        $outputs[$targetCmdlet] = $newCmdlet;

    $cmdlet = $outputs[$targetCmdlet]
    # add the variant
    $gb = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetBegin( $metadata ) 
    $ct = $metadata.Parameters.Keys.Count
    $cmdlet.variants.add( $variant, @{ method = $gb; pcount = $ct; name = $variant} )
    # copy parameters across
    $metadata.Parameters.Keys |% {
        $name = $_;

        $p = $metadata.Parameters[$name]
        if( -not ($cmdlet.cmdlet.parameters.ContainsKey($name) ) ) {
            # add the parameter to the target
            $newParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata($p);
            $cmdlet.cmdlet.Parameters.add($name, $newParam)
        $param = $cmdlet.cmdlet.Parameters[$name];
        if( $p.ParameterSets["__AllParameterSets"] ) {
            $param.ParameterSets.Add( $variant, $p.ParameterSets["__AllParameterSets"]);

$shh = mkdir "./exported" 

write-host -fore green "Generating unified cmdlet proxies"
# Now, loop thru and spit out the proxies

$outputs.Keys |% {
    $cmdletname= $_
    $each = $outputs[$cmdletname]
    $cmd = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::create($each.cmdlet)

    if( $each.variants.Count -eq 1 ) {
        if($cmd -match "GetCommand[^\\]*$" ) {
           $cmd = $cmd -replace ".InvokeCommand.GetCommand\('",".InvokeCommand.GetCommand('$modulename.scripts\"

        $text = $cmd
    } else {
        $b = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetBegin($each.cmdlet)
        $newBegin = "`n"
        $newBegin = $newBegin + ' switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { ';
        $newBegin = $newBegin + "`n"
        $pc = 100

        $each.variants.Keys |% {
            $name = $_;

            if ( $each.variants[$name].pcount -lt $pc ) {
                $pc = $each.variants[$name].pcount
                $defaultImpl = $each.variants[$name].method
                $defaultName = $name
            $variant = $each.variants[$name].method;
            if($variant -match "GetCommand[^\\]*$" ) {
                $variant = $variant -replace ".InvokeCommand.GetCommand\('",".InvokeCommand.GetCommand('$modulename.scripts\"

            $t =  "`n '$_' {`n"
            $t = $t + $variant
            $t = $t + "`n}`n"
            $newBegin = $newBegin  + $t;

        # add a default case (choose the first?)
        $t =  "`n default {`n"
        $t = $t + $defaultImpl
        $t = $t + "`n}`n"
        $newBegin = $newBegin  + $t;

        $newBegin = $newBegin + "`n}`n";
        $text = $cmd.replace( $b, $newBegin ) 
        $text = $text.replace( "[CmdletBinding()]", "[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='$defaultName')]")
    $text = "function ${cmdletname} {`n$text`n}`n"  
    $filename = $cmdletname -replace ".*[\\|/]","" -replace  '\.ps1$',''

    set-content "exported/${filename}.ps1" -value $text
write-host -fore green "Done."
write-host -fore green "-------------------------------"