
    This sample script demonstrates using the O365ServiceCommunications module to alert on incidents posted in the Office 365
    Message Center. It gathers information from the Service Communications API and builds custom HTML tables which are then
    added to an email message body. This script can be set to run on a schedule using the Windows Task Scheduler to make sure
    you are aware that an incident has been generated.
    Don't forget to save a credential object to file in the same directory where this script is saved. This is required for
    authentication to the API.
    You'll need to change the values of the $Splat variable below to something that will work in your environment to successfully
    send and email message.

Import-Module O365ServiceCommunications

# Import a credential object to use against the Service Communications API
# this needs to be a global admin for your Office 365 tenant
# To save a credential, run Get-Credential | Export-CliXml -Path c:\scripts\cred.xml
$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "$PSScriptRoot\cred.xml"

# gather events from the Service Communications API
$MySession = New-SCSession -Credential $Credential
$Events = Get-SCEvent -EventTypes Incident -PastDays 1 -SCSession $MySession |
    Select-Object Id, Status, StartTime,
    @{n='ServiceName'; e={$_.AffectedServiceHealthStatus.servicename}},

if ($Events)
    $Tables = foreach ($Event in $Events)


    $Html = @"
                body {}
                table {width: 100%; }
                table, th, td {
                    font-family: calibri,arial,verdana;
                    border: 2px solid white;
                    border-collapse: collapse;
                    background-color: #daeded;

    $Splat = @{
        SmtpServer  = 'servername.domain.local'
        Body        = $Html
        BodyAsHtml  = $true
        To          = 'matt@domain.local'
        From        = 'O365Events@domain.local'
        Subject     = 'Office 365 Service Health Alerts'
        Priority    = 'High'
    Send-MailMessage @Splat