
function Get-SCEvent
        Returns events from the Service Communications API.
        Returns events from the Service Communications API. These events can be Incidents, Maintenance messages, or just
        informational messages.
        .PARAMETER EventTypes
        Specifies the types of events that you would like to gather information for. Valid values are:
        .PARAMETER SCSession
        Specifies the Service Communications session to retrieve events for. These sessions are created using the
        New-SCSession function.
        .PARAMETER PastDays
        Specifies the past number of days to return events for. Default value is 7 days.
        $O365Admin = Get-Credential
        $Session = New-SCSession -Credential $O365Admin
        Get-SCEvent -EventTypes Incident,Maintenance,Message -PastDays 10 -SCSession $Session
        Initiate a session to the Service Communications API and then return all events for the past 10 days.
        Get-SCEvent -EventTypes Incident -SCSession $Session
        Retrieve only Incident events.

        $EventTypes = 'Incident',


        $PastDays = 7

    # table of possibe event types
    $EventCodes = @{
        'Incident'    = 0
        'Maintenance' = 1
        'Message'     = 2

    # this is the body of the JSON request that will be passed to the API
    $Body = @{
        lastCookie          = $SCSession.Cookie
        locale              = $SCSession.Locale
        preferredEventTypes = @()
        pastDays            = $PastDays

    $Splat = @{
        ContentType = 'application/json'
        Method      = 'Post'
        Uri         = ""
        Body        = $null

    # request the events one event type at a time
    # this makes it possible to add the event type property to the output
    foreach ($EventType in $EventTypes)
        $Body.preferredEventTypes = @($EventCodes.$EventType)
        $Splat.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Invoke-RestMethod @Splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Events |
        New-CustomObject -Typename $EventTypeName -ExtraProperties @{EventType = $EventType}