
function New-SCSession
        Connects to the Office 365 Service Communications API using your administrator account credentials.
        Connects to the Office 365 Service Communications API using your administrator account credentials. This
        generates a cookie that authenticates your account to the API. This cookie has a lifetime of 48 hours.
        .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user name and password of an Office 365 tenant admin. Accepts an object of type PSCredential or a
        username of type String. If a username is specified, you'll be prompted to enter the password.
        .PARAMETER Locale
        Specifies the locale for output. If locale is ommitted or the value you pass does not match acceptable options
        will default to US English (en-US).
        $O365Admin = Get-Credential
        $Session = New-SCSession -Credential $O365Admin
        Create a credential object and use that credential to connect to the Service Communications API.
        $Session = New-SCSession -Credential ''
        Connect to the Service Communications API using a string username. When you run this command you'll be
        prompted for a password.
        $Session = New-SCSession -Credential '' -locale es-ES
        Connect to the Service Communications API and specify Spanish (Spain) and the language.


        $Locale = 'en-US'

    $BodyCred = @{
        userName = $Credential.UserName
        password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password
        locale   = $Locale
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    $Splat = @{
        ContentType     = 'application/json'
        Method          = 'Post'
        Uri             = "$ServiceUrl/Register"
        Body            = $BodyCred

        UserName   = $Credential.UserName
        Cookie     = Invoke-RestMethod @Splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RegistrationCookie
        Locale     = $Locale
        PSTypeName = $SessionTypeName