
        OCSImaster Help
    This tool is meant to make Admin life easier.
  a. Using the Tool
    i. To use the tool you will bring up the menu by running the command omtool
  b. OP Generate
    i. The tool will run the Opgenerate by itself, you will be prompted to copy the test file to the designated location (C:\test)
    ii. The Script will need to run on the OOS machine
  c. OOS Log Collector
    i. The tool will collect the last 2 OOS logs, eventviewer logs for the desired application and the farm configuration, it will then zip the logs and export them to the designated location (C:\Mslogs.zip)
    ii. **The tool WILL restart the WACSM service**
  d. OOS Farm rebuilder
    i. The Script needs to run from the Sharepoint side!!
    ii. The tool at this point can only run for single oos machine farms - multiple machines functionality to be added
    iii. The tool will rebuild the farm by itself after it collects all the necessary parameters
        1) OOS internal URL - specify the internal URL of the farm
        2) New farm command - specify the new farm command to be used
        3) OOS machine - specify the OOS machine
        4) OOS setup - specify the path to the setup.exe (the script will not work if it is a mounted .iso because the location will no longer be available after restart)
    iv. It will restart the machines unattended and will install OOS
    v. It will also run the hosting/discovery after the install is finished and will redo the bindings
  e. OOS Farm Rebuilder (multi-server)
    i. It has basically the same functionality as the single server farm rebuilder, with the difference that it will detect the master and children servers and will first remove each child and reinstall it and the master
           After all servers have been rebuilt it will rebuild the farm and rejoin the children to the machines
    OOS, Office, Office Online Server, OCSImaster
    Text-only references for further reading. Hyperlinks cannot work in the PowerShell console.