
    The OData PowerShell provider supports server-side OData filtering,
    searching, and sorting.
    Most provider cmdlets expose an optional -filter parameter; the
    OData PowerShell provider allows you to use this parameter to
    specify either a standard OData filter expression or query string.
    For example, if you want to filter the set of entities in an OData feed,
    you can specify an OData filter expression in the -filter parameter value
    of the get-childitem cmdlet:
    get-childitem nuget:/packages -filter "Authors eq 'Code Owls LLC'"
    If you need to sort the feed by a custom property, you can specify a full
    OData query string in the -filter parameter of the get-childitem cmdlet:
    get-childitem nuget:/packages -filter "`$orderby=Version"
    You can include any valid OData query string in the filter parameter. For
    instance, you can filter, sort, and limit the feed results in a single
    get-childitem nuget:/packages -filter "`$orderby=Version&`$filter=Authors eq 'Code Owls LLC'&`$top=3"
    Alternatively, the OData PowerShell provider supports a set of optional
    custom parameters when operating against a path that represents an OData
    collection. These parameters are:
    -filter: the OData filter expression
    -top: the number of results to return
    -skip: the number of results to skip
    -orderBy: the property name by which to sort the collection entities; by
        default the results are sorted ascending
    -descending: a switch to indicate that results should be sorted decending;
        this switch has no effect when -sortBy is not also specified
        -select: a list of property names to include in the results
    -expand: a list of property names to include inline in the results
    This example performs the identical query as the previous example, using the
    optional parameters:
    get-childitem nuget:/packages -orderBy Version -filter "Authors eq 'Code Owls LLC'" -top 3
    When using the dynamic parameters and filter expression, the OData provider
    will URI-encode the necessary characters for you. However, when you
    specify a query string in the -filter parameter, you must URI-encode any
    characters necessary to include the query string in an HTTP request URL.