
Function Import-ADALDll {
  Load Load Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) Assemblies
   Load Load Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) Assemblies from either the Global Assembly Cache or from the DLLs located in OMSSearch PS module directory. It will use GAC if the DLLs are already loaded in GAC.
  # Load the ADAL Dlls

    $DLLPath = (Get-Module OMSSearch).ModuleBase
    $arrDLLs = @()
    $arrDLLs += 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll'
    $AssemblyVersion = ""
    $AssemblyPublicKey = "31bf3856ad364e35"
    $bSDKLoaded = $true

    Foreach ($DLL in $arrDLLs)
        $AssemblyName = $DLL.TrimEnd('.dll')
        If (!([AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |Where-Object { $_.FullName -eq "$AssemblyName, Version=$AssemblyVersion, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=$AssemblyPublicKey"}))
            Write-verbose 'Loading Assembly $AssemblyName...'
            Try {
                $DLLFilePath = Join-Path $DLLPath $DLL
            } Catch {
                Write-Verbose "Unable to load $DLLFilePath. Please verify if the DLLs exist in this location!"
                $bSDKLoaded = $false
Function Get-AADToken {
        PARAM (

    $ImportSDK = Import-ADALDll
    If ($ImportSDK -eq $false)
        Write-Error "Unable to load ADAL DLL. Aborting."
    If ($OMSConnection)
        $Username       = $OMSConnection.Username
        $Password       = $OMSConnection.Password
        $TenantADName   = $OMSConnection.TenantADName

    } else {
        $Username       = $Credential.Username
        $Password       = $Credential.Password
    # Set well-known client ID for Azure PowerShell
    $clientId = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2"
    # Set redirect URI for Azure PowerShell
    $redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"

    # Set Resource URI to Azure Service Management API
    $resourceAppIdURI = ""

    # Set Authority to Azure AD Tenant
    $authority = "$TenantADName"

    $AADcredential = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserCredential" -ArgumentList $Username,$Password
    # Create AuthenticationContext tied to Azure AD Tenant
    $authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authority

    $authResult = $authContext.AcquireToken($resourceAppIdURI,$clientId,$AADcredential)
    $Token = $authResult.CreateAuthorizationHeader()

    Return $Token
Function Get-OMSSavedSearches {

  Gets Saved Searches from OMS workspace
   Gets Saved Searches from OMS workspace
  # Gets Saved Searches from OMS. Returns results.
  $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
  $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
  $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
  $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
  $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
  Get-OMSSavedSearches -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token

    PARAM (

    $APIVersion = "2015-03-20"
    $uri = "{0}/resourcegroups/{1}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{2}/savedSearches?api-version={3}" -f $SubscriptionID, $ResourceGroupName, $OMSWorkspaceName, $APIVersion
    $headers = @{"Authorization"=$Token;"Accept"="application/json"}
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
    if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399){
      if($result.Content -ne $null){
        $json = (ConvertFrom-Json $result.Content)
        if($json -ne $null){
          $return = $json
          if($json.value -ne $null){$return = $json.value}

    Write-Error "Failed to egt saved searches. Check parameters."
  return $return
Function Invoke-OMSSearchQuery {

  Executes Search Query against OMS
   Executes Search Query against OMS
  # Executes Search Query against OMS. Returns results from query.
  $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
  $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
  $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
  $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
  $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
  $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
  $NumberOfResults = 150
  $StartTime = (((get-date)).AddHours(-6).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:fffZ")
  $EndTime = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:fffZ")
  Execute-OMSSearchQuery -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Query $Query -Token $Token
  Execute-OMSSearchQuery -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Query $Query -Token $Token -Top $NumberOfResults -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime

    PARAM (

    $APIVersion = "2015-03-20"
    $uri = "{0}/resourcegroups/{1}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{2}/search?api-version={3}" -f $SubscriptionID, $ResourceGroupName, $OMSWorkspaceName, $APIVersion
    $QueryArray = @{Query=$Query}
    if ($Start -and $End) { 
        $QueryArray+= @{Start=$Start}
        $QueryArray+= @{End=$End}
    if ($Top) {
        $QueryArray+= @{Top=$Top}
    $enc = New-Object "System.Text.ASCIIEncoding"
    $body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $QueryArray
    $byteArray = $enc.GetBytes($body)
    $contentLength = $byteArray.Length
    $headers = @{"Authorization"=$Token;"Accept"="application/json"}
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
    if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399){
      if($result.Content -ne $null){
        $jsonserial= New-Object -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer 
        $jsonserial.MaxJsonLength  =  [int]::MaxValue
        $json = $jsonserial.DeserializeObject($result.Content)
        if($json -ne $null){
          $return = $json
          if($json.value -ne $null){$return = $json.value}

    Write-Error "Failed to execute query. Check parameters."
  return $return
Function Get-OMSWorkspace {
  Get OMS Workspaces
  Get OMS Workspaces
  $SubscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
  $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
  Get-OMSWorkspace -SubscriptionId $Subscriptionid -Token $Token

    PARAM (

    $uri = "{0}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces?api-version=2014-10-10" -f $SubscriptionID
    $headers = @{"Authorization"=$Token;"Accept"="application/json"}
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
    if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399){
      if($result.Content -ne $null){
        $json = (ConvertFrom-Json $result.Content)
        if($json -ne $null){
          $return = $json
          if($json.value -ne $null){$return = $json.value}

    Write-Error 'Failed to get OMS Workspaces. Check parameters.'
  return $return
New-Alias -Name Execute-OMSSearchQuery -Value Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -Scope Global
Export-ModuleMember -Alias Execute-OMSSearchQuery
Export-ModuleMember -Function *