
Function Get-AADToken {
        Get token from Azure AD so you can use the other cmdlets.
        Get token from Azure AD so you can use the other cmdlets.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER TenantADName
        Valid Azure AD Tenant name.
        Valid Azure Tenant ID.
        Example: eeb91fce-4be2-4a30-aad8-39e05fefde0
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Valid user credentials to Azure AD. The Azure AD user must
        have at least user rights in OMS and administrator and
        Contributor rights on the Azure resource group where
        the OMS workspace is located.
        $token = Get-AADToken -TenantADName '' -Credential $creds
        Grabs token from Azure AD by Tenant AD Name
        Example Variables
        $creds = Get-Credetnial
        $token = Get-AADToken -TenantID 'eeb91fce-4be2-4a30-aad8-39e05fefde0' -Credential $creds
        Grabs token from Azure AD by Tenant ID
        Example Variables
        $creds = Get-Credetnial
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Grabs token from Azure AD by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'stasoutlook'
        System.String. Returns token from Azure AD.


                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null

        If ($OMSConnection)
            $Username       = $OMSConnection.Username
            $Password       = $OMSConnection.Password
            If ($OMSConnection.TenantID)
                $TenantID   = $OMSConnection.TenantID
                $TenantADName   = $OMSConnection.TenantADName
            $Username       = $Credential.Username
            $Password       = $Credential.Password
        # Set well-known client ID for Azure PowerShell
        $clientId = '1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2'

        # Set Resource URI to Azure Service Management API
        $resourceAppIdURI = ''

        # Set Authority to Azure AD Tenant
        If ($TenantID)
            $authority = '' + $TenantID
            $authority = '' + $TenantADName

        $AADcredential = New-Object `
                            -TypeName 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserCredential' `
                            -ArgumentList $Username,$Password
        # Create AuthenticationContext tied to Azure AD Tenant
        $authContext = New-Object `
                            -TypeName 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext' `
                            -ArgumentList $authority

        $authResult = $authContext.AcquireToken($resourceAppIdURI,$clientId,$AADcredential)
        $Token = $authResult.CreateAuthorizationHeader()
       $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to aquire Azure AD token.'
       $ErrorMessage += " `n"
       $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
       $ErrorMessage += $_
       Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                   -ErrorAction Stop

    Return $Token
Function Get-OMSWorkspace {
        Get OMS Workspaces from Azure Subscription.
        Get OMS Workspaces from Azure Subscription.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        Get-OMSWorkspace -SubscriptionId $Subscriptionid -Token $Token
        Gets all workspaces under Azure subscription by using Subscription ID
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $SubscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Get-OMSWorkspace -SubscriptionId $Subscriptionid -Token $Token -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Gets all workspaces under Azure subscription by using Subscription ID
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $SubscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Get-OMSWorkspace -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token
        Gets all workspaces under Azure subscription by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Get-OMSWorkspace -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Gets all workspaces under Azure subscription by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        System.Object. Returns array of objects. Each object
        is OMS workspace information.

                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null


        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID

        $URIManagement = ''
        $UriProvider = 'providers/microsoft.operationalinsights'
        $OMSApiAction = 'workspaces'  
        $uri = '{0}/subscriptions/{1}/{2}/{3}?api-version={4}' `
               -f $URIManagement,$SubscriptionID,$UriProvider,$OMSApiAction,$APIVersion
        $headers = @{'Authorization'=$Token;'Accept'='application/json'}
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest `
                        -Method Get `
                        -Uri $uri `
                        -Headers $headers `
                        -UseBasicParsing `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to query OMS API. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    #region Verbose
    $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + ' - Web Request Status code: ' + $result.StatusCode
        Write-Verbose `
             -Message $VerboseMessage 

    if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399)
        if($null -ne $result.Content)
            $json = ConvertFrom-Json `
                        -InputObject $result.Content `
                        -ErrorAction Stop

            if($null -ne $json)
                $return = $json
                if($null -ne $json.value)
                    $return = $json.value
                    $return = $null
                $return = $null
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to get OMS Workspace. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Web request Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $result
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    return $return
Function Get-OMSResourceGroup {
        Get Azure Resource Group where there is OMS
        workspace resource.
        The cmdlet assumes that your OMS resource Groups
        has 'OI-Default-' in its name. This cmdlet is
        scheduled to be depricated.
        Get Azure Resource Group where there is OMS
        workspace resource. The cmdlet assumes that your OMS resource Groups
        has 'OI-Default-' in its name.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
        Token must be aquired with account that has
        access to all resource groups in the Azure
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
        Api version for Azure subscriptions provider.
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $SubscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Get-OMSResourceGroup -SubscriptionId $Subscriptionid -Token $Token
        $SubscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Get-OMSResourceGroup -SubscriptionId $Subscriptionid -Token $Token -APIVersion '2014-04-01'
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Get-OMSResourceGroup -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Get-OMSResourceGroup -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -APIVersion '2014-04-01'
        System.Object. Returns array of objects. Each object
        is OMS resoure group information.

                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null



        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID

        #region Warning
        $WarningMessage = 'This cmdlet returns OMS resource groups that have OI-Default- in its name. This cmdlet is scheduled to be depricated.'
        Write-Warning `
            -Message $WarningMessage
        $URIManagement = ''
        $OMSApiAction = 'resourceGroups'  
        $uri = '{0}/subscriptions/{1}/{2}?api-version={3}' `
               -f $URIManagement,$SubscriptionID,$OMSApiAction,$APIVersion
        $headers = @{'Authorization'=$Token;'Accept'='application/json'}
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest `
                        -Method Get `
                        -Uri $uri `
                        -Headers $headers `
                        -UseBasicParsing `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to query Azure Resource Manager API. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    #region Verbose
    $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + ' - Web Request Status code: ' + $result.StatusCode
        Write-Verbose `
             -Message $VerboseMessage 
    if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399)
        if($null -ne $result.Content)
            $json = ConvertFrom-Json `
                    -InputObject $result.Content `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

            if($null -ne $json)
                $return = $json
                if($null -ne $json.value)
                    $return = $json.value
                    $return = $null
                $return = $null
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to get OMS Resource Group. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Web request Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $result
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    #Filter out all none OMS resource groups
    $arrOMSResourceGroups = @()
    If ($null -ne $return)
        Foreach ($resourceGroup in $return)
            if ($ -imatch '^OI-Default-')
                $arrOMSResourceGroups += $resourceGroup
    #region Verbose
    $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + 'Total OMS resource groups found: ' + $arrOMSResourceGroups.count
    Write-Verbose `
        -Message $VerboseMessage 

    return $arrOMSResourceGroups
Function Get-OMSSavedSearch {
        Gets Saved Searches from OMS workspace
        Gets Saved Searches from OMS workspace
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Azure Resource Group Name where the OMS
        workspace is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSWorkspaceName
        Name of the OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER QueryName
        Specify the full name of OMS Saved Search to get
        only specific query. Array of saved search names
        can be specified as well.
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        $OMSSS=Get-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token
        Gets Saved Searches from OMS
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        Example Output
        $OMSSS=Get-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Gets Saved Searches from OMS.
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        Example Output
        $OMSSS = Get-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token
        Gets Saved Searches from OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Example Output
        $OMSSS = Get-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName'
        Gets specific Saved Search from OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Example Output
        $OMSSS = Get-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName1','SavedQueryName2'
        Gets specific Saved Searches from OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Example Output
        System.Object. Returns array of objects. Each object
        is saved search query. If no saved searches are found
        error is returned.


                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null





        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
            $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
            $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName

        $URIManagement = ''
        $UriProvider = 'providers/microsoft.operationalinsights'
        $OMSApiAction = 'savedSearches'
        $uri = '{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourcegroups/{2}/{3}/workspaces/{4}/{5}?api-version={6}' `
                -f $URIManagement,$SubscriptionID, $ResourceGroupName, $UriProvider, $OMSWorkspaceName,$OMSApiAction, $APIVersion
        $headers = @{'Authorization'=$Token;'Accept'='application/json'}
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest `
                        -Method Get `
                        -Uri $uri `
                        -Headers $headers `
                        -UseBasicParsing `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to query OMS API.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    #region Verbose
    $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + ' - Web Request Status code: ' + $result.StatusCode
        Write-Verbose `
             -Message $VerboseMessage 

    if ($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399)
        if ($null -ne $result.Content)
            $json = ConvertFrom-Json `
                        -InputObject $result.Content `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($null -ne $json)
                $OMSSavedSearches = $json
                $return = $json
                if ($null -ne $json.value)
                    $OMSSavedSearches = $json.value
                    $return = $json.value
                    $ErrorMessage = 'There are no OMS Saved Searches.'
                    $ErrorMessage += " `n"
                    $ErrorMessage += 'Returned results: '
                    $ErrorMessage += $json
                    Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                                -ErrorAction Stop
                $ErrorMessage = 'There are no OMS Saved Searches.'
                $ErrorMessage += " `n"
                $ErrorMessage += 'Returned results: '
                $ErrorMessage += $json
                Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                            -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to get OMS Saved Searches.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Web request Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $result
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

    # If Name parameter specified
    If ($QueryName)
        $match = $false
        $QueriesArray = @()
        foreach ($qName in $QueryName)
            foreach($q in $OMSSavedSearches) 
                if ($ -eq $qName) 
                    $QueriesArray += $q
            if(! $match) 
                $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to find query with Name: ' + $qName
                $ErrorMessage += " `n"
                $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
                $ErrorMessage += $_
                Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                            -ErrorAction Stop            
                return $null
                $return = $QueriesArray
    return $return
Function Remove-OMSSavedSearch {
        Deletes OMS Saved Search.
        Deletes OMS Saved Search. Deleted saved search
        does not immediately dissappears from OMS portal.
        It may take a couple of minutes until it dissappears.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Azure Resource Group Name where the OMS
        workspace is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSWorkspaceName
        Name of the OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER QueryName
        Specify the full name of OMS Saved Search to get
        only specific query.
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        Remove-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName'
        Removes specific Saved Search by name from OMS
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        Remove-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName' -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Removes specific Saved Search by name from OMS
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        Remove-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName'
        Removes specific Saved Search by name from OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Remove-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName' -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Removes specific Saved Search by name from OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        No Output.



                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null




        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
            $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
            $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName
        $savedSearch = Get-OMSSavedSearch `
                        -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID `
                        -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
                        -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspaceName `
                        -QueryName $QueryName `
                        -Token $token `
                        -APIVersion $APIVersion `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to find Saved Search. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Details: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
            $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
            $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName

        $URIManagement = ''
        $UriProvider = 'providers/microsoft.operationalinsights'
        $OMSApiAction = 'savedSearches'
        $SavedSearchID = $savedSearch[0].id.Split('/')[-1]
        $uri = '{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourcegroups/{2}/{3}/workspaces/{4}/{5}/{6}?api-version={7}' `
                -f $URIManagement,$SubscriptionID, $ResourceGroupName, $UriProvider, $OMSWorkspaceName,$OMSApiAction, $SavedSearchID, $APIVersion
        $headers = @{'Authorization'=$Token;'Accept'='application/json'}
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest `
                        -Method Delete `
                        -Uri $uri `
                        -Headers $headers `
                        -UseBasicParsing `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to query OMS API.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    #region Verbose
    $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + ' - Web Request Status code: ' + $result.StatusCode
        Write-Verbose `
             -Message $VerboseMessage 
    Write-Verbose $result

    if ($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399)
        if ($null -ne $result.Content)
            $return = $null
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to deleted OMS Saved Searches.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Web request Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $result
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

    return $return
Function New-OMSSavedSearch {
        Creates new saved search in OMS workspace.
        Creates new saved search in OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Azure Resource Group Name where the OMS
        workspace is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSWorkspaceName
        Name of the OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER Query
        Query to be saved in OMS.
        Example: * EventID=406
    .PARAMETER QueryName
        Query name for the saved search.
    .PARAMETER Category
        Category of the saved search.
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        New-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Query $Query -QueryName 'Restarted Servers' -Category 'Windows Server' -Token $Token -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Creates new saved search query
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        New-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Query $Query -QueryName 'Restarted Servers' -Category 'Windows Server' -Token $Token
        Creates new saved search query by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        No Output.



                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null








        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
            $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
            $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName

        $URIManagement = ''
        $UriProvider = 'providers/microsoft.operationalinsights'
        $OMSApiAction = 'savedSearches'
        $SavedSearchID = $Category + '|' + $QueryName
        $uri = '{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourcegroups/{2}/{3}/workspaces/{4}/{5}/{6}?api-version={7}' `
                -f $URIManagement,$SubscriptionID, $ResourceGroupName, $UriProvider, $OMSWorkspaceName,$OMSApiAction,$SavedSearchID, $APIVersion
        $headers = @{'Authorization'=$Token;'Accept'='application/json'}

        $QueryVersion = 1
        $QProperties = `
             [pscustomobject]@{'Category'    = $Category ;
                               'DisplayName' = $QueryName;
                               'Query'       = $Query;
                               'Version'     = $QueryVersion;

        $QDate = (get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH mm ss.fffffffZ').Replace(' ','%3A')
        $etag = "W/`"datetime`'" + $QDate + "`'`""
        $QObj = `
              [pscustomobject]@{'etag'        = $etag;
                                'properties'  = $QProperties}
        $body = $QObj | Convertto-Json `
                            -ErrorAction Stop

        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Query: $QueryName")) 
            $result = Invoke-WebRequest `
                            -Method Put `
                            -Uri $uri `
                            -Headers $headers `
                            -Body $body `
                            -UseBasicParsing `
                            -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to query OMS API.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    #region Verbose
    $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + ' - Web Request Status code: ' + $result.StatusCode
        Write-Verbose `
             -Message $VerboseMessage 

    if ($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399)
        if ($null -ne $result.Content)
            $json = ConvertFrom-Json `
                        -InputObject $result.Content `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($null -ne $json)
                $return = $json
                if ($null -ne $json.value)
                    $return = $json.value
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to save OMS search query.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Web request Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $result
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

Function Invoke-OMSSavedSearch {
        Return the results from a named saved search.
        Gets results from Saved Search.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Azure Resource Group Name where the OMS
        workspace is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSWorkspaceName
        Name of the OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER QueryName
        Specify the full name of OMS Saved Search to get
        only specific query.
        Maximum number of restults to be returned
        from the query. If not specified 10 results
        will be returned.
        Example: 200
    .PARAMETER Start
        Date/Time string in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ
        Start and End paramteres specify the interval for
        which the query should return results.
        Example: 2016-01-17T08:33:55.864Z
        Date/Time string in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ
        Start and End paramteres specify the interval for
        which the query should return results.
        Example: 2016-01-17T14:34:16.953Z
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        Invoke-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName'
        Executes Saved Search against OMS
        Returns results from the saved search
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName' -Top $NumberOfResults -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
        Executes Saved Search against OMS
        Specify End and Start date as well as maximum number of returned reuslts
        Returns results from the saved search
        Example Variables
        # Gets Saved Searches from OMS. Returns results.
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        $NumberOfResults = 150
        $StartTime = (((get-date)).AddHours(-6).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        $EndTime = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        Invoke-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName' -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Executes Saved Search against OMS
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Returns results from the saved search
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        Invoke-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName'
        Executes Saved Search against OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Returns results from the saved search
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        Invoke-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName'
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName' -Top $NumberOfResults -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
        Executes Saved Search against OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Specify End and Start date as well as maximum number of returned reuslts
        Returns results from the saved search
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $NumberOfResults = 150
        $StartTime = (((get-date)).AddHours(-6).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        $EndTime = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        Invoke-OMSSavedSearch -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Token $Token -QueryName 'SavedQueryName' -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Executes Saved Search against OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Returns results from the saved search
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        System.Object. Returns array of objects. Each object
        is result from the query executed. Properties of each
        object depend on the type of data returned.
        For example result from Perf Type can look like this:
        Key Value
        --- -----
        Computer CENTOS7
        ObjectName Processor
        CounterName % Processor Time
        InstanceName _Total
        Min 0,0
        Max 1,0
        SampleCount 45
        TimeGenerated 2016-01-11T21:13:52Z
        BucketStartTime 2016-01-11T21:05:39Z
        BucketEndTime 2016-01-11T21:13:52Z
        SourceSystem OpsManager
        CounterPath \\CENTOS7\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
        StandardDeviation 0,339934634239519
        MG 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
        id 8530a411-23bd-e980-04ae-b5dc6fffa365
        Type Perf
        CounterValue 0,866666666666667
        __metadata {[Type, Perf], [TimeGenerated, 2016-01-11T21:13:52Z]}



                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null







        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
            $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
            $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName
        $savedSearch = Get-OMSSavedSearch `
                        -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID `
                        -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
                        -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspaceName `
                        -QueryName $QueryName `
                        -Token $token `
                        -APIVersion $APIVersion `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to find Saved Search. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Details: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    If ($savedSearch[0].properties.Query.Count -eq 1)
        $OMSParams = @{            
        SubscriptionID = $SubscriptionID
        ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
        OMSWorkspaceName = $OMSWorkspaceName 
        Token = $token 
        Query =  $savedSearch[0].properties.Query
        APIVersion = $APIVersion       
            $OMSParams.add('Top', $top)         
            $OMSParams.add('Start', $start)         
            $OMSParams.add('End', $End)         
        $results =  Invoke-OMSSearchQuery @OMSParams
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to find Saved Search. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Details: '
        $ErrorMessage += $savedSearch
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

    return $results
Function Invoke-OMSSearchQuery {
        Executes Search Query against OMS
        Executes Search Query against OMS
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Azure Resource Group Name where the OMS
        workspace is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSWorkspaceName
        Name of the OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER Query
        Query to be executed against OMS API.
        Example: * EventID=406
        Maximum number of restults to be returned
        from the query. If not specified 10 results
        will be returned.
        Example: 200
    .PARAMETER Start
        Date/Time string in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ
        Start and End paramteres specify the interval for
        which the query should return results.
        Example: 2016-01-17T08:33:55.864Z
        Date/Time string in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ
        Start and End paramteres specify the interval for
        which the query should return results.
        Example: 2016-01-17T14:34:16.953Z
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Query $Query -Token $Token -Top $NumberOfResults -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Executes query against OMS
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Specify End and Start date as well as maximum number of returned reuslts
        Returns results from the query
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        $NumberOfResults = 150
        $StartTime = (((get-date)).AddHours(-6).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        $EndTime = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Query $Query -Token $Token
        Executes query against OMS
        Returns results from the query
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -Query $Query -Token $Token -Top $NumberOfResults -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
        Executes query against OMS
        Specify End and Start date as well as maximum number of returned reuslts
        Returns results from the query
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        $NumberOfResults = 150
        $StartTime = (((get-date)).AddHours(-6).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        $EndTime = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Query $Query -Token $Token -Top $NumberOfResults -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Executes query against OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Specify End and Start date as well as maximum number of returned reuslts
        Returns results from the query
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        $NumberOfResults = 150
        $StartTime = (((get-date)).AddHours(-6).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        $EndTime = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Query $Query -Token $Token
        Executes query against OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Returns results from the query
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -OMSConnection $OMSCon -Query $Query -Token $Token -Top $NumberOfResults -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
        Executes query against OMS by using information from asset of type connection in OMS Automation
        Specify End and Start date as well as maximum number of returned reuslts
        Returns results from the query
        Example Variables
        $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
        $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
        $Query = "shutdown Type=Event EventLog=System Source=User32 EventID=1074 | Select TimeGenerated,Computer"
        $NumberOfResults = 150
        $StartTime = (((get-date)).AddHours(-6).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        $EndTime = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")
        System.Object. Returns array of objects. Each object
        is result from the query executed. Properties of each
        object depend on the type of data returned.
        For example result from Perf Type can look like this:
        Key Value
        --- -----
        Computer CENTOS7
        ObjectName Processor
        CounterName % Processor Time
        InstanceName _Total
        Min 0,0
        Max 1,0
        SampleCount 45
        TimeGenerated 2016-01-11T21:13:52Z
        BucketStartTime 2016-01-11T21:05:39Z
        BucketEndTime 2016-01-11T21:13:52Z
        SourceSystem OpsManager
        CounterPath \\CENTOS7\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
        StandardDeviation 0,339934634239519
        MG 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
        id 8530a411-23bd-e980-04ae-b5dc6fffa365
        Type Perf
        CounterValue 0,866666666666667
        __metadata {[Type, Perf], [TimeGenerated, 2016-01-11T21:13:52Z]}



                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null







        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
            $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
            $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName

        $URIManagement = ''
        $UriProvider = 'providers/microsoft.operationalinsights'
        $OMSApiAction = 'search'
        $uri = '{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourcegroups/{2}/{3}/workspaces/{4}/{5}?api-version={6}' `
               -f $URIManagement,$SubscriptionID, $ResourceGroupName, $UriProvider, $OMSWorkspaceName,$OMSApiAction, $APIVersion
        $QueryArray = @{Query=$Query}
        if ($Start -and $End) 
            $QueryArray+= @{Start=$Start}
            $QueryArray+= @{End=$End}
        if ($Top) 
            $QueryArray+= @{Top=$Top}

        $enc = New-Object 'System.Text.ASCIIEncoding'
        $body = ConvertTo-Json `
                    -InputObject $QueryArray `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

        $byteArray = $enc.GetBytes($body)
        $contentLength = $byteArray.Length
        $headers = @{'Authorization'=$Token;'Accept'='application/json'}
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest `
                        -Method Post `
                        -Uri $uri `
                        -Headers $headers `
                        -Body $body `
                        -UseBasicParsing `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to query OMS API. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    #region Verbose
    $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + ' - Web Request Status code: ' + $result.StatusCode
        Write-Verbose `
             -Message $VerboseMessage 

    if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399)
        if($null -ne $result.Content)
            $jsonserial= New-Object `
                            -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer `
                            -ErrorAction Stop
            $jsonserial.MaxJsonLength  =  [int]::MaxValue
            $json = $jsonserial.DeserializeObject($result.Content)
            if($null -ne $json)
                $return = $json
                if($null -ne $json.value)
                    $return = $json.value
                    $return = $null
                #region Verbose
                $VerboseMessage = (Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString() + ' - Number of records returned from search: ' + $return.count
                    Write-Verbose `
                         -Message $VerboseMessage 
                $return = $null
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to execute query. Check parameters.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Web request Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $result
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    return $return
Function Export-OMSSavedSearch {
        Exports saved searches from OMS workspace to
        file in json format.
        Exports saved searches from OMS workspace to
        file in json format.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Azure Resource Group Name where the OMS
        workspace is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSWorkspaceName
        Name of the OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER FileName
        The name of the file to which the saved
        searches will be exported.
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        The location to the folder where the
        exported saved search will saved.
    .PARAMETER QueryName
        Query name/names of the saved searches
        to be exported.
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        Export-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -QueryName 'Restarted Servers','All_alerts' -FileName MySavedSearches -OutputPath 'D:\OMS\' -Token $Token -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Exports two saved searches into file MySavedSearches.json located in D:\OMS\
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $Token = Get-AADToken -Credential (Get-Credential) -TenantID 'eeb91fce-4be2-4a30-aad8-39e05fefde0'
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        Export-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -FileName MySavedSearches -OutputPath 'D:\OMS\' -Token $Token
        Exports all saved searches from OMS workspace
        Saved searches are exported to file MySavedSearches.json in folder D:\OMS\
        Example Variables
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        $Token = Get-AADToken -Credential (Get-Credential) -TenantID 'eeb91fce-4be2-4a30-aad8-39e05fefde0'
        System.Object. Returns object with the location
        of the file where the exported saved searches are



                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null




        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})]



        If ($OMSConnection)
            $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
            $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
            $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName

        $OMSSavedSearcParams = @{}
        $OMSSavedSearcParams.Add('Token', $Token)
        $OMSSavedSearcParams.Add('SubscriptionID', $SubscriptionID)
        $OMSSavedSearcParams.Add('ResourceGroupName', $ResourceGroupName)
        $OMSSavedSearcParams.Add('OMSWorkspaceName', $OMSWorkspaceName)
        $OMSSavedSearcParams.Add('APIVersion', $APIVersion)
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($QueryName) -eq $false)
            $OMSSavedSearcParams.Add('QueryName', $QueryName)
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to construct parameters for Get-OMSSavedSearch.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

    $SavedSearchObj = Get-OMSSavedSearch  `
                    @OMSSavedSearcParams `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
        $savedSearchArray = @()
        foreach ($SavedSearch in $SavedSearchObj)
            $SavedSearchCustObj = `
               [pscustomobject]@{'QueryName' = $;
                                 'Category' = $;
                                 'Query'    = $ }
            $savedSearchArray += $SavedSearchCustObj
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to create custom object.'
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
        $OutputPath = $OutputPath.TrimEnd('\') 
        $FilePath =  $OutputPath +  '\' + $FileName + '.json'
        $savedSearchArray | ConvertTo-Json `
                                -Depth 3 `
                                -ErrorAction Stop  | `
                            Out-File `
                                -FilePath $FilePath `
                                -Encoding utf8 `
                                -Force `
                                -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        $OutputResult = `
               [pscustomobject]@{'File' = $FilePath}

        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to convert and save file: ' + $FilePath
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    return $OutputResult
Function Import-OMSSavedSearch {
        Imports saved searches to OMS workspace
        from json file.
        Imports saved searches to OMS workspace
        from json file.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Azure Subscription ID where the OMS workspace
        is located.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Azure Resource Group Name where the OMS
        workspace is located.
    .PARAMETER OMSWorkspaceName
        Name of the OMS workspace.
    .PARAMETER OMSConnection
        Object that contains all needed parameters for working
        with OMSSearch Module. You can create such object in
        OMS Automation as connection asset.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Full location to the json file that holds
        saved searches.
        Api version for microsoft.operationalinsights
        Azure Resource provider.
        Import-OMSSavedSearch -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspace -FilePath 'D:\OMS\MySavedSearches.json' -Token $Token -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
        Imports saved searches to OMS workspace from json file
        Uses specific version of Operational Insights API
        Example Variables
        $Token = Get-AADToken -Credential (Get-Credential) -TenantID 'eeb91fce-4be2-4a30-aad8-39e05fefde0'
        $subscriptionId = "3c1d68a5-4064-4522-94e4-e0378165555e"
        $ResourceGroupName = "oi-default-east-us"
        $OMSWorkspace = "Test"
        System.String. Outputs information for every successfully
        imported saved search.



                [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null



        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]



    If ($OMSConnection)
        $SubscriptionID    = $OMSConnection.SubscriptionID
        $ResourceGroupName = $OMSConnection.ResourceGroupName
        $OMSWorkspaceName  = $OMSConnection.WorkSpaceName
        $SavedSearchObj = Get-Content `
                        -Path $FilePath `
                        -Force `
                        -ErrorAction Stop `
                        -Encoding UTF8 | `
                      ConvertFrom-Json `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to read and convert from json file: ' + $FilePath
        $ErrorMessage += " `n"
        $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
        $ErrorMessage += $_
        Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
    foreach ($SavedSearch in $SavedSearchObj)
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SavedSearch.QueryName) -eq $false)
            $QueryName = $SavedSearch.QueryName
            $ErrorMessage = 'Property QueryName is empty or does not exist.'
            Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SavedSearch.Category) -eq $false)
            $Category = $SavedSearch.Category
            $ErrorMessage = 'Property Category is empty or does not exist.'
            Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SavedSearch.Query) -eq $false)
            $Query = $SavedSearch.Query
            $ErrorMessage = 'Property Query is empty or does not exist.'
            Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
        New-OMSSavedSearch `
            -Token $Token `
            -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID `
            -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
            -OMSWorkspaceName $OMSWorkspaceName `
            -QueryName $QueryName `
            -Category $Category `
            -Query $Query `
            -APIVersion $APIVersion `
            -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        $OutputMessage = 'Successfully imported query: ' + $QueryName
        Write-Output -InputObject $OutputMessage

#Load Load Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) Assemblies
If (!([AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |Where-Object { $_.FullName -eq 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'}))
    Write-verbose 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory...'
    Try {
        $ADALDllFilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll'
        Add-Type -path $ADALDllFilePath
    } Catch {
        Throw "Unable to load $ADALDllFilePath. Please verify if the DLLs exist in this location!"
New-Alias -Name Execute-OMSSearchQuery -Value Invoke-OMSSearchQuery -Scope Global
#backward compatibility
New-Alias -Name Get-OMSSavedSearches -Value Get-OMSSavedSearch -Scope Global
Export-ModuleMember -Alias Execute-OMSSearchQuery
Export-ModuleMember -Function *
#region Deprecated Get-ARMAzureSubscription
#Function Get-ARMAzureSubscription {
# Get Azure Subscriptions for current identity.
# Get Azure Subscriptions for current identity.
# Token aquired from Get-AADToken cmdlet.
# Api version for Azure subscriptions provider.
# $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
# $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
# $subscriptions = Get-AzureSubscription -Token $Token
# $OMSCon = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'OMSCon'
# $Token = Get-AADToken -OMSConnection $OMSCon
# $subscriptions = Get-AzureSubscription -Token $Token -APIVersion '2015-03-20'
# System.Object. Returns array of objects. Each object
# is Azure subscription information.
# [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DefaultParameterSet',Position=0,Mandatory=$true)]
# [String]$Token,
# [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DefaultParameterSet',Position=1,Mandatory=$false)]
# [String]$APIVersion='2015-03-20'
# )
# #'2015-01-01'
# Try
# {
# $URI = '{0}' -f $APIVersion
# $headers = @{'Authorization'=$Token;'Accept'='application/json'}
# $headers.Add('Content-Type','application/json')
# $result = Invoke-WebRequest `
# -Method Get `
# -Uri $uri `
# -Headers $headers `
# -UseBasicParsing `
# -ErrorAction Stop
# }
# Catch
# {
# $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to query Azure Resource Manager API. Check parameters.'
# $ErrorMessage += " `n"
# $ErrorMessage += 'Error: '
# $ErrorMessage += $_
# Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
# -ErrorAction Stop
# }
# $json=$null
# if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399)
# {
# if($null -ne $result.Content)
# {
# $json = ConvertFrom-Json `
# -InputObject $result.Content `
# -ErrorAction Stop
# }
# }
# Else
# {
# $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to get Azure Subscription. Check parameters.'
# $ErrorMessage += " `n"
# $ErrorMessage += 'Web request Error: '
# $ErrorMessage += $result
# Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage `
# -ErrorAction Stop
# }
# return $json