
158 Checks to determine if ATP is enabled for SharePoint, Teams, and OD4B as per 'tickbox' in the ATP configuration.

using module "..\ORCA.psm1"

class ORCA158 : ORCACheck
        CONSTRUCTOR with Check Header Data

        $this.Area="Advanced Threat Protection Policies"
        $this.Name="Safe Attachments SharePoint and Teams"
        $this.PassText="Safe Attachments is enabled for SharePoint and Teams"
        $this.FailRecommendation="Enable Safe Attachments for SharePoint and Teams"
        $this.Importance="Safe Attachments assists scanning for zero day malware by using behavioural analysis and sandboxing, supplimenting signature definitions."
        $this.CheckType = [CheckType]::ObjectPropertyValue



        # Determine if ATP is enabled or not
        If($Config["AtpPolicy"].EnableATPForSPOTeamsODB -eq $true) 
            $this.Results += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                Object="Global Policy"
            $this.Results += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                Object="Global Policy"

