
using module "..\ORCA.psm1"

class ORCA180 : ORCACheck
        CONSTRUCTOR with Check Header Data

        $this.Area="Advanced Threat Protection Policies"
        $this.Name="Anti-spoofing protection"
        $this.PassText="Anti-phishing policy exists and EnableAntiSpoofEnforcement is true"
        $this.FailRecommendation="Enable anti-spoofing protection in Anti-phishing policy"
        $this.Importance="When the sender email address is spoofed, the message appears to originate from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Anti-spoofing protection examines forgery of the 'From: header' which is the one that shows up in an email client like Outlook. It is recommended to enable anti-spoofing protection in Office 365 Anti-phishing policies."
        $this.ObjectType="Antiphishing Policy"
        $this.DataType="Current Value"
        $this.Links= @{
            "Anti-spoofing protection in Office 365"=""
            "Recommended settings for EOP and Office 365 ATP security"=""


        ForEach($Policy in $Config["AntiPhishPolicy"]) 
            # Fail if Enabled or EnableAntiSpoofEnforcement is not set to true in any policy
            If(($Policy.Enabled -eq $true -and $Policy.EnableAntiSpoofEnforcement -eq $true) -or ($Policy.Identity -eq "Office365 AntiPhish Default" -and $Policy.EnableAntiSpoofEnforcement -eq $true))
                $this.Results += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                    Rule="Anti-spoof protection is enabled"
        If($this.Results.Count -eq 0)
            $this.Results += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                Rule="Anti-spoof protection is not enabled"

