
Creates a JSON Task for use with New-OSBuild

Creates a JSON Task for use with New-OSBuild


Name of the Task to create

Custom Name of the OSBuild

.PARAMETER DisableWindowsOptionalFeature
Disables an Enabled Windows Optional Feature

Enables NetFX3 in the OSBuild

.PARAMETER EnableWindowsOptionalFeature
Enables a Disabled Windows Optional Feature

.PARAMETER RemoveAppxProvisionedPackage
Displays a GridView to select Appx Provisioned Packages to Remove

.PARAMETER RemoveWindowsPackage
Displays a GridView to select Windows Packages to Remove

.PARAMETER RemoveWindowsCapability
Displays a GridView to select Windows Capabilities to Remove

function New-OSBuildTask {
    PARAM (

    BEGIN {
        #Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        #Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) BEGIN" -ForegroundColor Green

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Initialize OSBuilder'
        Get-OSBuilder -CreatePaths -HideDetails
        Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) PROCESS" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Information'
        $TaskName = "OSBuild $TaskName"
        $TaskPath = "$OSBuilderTasks\$TaskName.json"
        Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host "New-OSBuild Task Information" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "-Task Name: $TaskName"
        Write-Host "-Task Path: $TaskPath"
        Write-Host "-Build Name: $BuildName"
        Write-Host "-DotNet 3.5: $EnableNetFX3"
        Write-Host "-SetAllIntl: $SetAllIntl"
        Write-Host "-SetInputLocale: $SetInputLocale"
        Write-Host "-SetSKUIntlDefaults: $SetSKUIntlDefaults"
        Write-Host "-SetSetupUILang: $SetSetupUILang"
        Write-Host "-SetSysLocale: $SetSysLocale"
        Write-Host "-SetUILang: $SetUILang"
        Write-Host "-SetUILangFallback: $SetUILangFallback"
        Write-Host "-SetUserLocale: $SetUserLocale"

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Validate Task'
        if (Test-Path $TaskPath) {
            Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
            Write-Warning "Task already exists at $TaskPath"
            Write-Warning "Content will be overwritten!"

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Get-OSMedia'
        $OSMedia = @()
        $OSMedia = Get-OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.MajorVersion -eq 10}

        if ($TaskName -like "*x64*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*x64*"}}
        if ($TaskName -like "*x86*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*x86*"}}
        if ($TaskName -like "*1511*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*1511*"}}
        if ($TaskName -like "*1607*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*1607*"}}
        if ($TaskName -like "*1703*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*1703*"}}
        if ($TaskName -like "*1709*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*1709*"}}
        if ($TaskName -like "*1803*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*1803*"}}
        if ($TaskName -like "*1809*") {$OSMedia = $OSMedia | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*1809*"}}

        $OSMedia = $OSMedia | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Select a Source OSMedia to use for this Task (Cancel to Exit)"
        if($null -eq $OSMedia) {
            Write-Warning "Source OSMedia was not selected . . . Exiting!"

        # OSBuildTask / PEBuildTask
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Set Proper Paths'
        $OSSourcePath = $($OSMedia.FullName)
        $OSImagePath = "$OSSourcePath\OS\sources\install.wim"

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Get Windows Image Information'
        $OSImageIndex = 1
        $WindowsImage = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath "$OSImagePath" -Index $OSImageIndex | Select-Object -Property *

        $OSImageName = $($WindowsImage.ImageName)
        <# $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Windows 7", "Win7"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Windows 10", "Win10"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Enterprise", "Ent"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Education", "Edu"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Virtual Desktops", "VD"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace " for ", " "
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Workstations", "Wks"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Windows Server 2016", "Svr2016"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Windows Server 2019", "Svr2019"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "ServerStandardACore", "Std Core"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "ServerDatacenterACore", "DC Core"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "ServerStandardCore", "Std Core"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "ServerDatacenterCore", "DC Core"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "ServerStandard", "Std"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "ServerDatacenter", "DC"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Standard", "Std"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace "Datacenter", "DC"
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace 'Desktop Experience', 'DTE'
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace '\(', ''
        $OSImageName = $OSImageName -replace '\)', '' #>

        $OSImageDescription = $($WindowsImage.ImageDescription)

        $OSArchitecture = $($WindowsImage.Architecture)
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq '0') {$OSArchitecture = 'x86'}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq '6') {$OSArchitecture = 'ia64'}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq '9') {$OSArchitecture = 'x64'}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq '12') {$OSArchitecture = 'x64 ARM'}

        $OSEditionID =          $($WindowsImage.EditionId)
        $OSInstallationType =   $($WindowsImage.InstallationType)
        $OSLanguages =          $($WindowsImage.Languages)
        $OSMajorVersion =       $($WindowsImage.MajorVersion)
        $OSBuild =              $($WindowsImage.Build)
        $OSVersion =            $($WindowsImage.Version)
        $OSSPBuild =            $($WindowsImage.SPBuild)
        $OSSPLevel =            $($WindowsImage.SPLevel)
        $OSImageBootable =      $($WindowsImage.ImageBootable)
        $OSWIMBoot =            $($WindowsImage.WIMBoot)
        $OSCreatedTime =        $($WindowsImage.CreatedTime)
        $OSModifiedTime =       $($WindowsImage.ModifiedTime)

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Source OSMedia Windows Image Information'
        Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host "Source OSMedia Windows Image Information" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "-Source Path: $OSSourcePath"
        Write-Host "-Image File: $OSImagePath"
        Write-Host "-Image Index: $OSImageIndex"
        Write-Host "-Name: $OSImageName"
        Write-Host "-Description: $OSImageDescription"
        Write-Host "-Architecture: $OSArchitecture"
        Write-Host "-Edition: $OSEditionID"
        Write-Host "-Type: $OSInstallationType"
        Write-Host "-Languages: $OSLanguages"
        Write-Host "-Major Version: $OSMajorVersion"
        Write-Host "-Build: $OSBuild"
        Write-Host "-Version: $OSVersion"
        Write-Host "-SPBuild: $OSSPBuild"
        Write-Host "-SPLevel: $OSSPLevel"
        Write-Host "-Bootable: $OSImageBootable"
        Write-Host "-WimBoot: $OSWIMBoot"
        Write-Host "-Created Time: $OSCreatedTime"
        Write-Host "-Modified Time: $OSModifiedTime"
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Validate Registry CurrentVersion.xml'
        if (Test-Path "$OSSourcePath\info\xml\CurrentVersion.xml") {
            $RegCurrentVersion = Import-Clixml -Path "$OSSourcePath\info\xml\CurrentVersion.xml"
            $OSVersionNumber = $($RegCurrentVersion.ReleaseId)
            if ($OSVersionNumber -gt 1809) {
                Write-Warning "OSBuilder does not currently support this version of Windows ... Check for an updated version"

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Set OSVersionNumber'
        if ($null -eq $OSVersionNumber) {
            if ($OSBuild -eq 7601) {$OSVersionNumber = 7601}
            if ($OSBuild -eq 10240) {$OSVersionNumber = 1507}
            if ($OSBuild -eq 14393) {$OSVersionNumber = 1607}
            if ($OSBuild -eq 15063) {$OSVersionNumber = 1703}
            if ($OSBuild -eq 16299) {$OSVersionNumber = 1709}
            if ($OSBuild -eq 17134) {$OSVersionNumber = 1803}
            if ($OSBuild -eq 17763) {$OSVersionNumber = 1809}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage'
        if ($RemoveAppxProvisionedPackage.IsPresent) {
            if ($OSImageName -notlike "*server*") {
                $GetAppxProvisionedPackage = @()
                $GetAppxProvisionedPackage = Get-Content -Path "$OSSourcePath\info\json\Get-AppxProvisionedPackage.json"
                $GetAppxProvisionedPackage = $GetAppxProvisionedPackage | ConvertFrom-Json
                $GetAppxProvisionedPackage = $GetAppxProvisionedPackage | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, PackageName
                $GetAppxProvisionedPackage = $GetAppxProvisionedPackage | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage: Select Packages to REMOVE and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
                if ($null -eq $GetAppxProvisionedPackage) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage: Skipping"}
            } else {Write-Warning "Install.wim Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage: Unsupported"}
        } else {Write-Warning "Install.wim Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage: Disabled"}

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Remove-WindowsPackage'
        if ($RemoveWindowsPackage.IsPresent) {
            $GetWindowsPackage = @()
            $GetWindowsPackage = Get-Content -Path "$OSSourcePath\info\json\Get-WindowsPackage.json"
            $GetWindowsPackage = $GetWindowsPackage | ConvertFrom-Json
            $GetWindowsPackage = $GetWindowsPackage | Select-Object -Property PackageName
            $GetWindowsPackage = $GetWindowsPackage | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Remove-WindowsPackage: Select Packages to REMOVE and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $GetWindowsPackage) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Remove-WindowsPackage: Skipping"}
        } else {Write-Warning "Install.wim Remove-WindowsPackage: Disabled"}

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Remove-WindowsCapability'
        if ($RemoveWindowsCapability.IsPresent) {
            $GetWindowsCapability = @()
            $GetWindowsCapability = Get-Content -Path "$OSSourcePath\info\json\Get-WindowsCapability.json"
            $GetWindowsCapability = $GetWindowsCapability | ConvertFrom-Json
            $GetWindowsCapability = $GetWindowsCapability | Select-Object -Property Name, State
            $GetWindowsCapability = $GetWindowsCapability | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Remove-WindowsCapability: Select Windows InBox Capability to REMOVE and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $GetWindowsCapability) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Remove-WindowsCapability: Skipping"}
        } else {Write-Warning "Install.wim Remove-WindowsCapability: Disabled"}

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim WindowsOptionalFeature'
        $GetWindowsOptionalFeature = @()
        $GetWindowsOptionalFeature = Get-Content -Path "$OSSourcePath\info\json\Get-WindowsOptionalFeature.json"
        $GetWindowsOptionalFeature = $GetWindowsOptionalFeature | ConvertFrom-Json

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature'
        if ($DisableWindowsOptionalFeature.IsPresent) {
            $DisableWinOptionalFeature = @()
            $DisableWinOptionalFeature = $GetWindowsOptionalFeature | Select-Object -Property FeatureName, State | Sort-Object -Property FeatureName | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 2}
            $DisableWinOptionalFeature = $DisableWinOptionalFeature | Select-Object -Property FeatureName
            $DisableWinOptionalFeature = $DisableWinOptionalFeature | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Install.wim Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature: Select Windows Optional Features to DISABLE and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)"
            if ($null -eq $DisableWinOptionalFeature) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature: Skipping"}
        } else {Write-Warning "Install.wim Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature: Disabled"}

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature'
        if ($EnableWindowsOptionalFeature.IsPresent) {
            $EnableWinOptionalFeature = @()
            $EnableWinOptionalFeature = $GetWindowsOptionalFeature | Select-Object -Property FeatureName, State | Sort-Object -Property FeatureName | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 0}
            $EnableWinOptionalFeature = $EnableWinOptionalFeature | Select-Object -Property FeatureName
            $EnableWinOptionalFeature = $EnableWinOptionalFeature | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Install.wim Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature: Select Windows Optional Features to ENABLE and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)"
            if ($null -eq $EnableWinOptionalFeature) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature: Skipping"}
        } else {Write-Warning "Install.wim Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature: Disabled"}

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim IsoExtract Content'
        $IsoExtractContent = @()
        $IsoExtractContent = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\IsoExtract" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($IsoExtractPackage in $IsoExtractContent) {$IsoExtractPackage.FullName = $($IsoExtractPackage.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim IsoExtract Features On Demand'
        $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand =@()
        $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractContent
        foreach ($Pack in $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "*Windows Preinstallation Environment*"}
        $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*"}
        $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*Language-Pack*"}
        $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*Language-Interface-Pack*"}
        $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*LanguageFeatures*"}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x64') {$IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*x86*"}}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x64') {$IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "*W32*"}}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x86') {$IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*x64*"}}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x86') {$IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*amd64*"}}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x86') {$IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "*64Bit*"}}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Updates Features on Demand'
        $UpdatesFeaturesOnDemand = @()
        $UpdatesFeaturesOnDemand = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Updates\FeatureOnDemand" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $UpdatesFeaturesOnDemand = $UpdatesFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$UpdatesFeaturesOnDemand = $UpdatesFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Features On Demand'
        $SelectedFeaturesOnDemand = @()
        $SelectedFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractFeaturesOnDemand + $UpdatesFeaturesOnDemand
        if ($null -eq $SelectedFeaturesOnDemand) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Features On Demand: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedFeaturesOnDemand = $SelectedFeaturesOnDemand | Sort-Object -Property FullName | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Features On Demand: Select Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedFeaturesOnDemand) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Features On Demand: Skipping"}

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim IsoExtract Language Packs'
        $IsoExtractLanguagePacks = @()
        $IsoExtractLanguagePacks = $IsoExtractContent | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '' -or $_.Name -like "*Language-Pack*"}
        $IsoExtractLanguagePacks = $IsoExtractLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "*Windows Preinstallation Environment*"}
        $IsoExtractLanguagePacks = $IsoExtractLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*arm64*"}
        $IsoExtractLanguagePacks = $IsoExtractLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*Server*"}
        $IsoExtractLanguagePacks = $IsoExtractLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*\$OSArchitecture\*"}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$IsoExtractLanguagePacks = $IsoExtractLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Updates Language Packs'
        $UpdatesLanguagePacks = @()
        $UpdatesLanguagePacks = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Updates\LanguagePack" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $UpdatesLanguagePacks = $UpdatesLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$UpdatesLanguagePacks = $UpdatesLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Legacy Language Packs'
        $LegacyLanguagePacks = @()
        if (Test-Path "$OSBuilderContent\LanguagePacks") {
            $LegacyLanguagePacks = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\LanguagePacks" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
            $LegacyLanguagePacks = $LegacyLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
            if ($OSVersionNumber) {$LegacyLanguagePacks = $LegacyLanguagePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Language Packs'
        $SelectedLanguagePacks = @()
        $SelectedLanguagePacks = $IsoExtractLanguagePacks + $UpdatesLanguagePacks + $LegacyLanguagePacks
        foreach ($Package in $SelectedLanguagePacks) {$Package.FullName = $($Package.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedLanguagePacks) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Language Packs: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedLanguagePacks = $SelectedLanguagePacks | Sort-Object -Property FullName | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Language Packs: Select Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedLanguagePacks) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Language Packs: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim IsoExtract Language Interface Packs'
        $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks = @()
        $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks = $IsoExtractContent | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*Language-Interface-Pack*"}
        $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks = $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*arm64*"}
        $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks = $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks = $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Updates Language Interface Packs'
        $UpdatesLanguageInterfacePacks = @()
        $UpdatesLanguageInterfacePacks = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Updates\LanguageInterfacePack" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $UpdatesLanguageInterfacePacks = $UpdatesLanguageInterfacePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$UpdatesLanguageInterfacePacks = $UpdatesLanguageInterfacePacks | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Select Language Interface Packs'
        $SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks = @()
        $SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks = $IsoExtractLanguageInterfacePacks + $UpdatesLanguageInterfacePacks
        foreach ($Package in $SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks) {$Package.FullName = $($Package.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Language Interface Packs: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks = $SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks | Sort-Object -Property FullName | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Language Interface Packs: Select Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if($null -eq $SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Language Interface Packs: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim IsoExtract Language Features On Demand'
        $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = @()
        $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractContent | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*LanguageFeatures*"}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x86') {$IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*x86*"}}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x64') {$IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*x64*" -or $_.Name -like "*amd64*"}}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
    <# if($null -eq $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand) {Write-Warning "IsoExtract Language Interface Packs: No compatible Packages were found in $OSBuilderContent\IsoExtract"}
        else {
            $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Out-GridView -Title "IsoExtract Language Features On Demand: Select Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if($null -eq $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand) {Write-Warning "IsoExtract Language Features On Demand: Skipping"}
        } #>

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Updates Language Features On Demand'
        $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = @()
        $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Updates\LanguageFeature" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x86') {$UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*x86*"}}
        if ($OSArchitecture -eq 'x64') {$UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*x64*" -or $_.FullName -like "*amd64*"}}
        if ($OSVersionNumber) {$UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}}
    <# $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne ''}
        $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*LanguageFeatures*"} #>

        #$SelectedLanguageFeatures = $SelectedLanguageFeatures | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Select Language Features On Demand'
        $SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand  = @()
        $SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $IsoExtractLanguageFeaturesOnDemand + $UpdatesLanguageFeaturesOnDemand
        foreach ($Package in $SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand) {$Package.FullName = $($Package.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Language Features On Demand: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand = $SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand | Sort-Object -Property FullName | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Language Features On Demand: Select Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if($null -eq $SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Language Features On Demand: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim PowerShell Scripts'
        $SelectedScripts =@()
        $SelectedScripts = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Scripts" *.ps1 | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedScripts) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedScripts) {Write-Warning "Install.wim PowerShell Scripts: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedScripts = $SelectedScripts | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim PowerShell Scripts: Select PowerShell Scripts to execute and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedScripts) {Write-Warning "Install.wim PowerShell Scripts: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Start Layout'
        $SelectedStartLayoutXML =@()
        $SelectedStartLayoutXML = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\StartLayout" *.xml | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, Length, CreationTime | Sort-Object -Property FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedStartLayoutXML) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedStartLayoutXML) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Start Layout: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedStartLayoutXML = $SelectedStartLayoutXML | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Start Layout: Select a Start Layout XML to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -OutputMode Single
            if ($null -eq $SelectedStartLayoutXML) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Start Layout: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Unattend.xml'
        $SelectedUnattendXML =@()
        $SelectedUnattendXML = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Unattend" *.xml | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, Length, CreationTime | Sort-Object -Property FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedUnattendXML) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedUnattendXML) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Unattend.xml: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedUnattendXML = $SelectedUnattendXML | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Unattend.xml: Select a Windows Unattend XML File to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -OutputMode Single
            if ($null -eq $SelectedUnattendXML) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Unattend.xml: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Windows Drivers'
        $SelectedDrivers =@()
        $SelectedDrivers = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Drivers" -Directory | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedDrivers) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedDrivers) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Windows Drivers: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedDrivers = $SelectedDrivers | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Windows Drivers: Select Driver Paths to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedDrivers) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Windows Drivers: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Extra Files'
        $SelectedExtraFiles =@()
        $SelectedExtraFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\ExtraFiles" -Directory | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $SelectedExtraFiles = $SelectedExtraFiles | Where-Object {(Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0}
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedExtraFiles) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedExtraFiles) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Extra Files: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedExtraFiles = $SelectedExtraFiles | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Extra Files: Select directories to inject and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedExtraFiles) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Extra Files: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Install.wim Windows Packages'
        $SelectedPackages =@()
        $SelectedPackages = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\Packages" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $SelectedPackages = $SelectedPackages | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedPackages) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedPackages) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Windows Packages: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedPackages = $SelectedPackages | Out-GridView -Title "Install.wim Windows Packages: Select Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedPackages) {Write-Warning "Install.wim Windows Packages: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinPE DaRT'
        $SelectedWinPEDaRT =@()
        $SelectedWinPEDaRT = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\DaRT" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $SelectedWinPEDaRT = $SelectedWinPEDaRT | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEDaRT) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEDaRT) {Write-Warning "WinPE DaRT: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEDaRT = $SelectedWinPEDaRT | Out-GridView -Title "WinPE DaRT: Select a WinPE DaRT Package to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -OutputMode Single
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEDaRT) {Write-Warning "WinPE DaRT: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinPE Drivers'
        $SelectedWinPEDrivers =@()
        $SelectedWinPEDrivers = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\Drivers" -Directory | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $SelectedWinPEDrivers = $SelectedWinPEDrivers | Where-Object {(Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0}
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEDrivers) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEDrivers) {Write-Warning "WinPE Drivers: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEDrivers = $SelectedWinPEDrivers | Out-GridView -Title "WinPE Drivers: Select WinPE Drivers to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEDrivers) {Write-Warning "WinPE Drivers: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Setup.wim PowerShell Scripts'
        $SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup =@()
        $SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\Scripts" *.ps1 | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup) {Write-Warning "Setup.wim PowerShell Scripts: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup = $SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup | Out-GridView -Title "Setup.wim PowerShell Scripts: Select PowerShell Scripts to execute and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup) {Write-Warning "Setup.wim PowerShell Scripts: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinPE.wim PowerShell Scripts'
        $SelectedWinPEScriptsPE =@()
        $SelectedWinPEScriptsPE = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\Scripts" *.ps1 | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEScriptsPE) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEScriptsPE) {Write-Warning "WinPE.wim PowerShell Scripts: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEScriptsPE = $SelectedWinPEScriptsPE | Out-GridView -Title "WinPE.wim PowerShell Scripts: Select PowerShell Scripts to execute and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEScriptsPE) {Write-Warning "WinPE.wim PowerShell Scripts: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinRE.wim PowerShell Scripts'
        $SelectedWinPEScriptsRE =@()
        $SelectedWinPEScriptsRE = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\Scripts" *.ps1 | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEScriptsRE) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEScriptsRE) {Write-Warning "WinRE.wim PowerShell Scripts: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEScriptsRE = $SelectedWinPEScriptsRE | Out-GridView -Title "WinRE.wim PowerShell Scripts: Select PowerShell Scripts to execute and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEScriptsRE) {Write-Warning "WinRE.wim PowerShell Scripts: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Setup.wim Extra Files'
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup =@()
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\ExtraFiles" -Directory | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup = $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup | Where-Object {(Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0}
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup) {Write-Warning "Setup.wim Extra Files: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup = $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup | Out-GridView -Title "Setup.wim Extra Files: Select Extra Files to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup) {Write-Warning "Setup.wim Extra Files: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinPE.wim Extra Files'
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE =@()
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\ExtraFiles" -Directory | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE = $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE | Where-Object {(Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0}
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE) {Write-Warning "WinPE.wim Extra Files: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE = $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE | Out-GridView -Title "WinPE.wim Extra Files: Select Extra Files to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE) {Write-Warning "WinPE.wim Extra Files: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinRE.wim Extra Files'
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE =@()
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\ExtraFiles" -Directory | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE = $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE | Where-Object {(Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0}
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE) {Write-Warning "WinRE.wim Extra Files: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE = $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE | Out-GridView -Title "WinRE.wim Extra Files: Select Extra Files to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE) {Write-Warning "WinRE.wim Extra Files: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Setup.wim ADK Packages'
        $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs =@()
        $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\ADK" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs) {Write-Warning "Setup.wim ADK Packages: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs | Out-GridView -Title "Setup.wim ADK Packages: Select ADK Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs) {Write-Warning "Setup.wim ADK Packages: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinPE.wim ADK Packages'
        $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs =@()
        $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\ADK" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs) {Write-Warning "WinPE.wim ADK Packages: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs | Out-GridView -Title "WinPE.wim ADK Packages: Select ADK Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs) {Write-Warning "WinPE.wim ADK Packages: Skipping"}
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 WinRE.wim ADK Packages'
        $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs =@()
        $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderContent\WinPE\ADK" *.cab -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName
        foreach ($Pack in $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSBuilderContent\",'')}
        $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSArchitecture*"}
        $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$OSVersionNumber*"}
        if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs) {Write-Warning "WinRE.wim ADK Packages: Not Found"}
        else {
            $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs = $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs | Out-GridView -Title "WinRE.wim ADK Packages: Select ADK Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru
            if ($null -eq $SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs) {
                Write-Warning "WinRE.wim ADK Packages: Skipping"}
            else {
                Write-Warning "If you add too many ADK Packages to WinRE, like .Net and PowerShell"
                Write-Warning "You run a risk of your WinRE size increasing considerably"
                Write-Warning "If your MBR System or UEFI Recovery Partition are 500MB,"
                Write-Warning "your WinRE.wim should not be more than 400MB (100MB Free)"
                Write-Warning "Consider changing your Task Sequences to have a 984MB"
                Write-Warning "MBR System or UEFI Recovery Partition"
        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 Build Task'
        $Task = [ordered]@{
            "TaskName" = [string]$TaskName;
            "TaskVersion" = [string]$($(Get-Module -Name OSBuilder).Version);
            "TaskType" = [string]"OSBuild";
            "MediaName" = [string]$OSMedia.Name;
            "BuildName" = [string]$BuildName;
            "AddFeatureOnDemand" = [string[]]$SelectedFeaturesOnDemand.FullName;
            "AddLanguageFeature" = [string[]]$SelectedLanguageFeaturesOnDemand.FullName;
            "AddLanguageInterfacePack" = [string[]]$SelectedLanguageInterfacePacks.FullName;
            "AddLanguagePack" = [string[]]$SelectedLanguagePacks.FullName;
            "AddWindowsDriver" = [string[]]$SelectedDrivers.FullName;
            "AddWindowsPackage" = [string[]]$SelectedPackages.FullName;
            "DisableWindowsOptionalFeature" = [string[]]$DisableWinOptionalFeature.FeatureName;
            "EnableNetFX3" = [string]$EnableNetFX3;
            "EnableWindowsOptionalFeature" = [string[]]$EnableWinOptionalFeature.FeatureName;
            "ImportStartLayout" = [string]$SelectedStartLayoutXML.FullName;
            "InvokeScript" = [string[]]$SelectedScripts.FullName;
            "LangSetAllIntl" = [string]$SetAllIntl;
            "LangSetInputLocale" = [string]$SetInputLocale;
            "LangSetSKUIntlDefaults" = [string]$SetSKUIntlDefaults;
            "LangSetSetupUILang" = [string]$SetSetupUILang;
            "LangSetSysLocale" = [string]$SetSysLocale;
            "LangSetUILang" = [string]$SetUILang;
            "LangSetUILangFallback" = [string]$SetUILangFallback;
            "LangSetUserLocale" = [string]$SetUserLocale;
            "RemoveAppxProvisionedPackage" = [string[]]$GetAppxProvisionedPackage.PackageName;
            "RemoveWindowsCapability" = [string[]]$GetWindowsCapability.Name;
            "RemoveWindowsPackage" = [string[]]$GetWindowsPackage.PackageName;
            "RobocopyExtraFiles" = [string[]]$SelectedExtraFiles.FullName;
            "UseWindowsUnattend" = [string]$SelectedUnattendXML.FullName;
            "WinPEAddADKPE" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEADKPEPkgs.FullName;
            "WinPEAddADKRE" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEADKREPkgs.FullName;
            "WinPEAddADKSetup" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEADKSetupPkgs.FullName;
            "WinPEAddDaRT" = [string]$SelectedWinPEDaRT.FullName;
            "WinPEAddWindowsDriver" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEDrivers.FullName;
            "WinPEInvokeScriptPE" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEScriptsPE.FullName;
            "WinPEInvokeScriptRE" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEScriptsRE.FullName;
            "WinPEInvokeScriptSetup" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEScriptsSetup.FullName
            "WinPERobocopyExtraFilesPE" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEExtraFilesPE.FullName;
            "WinPERobocopyExtraFilesRE" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEExtraFilesRE.FullName;
            "WinPERobocopyExtraFilesSetup" = [string[]]$SelectedWinPEExtraFilesSetup.FullName;

        Write-Verbose '19.1.1 New-OSBuildTask Complete'
        Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host "OSBuild Task: $TaskName" -ForegroundColor Green
        $Task | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$OSBuilderTasks\$TaskName.json"

    END {
        #Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        #Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) END" -ForegroundColor Green