
function Get-OSDBuilderDownloads {
    PARAM (

        # Updates
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Updates', Mandatory = $True)]
            'Windows 10 x64',
            'Windows 10 x86',
            'Windows Server 2012 R2 x64',
            'Windows Server 2016 x64',
            'Windows Server 2019 x64')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Updates')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Updates')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Updates')]
        [ValidateSet ('SSU Servicing Stack Update','LCU Latest Cumulative Update','DNCU DotNet Cumulative Update','AFPU Adobe Flash Player','DUSU Dynamic Update Setup Update','DUCU Dynamic Update Component Update')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Updates')]
        # Language
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Language', Mandatory = $True)]
            'Windows 10 x64 Language Pack',
            'Windows 10 x64 Language Interface Pack',
            'Windows 10 x86 Language Pack',
            'Windows 10 x86 Language Interface Pack')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Language')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Language')]

    BEGIN {
        #Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        #Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) BEGIN" -ForegroundColor Green
<# Write-Warning 'This function is for testing only'
        Write-Warning "Updates are downloaded to $OSBuilderPath\Updates"
        Write-Warning 'These updates are not used by OSDBuilder . . . yet'
        Write-Warning 'Not all Catalogs are in place' #>

        Get-OSBuilder -CreatePaths -HideDetails

        #Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        #Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) PROCESS" -ForegroundColor Green
        # Get Catalogs
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Updates') {
            $Catalog = $UpdateCatalog
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Language') {
            $Catalog = $LanguageCatalog
        $OSDCatalogs = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\*" -Include "$($Catalog).xml"
        # Import Catalogs
        $AllOSDUpdates = @()
        foreach ($OSDCatalog in $OSDCatalogs) {$AllOSDUpdates += Import-Clixml -Path "$($OSDCatalog.FullName)"}
        # Replace
        foreach ($Update in $AllOSDUpdates) {
            $Update.Title = $Update.Title -replace ',',''
            $Update.Title = $Update.Title -replace '"',''
        # Existing Updates
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Updates') {
            $DownloadedUpdates = @()
            $ExistingUpdates = @()
            $SupersededUpdates = @()

            $ExistingUpdates = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSBuilderPath\Updates\$Catalog\*" -Directory

            foreach ($Update in $ExistingUpdates) {
                if ($AllOSDUpdates.Title -NotContains $Update.Name) {$SupersededUpdates += $Update.FullName}
                else {$DownloadedUpdates += $Update.Name}
        # Superseded Updates
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Updates') {
            foreach ($Update in $SupersededUpdates) {
                if ($RemoveSuperseded.IsPresent) {
                    Write-Warning "Removing Superseded: $Update"
                    Remove-Item $Update -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Superseded: $Update"
        # Get Downloaded Updates
        foreach ($Update in $AllOSDUpdates) {
            $FullUpdatePath = "$OSBuilderPath\Updates\$Catalog\$($Update.Title)\$($Update.FileName)"
            if (Test-Path $FullUpdatePath) {
                $Update.State = "Downloaded"
        # Standard Filters
        $AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.FileName -notlike "*.exe"}
        $AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.FileName -notlike "*.psf"}
        $AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.FileName -notlike "*.txt"}
        $AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.FileName -notlike "*delta.exe"}
        $AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.FileName -notlike "*"}
        $AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.Title -notlike "* Next *"}
        # Windows Build
        if ($WindowsBuild -eq 1809) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*RS5*" -or $_.Title -like "*1809*"}}
        if ($WindowsBuild -eq 1803) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*RS4*" -or $_.Title -like "*1803*"}}
        if ($WindowsBuild -eq 1709) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*RS3*" -or $_.Title -like "*1709*"}}
        if ($WindowsBuild -eq 1703) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*RS2*" -or $_.Title -like "*1703*"}}
        if ($WindowsBuild -eq 1607) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*RS1*" -or $_.Title -like "*1607*"}}
        if ($WindowsBuild -eq 1511) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*TH2*" -or $_.Title -like "*1511*"}}
        if ($WindowsBuild -eq 1507) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*TH1*" -or $_.Title -like "*1507*"}}
        # Windows Profile
        if ($UpdateProfile -eq 'SSU Servicing Stack Update') {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*ServicingStackUpdate*"}}
        if ($UpdateProfile -eq 'LCU Latest Cumulative Update') {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.Title -like "*Cumulative Update for Windows*"}}
        if ($UpdateProfile -eq 'DNCU DotNet Cumulative Update') {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*DotNet*"}}
        if ($UpdateProfile -eq 'AFPU Adobe Flash Player') {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.Title -like "*Adobe*"}}
        if ($UpdateProfile -eq 'DUSU Dynamic Update Setup Update') {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*SetupDU*"}}
        if ($UpdateProfile -eq 'DUCU Dynamic Update Component Update') {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.LegacyName -like "*CriticalDU*" -or $_.LegacyName -like "*SafeOSDU*"}}
        # KB Title
        if ($KBTitle) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.Title -like "*$KBTitle*"}}
        # Get Available Updates
        $AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Where-Object {$_.State -ne 'Downloaded'}
        # Select Updates with GridView
        if ($GridView.IsPresent) {$AllOSDUpdates = $AllOSDUpdates | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Updates to Download and press OK'}
        # Download Updates
        if ($Download.IsPresent) {
            foreach ($Update in $AllOSDUpdates) {
                $DownloadPath = "$OSBuilderPath\Updates\$Catalog\$($Update.Title)"
                $DownloadFullPath = "$DownloadPath\$($Update.FileName)"

                if (!(Test-Path $DownloadPath)) {New-Item -Path "$DownloadPath" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null}
                if (!(Test-Path $DownloadFullPath)) {
                    Write-Host "$DownloadFullPath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    Write-Host "$($Update.OriginUri)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
                    #$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
                    Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Update.OriginUri -Destination $DownloadFullPath
                } else {
                    #Write-Warning "Exists: $($Update.Title)"
        } else {
            Return $AllOSDUpdates

    END {
        #Write-Host '========================================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        #Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) END" -ForegroundColor Green