
New-OSDDisk Private Function
New-OSDDisk Private Function
19.10.10 Created by David Segura @SeguraOSD

function New-OSDPartitionWindows {
    param (
        #Fixed Disk Number
        #For multiple Fixed Disks, use the SelectDisk parameter
        #Default = 0
        #Alias = Disk, Number
        [int]$DiskNumber = 0,
        #Drive Label of the Windows Partition
        #Default = OS
        #Alias = LW, LabelW
        [string]$LabelWindows = 'OS',
        #Drive Label of the Recovery Partition
        #Default = Recovery
        #Alias = LR, LabelR
        [string]$LabelRecovery = 'Recovery',

        #Skips the creation of the Recovery Partition

        #Size of the Recovery Partition
        #Default = 990MB
        #Range = 350MB - 80000MB (80GB)
        #Alias = SR, Recovery
        [uint64]$SizeRecovery = 990MB
    Write-Verbose "Prepare Windows Partition"
    if (Get-OSDGather -Property IsUEFI) {
        # GPT
        if ($SkipRecoveryPartition.IsPresent) {
            Write-Verbose "New-Partition GptType {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7} DriveLetter W"
            $PartitionWindows = New-Partition -DiskNumber $DiskNumber -UseMaximumSize -GptType '{ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}' -DriveLetter W
            Write-Verbose "Format-Volume FileSystem NTFS NewFileSystemLabel $LabelWindows"
            $null = Format-Volume -Partition $PartitionWindows -NewFileSystemLabel "$LabelWindows" -FileSystem NTFS -Force -Confirm:$false
        } else {
            $OSDDisk = Get-Disk -Number $DiskNumber
            $SizeWindows = $($OSDDisk.LargestFreeExtent) - $SizeRecovery
            $SizeWindowsGB = [math]::Round($SizeWindows / 1GB,1)
            Write-Verbose "New-Partition GptType {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7} Size $($SizeWindowsGB)GB DriveLetter W"
            $PartitionWindows = New-Partition -DiskNumber $DiskNumber -Size $SizeWindows -GptType '{ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}' -DriveLetter W
            Write-Verbose "Format-Volume FileSystem NTFS NewFileSystemLabel $LabelWindows"
            $null = Format-Volume -Partition $PartitionWindows -NewFileSystemLabel "$LabelWindows" -FileSystem NTFS -Force -Confirm:$false
            # Recovery Partition
            Write-Verbose "Prepare $LabelRecovery Partition"
            Write-Verbose "New-Partition GptType {de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac} UseMaximumSize"
            $PartitionRecovery = New-Partition -DiskNumber $DiskNumber -GptType '{de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac}' -UseMaximumSize
            Write-Verbose "Format-Volume FileSystem NTFS NewFileSystemLabel $LabelRecovery"
            $null = Format-Volume -Partition $PartitionRecovery -NewFileSystemLabel "$LabelRecovery" -FileSystem NTFS -Confirm:$false
            Write-Verbose "Set-Partition Attributes 0x8000000000000001"
            $null = @"
select disk $DiskNumber
select partition $($PartitionRecovery.PartitionNumber)
gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001
    } else {
        # MBR
        if ($SkipRecoveryPartition.IsPresent) {
            Write-Verbose "New-Partition MbrType IFS DriveLetter W"
            $PartitionWindows = New-Partition -DiskNumber $DiskNumber -UseMaximumSize -MbrType IFS -DriveLetter W
            Write-Verbose "Format-Volume FileSystem NTFS NewFileSystemLabel $LabelWindows"
            $null = Format-Volume -Partition $PartitionWindows -NewFileSystemLabel "$LabelWindows" -FileSystem NTFS -Force -Confirm:$false
        } else {
            $OSDDisk = Get-Disk -Number $DiskNumber
            $SizeWindows = $($OSDDisk.LargestFreeExtent) - $SizeRecovery
            $SizeWindowsGB = [math]::Round($SizeWindows / 1GB,1)
            Write-Verbose "New-Partition Size $($SizeWindowsGB)GB MbrType IFS DriveLetter W"
            $PartitionWindows = New-Partition -DiskNumber $DiskNumber -Size $SizeWindows -MbrType IFS -DriveLetter W
            Write-Verbose "Format-Volume FileSystem NTFS NewFileSystemLabel $LabelWindows"
            $null = Format-Volume -Partition $PartitionWindows -NewFileSystemLabel "$LabelWindows" -FileSystem NTFS -Force -Confirm:$false
            # Recovery Partition
            Write-Verbose "Prepare $LabelRecovery Partition"
            Write-Verbose "New-Partition UseMaximumSize"
            $PartitionRecovery = New-Partition -DiskNumber $DiskNumber -UseMaximumSize
            Write-Verbose "Format-Volume FileSystem NTFS NewFileSystemLabel $LabelRecovery"
            $null = Format-Volume -Partition $PartitionRecovery -NewFileSystemLabel "$LabelRecovery" -FileSystem NTFS -Confirm:$false
            Write-Verbose "Set-Partition id 27"
            $null = @"
select disk $DiskNumber
select partition $($PartitionRecovery.PartitionNumber)
set id=27