
Returns Driver information from Online and Local sources
Returns Driver information from Online and Local sources. Used by OSDDrivers Module
Value is returned as Global Variable $GetOSDDriver
19.12.6 David Segura @SeguraOSD

function Get-OSDDriver {
    Param (
        #Limits the results to the specified OSDGroup
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

        #Select results in GridView with PassThru
    # Information
    Write-Verbose 'OSD: Results are saved in the Global Variable $GetOSDDriver for this PowerShell session' -Verbose
    $global:GetOSDDriver = @()
    # Execute Private Function
    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'AmdDisplay') {
        Write-Verbose "OSD: $OSDGroup Drivers are generated from OSD Local Catalogs and may not always have the latest versions" -Verbose
        $global:GetOSDDriver = Get-OSDDriverAmdDisplay
    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'DellFamily') {
        Write-Verbose "OSD: $OSDGroup Drivers are pulled in real time from the vendor's website and should always have the latest versions" -Verbose
        $global:GetOSDDriver = Get-OSDDriverDellFamily
    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'DellModel') {
        Write-Verbose "OSD: $OSDGroup Drivers are pulled in real time from the vendor's Catalogs and should always have the latest versions" -Verbose
        $global:GetOSDDriver = Get-OSDDriverDellModel
    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'HpModel') {
        Write-Verbose "OSD: $OSDGroup Drivers are pulled in real time from the vendor's Catalogs and should always have the latest versions" -Verbose
        $global:GetOSDDriver = Get-OSDDriverHpModel
    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'IntelDisplay') {
        Write-Verbose "OSD: $OSDGroup Drivers are pulled in real time from the vendor's website and should always have the latest versions" -Verbose
        $global:GetOSDDriver = Get-OSDDriverIntelDisplay
    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'IntelWireless') {
        Write-Verbose "OSD: $OSDGroup Drivers are pulled in real time from the vendor's website and should always have the latest versions" -Verbose
        $global:GetOSDDriver = Get-OSDDriverIntelWireless
    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'NvidiaDisplay') {
        Write-Verbose "OSD: $OSDGroup Drivers are generated from OSD Local Catalogs and may not always have the latest versions" -Verbose
        $global:GetOSDDriver = Get-OSDDriverNvidiaDisplay
    # GridView
    if ($GridView.IsPresent) {
        $global:GetOSDDriver = $global:GetOSDDriver | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Results with PassThru'
    # Return
    Return $global:GetOSDDriver