
Saves all BitLocker RecoveryPasswords (TXT)
Saves all BitLocker RecoveryPasswords (TXT) to a Directory (Path)
Directory to save the BitLocker Keys. This directory will be created if it does not exist
Requires Administrative Rights
Requires BitLocker Module | Get-BitLockerVolume
21.2.10 Initial Release

function Save-MyBitLockerRecoveryPassword {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
    begin {
        # Require Admin Rights
        if ((Get-OSDGather -Property IsAdmin) -eq $false) {
            Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) requires Admin Rights ELEVATED"
        # Get-Command Get-BitLockerVolume
        if (-NOT (Get-Command Get-BitLockerVolume -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
            Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) requires Get-BitLockerVolume which is not present on this system"
        # Test-Path
        foreach ($Item in $Path) {
            if (-NOT (Test-Path $Item)) {
                New-Item $Item -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        # Get-BitLockerKeyProtectors
        $BitLockerKeyProtectors = Get-MyBitLockerKeyProtectors -ShowRecoveryPassword | Sort-Object -Property MountPoint | Where-Object {$_.LockStatus -eq 'Unlocked'} | Where-Object {$_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword'}
    process {
        foreach ($BitLockerKeyProtector in $BitLockerKeyProtectors) {
            foreach ($Item in $Path) {
                $ComputerName = $BitLockerKeyProtector.ComputerName
                $MountPoint = $BitLockerKeyProtector.MountPoint -replace ":"
                $KeyProtectorId = $BitLockerKeyProtector.KeyProtectorId -replace "{" -replace "}"
                $RecoveryPassword = $BitLockerKeyProtector.RecoveryPassword
$TextContent = @"
BitLocker Drive Encryption recovery key
To verify that this is the correct recovery key, compare the start of the following identifier with the identifier value displayed on your PC.
If the above identifier matches the one displayed by your PC, then use the following key to unlock your drive.
Recovery Key:
If the above identifier doesn't match the one displayed by your PC, then this isn't the right key to unlock your drive.
Try another recovery key, or refer to for additional assistance.

                New-Item -Path "$Item\$ComputerName MountPoint $MountPoint $KeyProtectorId.TXT" -Force
                $TextContent | Set-Content "$Item\$ComputerName MountPoint $MountPoint $KeyProtectorId.TXT" -Force
    end {}