
function Import-OSDCloudWinPEDriverMDT {
    Imports OSDCloud CloudDrivers into an MDT Deployment Share
    Imports OSDCloud CloudDrivers into an MDT Deployment Share

    param (
        #WinPE Driver: Download and install in WinPE drivers from Dell,HP,IntelNet,LenovoDock,Nutanix,Surface,USB,VMware,WiFi

        #WinPE Driver: HardwareID of the Driver to add to WinPE

    try {
        Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1"
    catch {
        Write-Error "Microsoft Deployment Toolkit is not installed"

    $MDTPersistentDrive = Get-MDTPersistentDrive

    if ($MDTPersistentDrive) {
        $MDTPSDrive = New-PSDrive -Name 'OSDCloudMDT' -PSProvider MDTProvider -Root $MDTPersistentDrive.Path -ErrorAction Ignore

    if ($MDTPSDrive) {
        #Get-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT:
        #Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name SupportX86 -Value 'False'
        Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name SupportX64 -Value 'True'

        Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.UseBootWim -Value 'True'
        #Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.ScratchSpace -Value '512'
        Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.IncludeNetworkDrivers -Value 'True'
        Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.IncludeMassStorageDrivers -Value 'True'
        Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.IncludeVideoDrivers -Value 'False'
        Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.IncludeSystemDrivers -Value 'True'
        Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.IncludeAllDrivers -Value 'True'

        #Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.GenerateGenericWIM -Value 'False'
        #Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.GenerateGenericISO -Value 'False'

        #Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.GenerateLiteTouchISO -Value 'True'

        #Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.SelectionProfile -Value 'WinPE x64 OSDCloud'
        #Set-ItemProperty -Path OSDCloudMDT: -Name Boot.x64.SupportUEFI -Value 'True'
        # Create Selection Profile
        if (! (Test-Path 'OSDCloudMDT:\Selection Profiles\WinPE x64 OSDCloud')) {
            New-Item -Path 'OSDCloudMDT:\Selection Profiles' -Enable 'True' -Name 'WinPE x64 OSDCloud' -Comments 'WinPE x64 OSDCloud' -Definition "<SelectionProfile><Include path=`"Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64 OSDCloud`" ></Include></SelectionProfile>" -ReadOnly 'False' -Verbose
        # Create Directory for CloudDrivers
        if (! (Test-Path 'OSDCloudMDT:\Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64 OSDCloud')) {
            New-Item -Path 'OSDCloudMDT:\Out-of-Box Drivers' -Enable 'True' -Name 'WinPE x64 OSDCloud' -Comments 'WinPE x64 OSDCloud' -ItemType Folder -Verbose
        # DriverHWID
        if ($DriverHWID) {
            foreach ($Item in $DriverHWID) {
                $AddWindowsDriverPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Get-Random)
                Save-MsUpCatDriver -HardwareID $Item -DestinationDirectory $AddWindowsDriverPath
            try {
                Import-MDTDriver -Path 'OSDCloudMDT:\Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64 OSDCloud' -SourcePath $AddWindowsDriverPath -Verbose
            catch {
                Write-Warning "Unable to find a driver for $Item"
        # CloudDriver
        if ($Driver -contains '*') {
            $Driver = @('Dell','HP','IntelNet','LenovoDock','Nutanix','Surface','USB','VMware','WiFi')
        foreach ($DriverName in $Driver) {
            if (! (Test-Path "OSDCloudMDT:\Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64 OSDCloud\$DriverName")) {
                New-Item -Path 'OSDCloudMDT:\Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64 OSDCloud' -Enable 'True' -Name $DriverName -Comments '' -ItemType Folder -Verbose
            $WinPECloudDriver = Save-WinPECloudDriver -CloudDriver $DriverName
            Import-MDTDriver -Path "OSDCloudMDT:\Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64 OSDCloud\$DriverName" -SourcePath $WinPECloudDriver.FullName -Verbose
        Remove-PSDrive -Name 'OSDCloudMDT' -ErrorAction Ignore