
class CloudDriverPack {
    [string] $CatalogVersion = $(Get-Module -Name OSD | Sort-Object Version | Select-Object Version -Last 1).Version
    [string] $Class = 'CloudDriverPack'
    [datetime] $ReleaseDate = (Get-Date)
    [string] $Name
    [string] $Manufacturer
    [string[]] $Model
    [string[]] $SystemFamily
    [string[]] $SystemId
    [string[]] $SystemProduct
    [string] $FileVersion
    [string] $FileName
    [string] $SizeMB
    [string] $Hash
    [string] $Download
    [string] $About
    [string] $Expand
    [string[]] $osName = 'Windows10'
    [string[]] $osArch = 'x64'

function New-CloudDriverPack {
    param (
        [string[]] $osName = 'Windows10',
        [string[]] $osArch = 'x64',
        [string[]] $osVersion = '10.0'

        Name        = $Name
        osName      = $osName
        osArch      = $osArch
        osVersion   = $osVersion

function Get-CloudDriverPackDell {
    param (
    # Paths
    $CatalogState           = 'Online' #Online, Build, Local, Offline
    $DownloadsBaseUrl       = ''
    $CatalogOnlinePath      = ''
    $CatalogBuildPath       = Join-Path $env:TEMP 'CatalogPC.xml'
    $CatalogLocalPath          = Join-Path $env:TEMP 'CatalogDellDriverPack.xml'
    $CatalogOfflinePath     = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\CatalogDellDriverPack.xml"
    $CatalogLocalCabName      = [string]($CatalogOnlinePath | Split-Path -Leaf)
    $CatalogLocalCabPath     = Join-Path $env:TEMP $CatalogLocalCabName
    # Test CatalogState Local
    if (Test-Path $CatalogLocalPath) {

        #Get-Item to determine the age
        $GetItemCatalogLocalPath = Get-Item $CatalogLocalPath

        #If the local is older than 12 hours, delete it
<# if (((Get-Date) - $GetItemCatalogLocalPath.LastWriteTime).TotalHours -gt 12) {
            Write-Verbose "Removing previous Offline Catalog"
        else {
            $CatalogState = 'Local'
        } #>

    # Test CatalogState Online
    if ($CatalogState -eq 'Online') {
        if (Test-WebConnection -Uri $CatalogOnlinePath) {
            #Catalog is online and can be downloaded
        else {
            $CatalogState = 'Offline'
    # CatalogState Online
    # Need to get the Online Catalog to Local
    if ($CatalogState -eq 'Online') {
        Write-Verbose "Source: $CatalogOnlinePath"
        Write-Verbose "Destination: $CatalogLocalCabPath"
        (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($CatalogOnlinePath, $CatalogLocalCabPath)

        #Make sure the file downloaded
        if (Test-Path $CatalogLocalCabPath) {
            Write-Verbose "Expand: $CatalogLocalCabPath"
            Expand "$CatalogLocalCabPath" "$CatalogBuildPath" | Out-Null

            if (Test-Path $CatalogBuildPath) {
                $CatalogState = 'Build'
            else {
                Write-Verbose "Could not expand $CatalogLocalCabPath"
                $CatalogState = 'Offline'
        else {
            $CatalogState = 'Offline'
    # CatalogState Build
    if ($CatalogState -eq 'Build') {
        Write-Verbose "Reading the System Catalog at $CatalogBuildPath"
        [xml]$XmlCatalogContent = Get-Content $CatalogBuildPath -ErrorAction Stop
        $CatalogVersion = $XmlCatalogContent.DriverPackManifest.version
        $Results = $XmlCatalogContent.DriverPackManifest.DriverPackage

        Write-Verbose -Verbose "Building the System Catalog"

        $Results = $Results | Select-Object @{Label="CatalogVersion";Expression={$CatalogVersion};},
        @{Label="ReleaseDate";Expression = {[datetime] ($_.dateTime)};},
        @{Label="Url";Expression={-join ($DownloadsBaseUrl, $_.path)};},
        @{Label="FileName";Expression = {(split-path -leaf $_.path)};},
        @{Label="SizeMB";Expression={'{0:f2}' -f ($_.size/1MB)};},
        Write-Verbose "Exporting Offline Catalog to $CatalogLocalPath"
        $Results = $Results | Sort-Object ReleaseDate -Descending
        $Results | Export-Clixml -Path $CatalogLocalPath

        foreach ($Item in $Results) {
            $Item.SupportedModel = $Item.SupportedModel | Get-Unique -AsString
            $Item.SupportedBrand = $Item.SupportedBrand | Get-Unique -AsString

            $Item.SupportedBrand = $Item.SupportedBrand -replace 'LATITUDE','Latitude'
            $Item.SupportedBrand = $Item.SupportedBrand -replace 'PRECISION','Precision'

            $Item.SupportedModel = $Item.SupportedModel -replace 'LATITUDE','Latitude'
            $Item.SupportedModel = $Item.SupportedModel -replace 'PRECISION','Precision'
            $Item.SupportedModel = $Item.SupportedModel -replace 'TOWER','Tower'

            if ($Item.SupportedModel -notmatch $Item.SupportedBrand) {
                $Item.SupportedModel = "$($Item.SupportedBrand) $($Item.SupportedModel)"
                $Item.SupportedModel = $Item.SupportedModel -replace 'Internet of Things Dell ',''
                $Item.SupportedModel = $Item.SupportedModel -replace '9310 2in1 9310 2n1','9310 2in1'
            if ($Item.SupportedOperatingSystems -match 'Windows XP') {$Item.SupportedOperatingSystems = 'WindowsXP'}
            if ($Item.SupportedOperatingSystems -match 'Vista') {$Item.SupportedOperatingSystems = 'WindowsVista'}
            if ($Item.SupportedOperatingSystems -match 'Windows 7') {$Item.SupportedOperatingSystems = 'Windows7'}
            if ($Item.SupportedOperatingSystems -match 'Windows 8') {$Item.SupportedOperatingSystems = 'Windows8'}
            if ($Item.SupportedOperatingSystems -match 'Windows 10') {$Item.SupportedOperatingSystems = 'Windows10'}
            if ($Item.SupportedOperatingSystems -match 'Windows 11') {$Item.SupportedOperatingSystems = 'Windows11'}

        $DellCloudDriverPacks = foreach ($Item in $Results) {
            if ($Item.Name -match 'WinPE') {Continue}

            $ObjectProperties = @{
                ReleaseDate     = $Item.ReleaseDate
                Name            = $Item.Name
                Manufacturer    = 'Dell'
                Model           = @($Item.SupportedModel)
                SystemFamily    = $Item.SupportedBrand
                SystemId        = $Item.SupportedSystemID
                SystemProduct   = $Item.Product
                FileVersion     = $Item.DellVersion
                FileName        = $Item.FileName
                SizeMB          = $Item.SizeMB
                Hash            = $Item.HashMD5
                Download        = $Item.Url
                About           = $Item.About
                Expand          = 'expand -R <SourceFullName> -F:* <DestinationFolder>'
                osName          = $Item.SupportedOperatingSystems
                osArch          = $Item.SupportedArchitecture
            New-Object -TypeName CloudDriverPack -Property $ObjectProperties
    # CatalogState Local
    if ($CatalogState -eq 'Local') {
        Write-Verbose "Reading the Local System Catalog at $CatalogLocalPath"
        $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $CatalogLocalPath
    # CatalogState Offline
    if ($CatalogState -eq 'Offline') {
        Write-Verbose "Reading the Offline System Catalog at $CatalogOfflinePath"
        $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $CatalogOfflinePath
    # Compatible
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Compatible')) {
        $MyComputerProduct = Get-MyComputerProduct
        Write-Verbose "Filtering XML for items compatible with Product $MyComputerProduct"
        $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.SupportedSystemID -contains $MyComputerProduct}
    # Component
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Component')) {
        Write-Verbose "Filtering XML for $Component"
        $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.Component -eq $Component}
    # Component
    $Results | Sort-Object -Property ReleaseDate -Descending