
Converts the Dell Catalog PC to a PowerShell Object
Converts the Dell Catalog PC to a PowerShell Object
Requires Internet Access to download Dell
.PARAMETER Component
Filter the results based on these Components:
.PARAMETER Compatible
If you have a Dell System, this will filter the results based on your
ComputerSystem SystemSKUNumber
Don't do this, you will get an almost endless list
$Result = Get-DellSystemMasterCatalog
Yes do this. Save it in a Variable
Get-DellSystemMasterCatalog -Component BIOS | Out-GridView
Displays all the Dell BIOS Updates in GridView

function Get-DellSystemMasterCatalog {
    param (

    # Paths
    $UseCatalog                = 'Cloud'
    $CloudCatalogUri        = ''
    $RawCatalogFile            = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' 'CatalogPC.xml')
    $BuildCatalogFile        = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' 'DellSystemMasterCatalog.xml')
    $OfflineCatalogFile        = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\MASTER\DellSystemMasterCatalog.xml"

    $RawCatalogCabName      = [string]($CloudCatalogUri | Split-Path -Leaf)
    $RawCatalogCabPath         = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' $RawCatalogCabName)
    $DownloadsBaseUrl       = ''
    # Create Download Path
    if (-not(Test-Path (Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD'))) {
        $null = New-Item -Path (Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD') -ItemType Directory -Force
    # Test Build Catalog
    if (Test-Path $BuildCatalogFile) {
        Write-Verbose "Build Catalog already created at $BuildCatalogFile"    

        $GetItemBuildCatalogFile = Get-Item $BuildCatalogFile

        #If the Build Catalog is older than 12 hours, delete it
        if (((Get-Date) - $GetItemBuildCatalogFile.LastWriteTime).TotalHours -gt 12) {
            Write-Verbose "Removing previous Build Catalog"
            $null = Remove-Item $GetItemBuildCatalogFile.FullName -Force
        else {
            $UseCatalog = 'Build'
    # Test Cloud Catalog
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Cloud') {
        if (Test-WebConnection -Uri $CloudCatalogUri) {
            $UseCatalog = 'Cloud'
        else {
            $UseCatalog = 'Offline'
    # UseCatalog Cloud
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Cloud') {
        Write-Verbose "Source: $CloudCatalogUri"
        Write-Verbose "Destination: $RawCatalogCabPath"
        (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($CloudCatalogUri, $RawCatalogCabPath)

        if (Test-Path $RawCatalogCabPath) {
            Write-Verbose "Expand: $RawCatalogCabPath"
            $null = Expand "$RawCatalogCabPath" "$RawCatalogFile"

            if (Test-Path $RawCatalogFile) {
                Write-Verbose "Using Raw Catalog at $RawCatalogFile"
                $UseCatalog = 'Raw'
            else {
                Write-Verbose "Could not expand $RawCatalogCabPath"
                Write-Verbose "Using Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile"
                $UseCatalog = 'Offline'
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Using Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile"
            $UseCatalog = 'Offline'
    # UseCatalog Raw
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Raw') {
        Write-Verbose "Reading the Raw Catalog at $RawCatalogFile"
        [xml]$XmlCatalogContent = Get-Content $RawCatalogFile -ErrorAction Stop
        $CatalogVersion = $XmlCatalogContent.Manifest.version
        $Results = $XmlCatalogContent.Manifest.SoftwareComponent

        $Results = $Results | Select-Object @{Label="CatalogVersion";Expression={$CatalogVersion};},
        @{Label="ReleaseDate";Expression = {[datetime] ($_.dateTime)};},
        @{Label="Url";Expression={-join ($DownloadsBaseUrl, $_.path)};},
        @{Label="FileName";Expression = {(split-path -leaf $_.path)};},
        @{Label="SizeMB";Expression={'{0:f2}' -f ($_.size/1MB)};},

        Write-Verbose "Exporting Build Catalog to $BuildCatalogFile"
        $Results = $Results | Sort-Object ReleaseDate -Descending
        $Results | Export-Clixml -Path $BuildCatalogFile
    # UseCatalog Build
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Build') {
        Write-Verbose "Importing the Build Catalog at $BuildCatalogFile"
        $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $BuildCatalogFile
    # UseCatalog Offline
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Offline') {
        Write-Verbose "Importing the Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile"
        $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $OfflineCatalogFile
    # Compatible
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Compatible')) {
        $MyComputerProduct = Get-MyComputerProduct
        Write-Verbose "Filtering Catalog for items compatible with Product $MyComputerProduct"
        $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.SupportedSystemID -contains $MyComputerProduct}
    # Component
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Component')) {
        Write-Verbose "Filtering Catalog for $Component"
        $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.Component -eq $Component}
    # DownloadPath
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DownloadPath')) {
        $Results = $Results | Out-GridView -Title 'Select one or more files to Download' -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
        foreach ($Item in $Results) {
            $OutFile = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Item.Url -DestinationDirectory $DownloadPath -DestinationName $Item.FileName -Verbose
            $Item | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$($OutFile.FullName).json" -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force
    # Complete
    $Results | Sort-Object -Property Name