
Returns the RAW URL for a provided GitHub or GitHub Gist URL
Returns the RAW URL for a provided GitHub or GitHub Gist URL

function Get-GithubRawUrl
        # Github Url to retrieve
    #Write-Warning 'GithubRaw functions are currently under development'
    #Write-Warning 'Functionality is subject to change until this warning is removed'

    if ($Uri -match '')
            $GetUri = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri $Uri).Links | Where-Object {($_.outerHTML -match 'RAW') -and ($_.class -match 'btn-sm btn')} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty href
            $GetUri = $GetUri | ForEach-Object {"$_" -replace '\/raw\/[\w-]{40}','/raw'}
            Write-Warning $_
    elseif ($Uri -match '')
            $GetUri = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri $Uri).Links | Where-Object {($_.outerHTML -match 'RAW') -and ($_.class -match 'btn-sm btn')} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty href
            $GetUri = $GetUri -replace '/raw/','/'
            $GetUri = $GetUri | ForEach-Object {"$_"}
            Write-Warning $_
    elseif (([System.Uri]$Uri).AbsoluteUri) {
Returns the RAW content for a provided GitHub or GitHub Gist URL
Returns the RAW content for a provided GitHub or GitHub Gist URL

function Get-GithubRawContent
        # Github Url to retrieve

    $GithubRawUrl = Get-GithubRawUrl -Uri $Uri
    #Write-Verbose $GithubRawUrl

    if ($GithubRawUrl)
        foreach ($Item in $GithubRawUrl)
            Write-Verbose $Item
                $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Item -UseBasicParsing -Method Head -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($WebRequest.StatusCode -eq 200)
                    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Item
                Write-Warning $_