
    OSDCloud Cloud Module for
    OSDCloud Cloud Module for
    This module is designed to work in WinPE or Full
    This module is for Dell Devices and leveraged HP Tools
    Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '')

#region Functions

#Function to Install DCU from Dell's website.
Function osdcloud-InstallDCU {
    $SystemSKUNumber = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).SystemSKUNumber
    $CabPathIndex = "$env:temp\DellCabDownloads\"
    $CabPathIndexModel = "$env:temp\DellCabDownloads\"
    $DellCabExtractPath = "$env:temp\DellCabDownloads\DellCabExtract"

    # Pull down Dell XML CAB used in Dell Command Update ,extract and Load
    if (!(Test-Path $DellCabExtractPath)){$newfolder = New-Item -Path $DellCabExtractPath -ItemType Directory -Force}
    Write-Host "Downloading Dell Cab" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $CabPathIndex -UseBasicParsing -Verbose -Proxy $ProxyServer
    If(Test-Path "$DellCabExtractPath\DellSDPCatalogPC.xml"){Remove-Item -Path "$DellCabExtractPath\DellSDPCatalogPC.xml" -Force}
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    if (test-path $DellCabExtractPath){Remove-Item -Path $DellCabExtractPath -Force -Recurse}
    $NewFolder = New-Item -Path $DellCabExtractPath -ItemType Directory
    Write-Host "Expanding the Cab File..... takes FOREVER...." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $Expand = expand $CabPathIndex $DellCabExtractPath\CatalogIndexPC.xml

    write-host "Loading Dell Catalog XML.... can take awhile" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    [xml]$XMLIndex = Get-Content "$DellCabExtractPath\CatalogIndexPC.xml" -Verbose

    #Dig Through Dell XML to find Model of THIS Computer (Based on System SKU)
    $XMLModel = $XMLIndex.ManifestIndex.GroupManifest | Where-Object {$_.SupportedSystems.Brand.Model.systemID -match $SystemSKUNumber}
    if ($XMLModel)
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($XMLModel.ManifestInformation.path)" -OutFile $CabPathIndexModel -UseBasicParsing -Verbose -Proxy $ProxyServer
        if (Test-Path $CabPathIndexModel)
            $Expand = expand $CabPathIndexModel $DellCabExtractPath\CatalogIndexPCModel.xml
            [xml]$XMLIndexCAB = Get-Content "$DellCabExtractPath\CatalogIndexPCModel.xml" -Verbose
            $DCUAvailable = $XMLIndexCAB.Manifest.SoftwareComponent | Where-Object {$_.ComponentType.value -eq ""}
            $DCUAppsAvailable = $XMLIndexCAB.Manifest.SoftwareComponent | Where-Object {$_.ComponentType.value -eq "APAC"}
            #This is using the x86 Windows version, not the UWP app. You can change this if you like
            $AppDCUVersion = ([Version[]]$Version = ($DCUAppsAvailable | Where-Object {$_.path -match 'command-update' -and $_.SupportedOperatingSystems.OperatingSystem.osArch -match "x64" -and $_.Description.Display.'#cdata-section' -notmatch "UWP"}).vendorVersion) | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1
            $AppDCU = $DCUAppsAvailable | Where-Object {$_.path -match 'command-update' -and $_.SupportedOperatingSystems.OperatingSystem.osArch -match "x64" -and $_.Description.Display.'#cdata-section' -notmatch "UWP" -and $_.Description.Display.'#cdata-section' -notmatch "Universal" -and $_.vendorVersion -eq $AppDCUVersion}
            $AppDCMVersion = ([Version[]]$Version = ($DCUAppsAvailable | Where-Object {$_.path -match 'Command-Monitor' -and $_.SupportedOperatingSystems.OperatingSystem.osArch -match "x64"} | Select-Object -Property vendorVersion).vendorVersion) | Sort-Object | Select-Object -last 1
            #Lets CHeck DCU First
            $DellItem = $AppDCU

            [Version]$DCUVersion = $DellItem.vendorVersion
            $DCUReleaseDate = $(Get-Date $DellItem.releaseDate -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')               
            $TargetLink = "$($DellItem.path)"
            $TargetFileName = ($DellItem.path).Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1

            Write-Host " New Update available: Installed = $CurrentVersion DCU = $DCUVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow 
            Write-Output " Title: $($DellItem.Name.Display.'#cdata-section')"
            Write-Host " ----------------------------" -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Write-Output " Severity: $($DellItem.Criticality.Display.'#cdata-section')"
            Write-Output " FileName: $TargetFileName"
            Write-Output " Release Date: $DCUReleaseDate"
            Write-Output " KB: $($DellItem.releaseID)"
            Write-Output " Link: $TargetLink"
            Write-Output " Info: $($DellItem.ImportantInfo.URL)"
            Write-Output " Version: $DCUVersion "

            #Build Required Info to Download and Update CM Package
            $TargetFilePathName = "$($DellCabExtractPath)\$($TargetFileName)"
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $TargetLink -OutFile $TargetFilePathName -UseBasicParsing -Verbose -Proxy $ProxyServer

            #Confirm Download
            if (Test-Path $TargetFilePathName)
                $LogFileName = $TargetFilePathName.replace(".exe",".log")
                $Arguments = "/s /l=$LogFileName"
                Write-Output "Starting Update"
                write-output "Log file = $LogFileName"
                $Process = Start-Process "$TargetFilePathName" $Arguments -Wait -PassThru
                write-output "Update Complete with Exitcode: $($Process.ExitCode)"
                Write-Host " FAILED TO DOWNLOAD Update" -ForegroundColor Red
            #No Cab with XML was able to download
            Write-Host "No Model Cab Downloaded"
        #No Match in the DCU XML for this Model (SKUNumber)
        Write-Host "No Match in XML for $SystemSKUNumber"


#Function to Run DCU to install drivers, BIOS and firmware updates.
function osdcloud-RunDCU {

    $DCUReturnTablet = @(
    @{ReturnCode = "0";  Description = "Command execution was successful."; Resolution = "None"}
    @{ReturnCode = "1";  Description = "A reboot was required from the execution of an operation."; Resolution = "Reboot the system to complete the operation."}
    @{ReturnCode = "2";  Description = "An unknown application error has occurred."; Resolution = "None"}
    @{ReturnCode = "3";  Description = "The current system manufacturer is not Dell."; Resolution = "Dell Command | Update can only be run on Dell systems."}
    @{ReturnCode = "4";  Description = "The CLI was not launched with administrative privilege."; Resolution = "Invoke the Dell Command | Update CLI with administrative privileges."}
    @{ReturnCode = "5";  Description = "A reboot was pending from a previous operation."; Resolution = "Reboot the system to complete the operation."}
    @{ReturnCode = "6";  Description = "Another instance of the same application (UI or CLI) is already running."; Resolution = "Close any running instance of Dell Command | Update UI or CLI and retry the operation."}
    @{ReturnCode = "7";  Description = "The application does not support the current system model."; Resolution = "Contact your administrator if the current system model in not supported by the catalog."}
    @{ReturnCode = "8";  Description = "No update filters have been applied or configured."; Resolution = "Supply at least one update filter."}
    @{ReturnCode = "1000";  Description = "An error occurred when retrieving the result of the apply updates operation."; Resolution = "Retry the operation."}
    @{ReturnCode = "1001";  Description = "The cancellation was initiated, Hence, the apply updates operation is canceled."; Resolution = "Retry the operation."}
    @{ReturnCode = "1002";  Description = "An error occurred while downloading a file during the apply updates operation."; Resolution = "Check your network connection, ensure there is Internet connectivity, and retry the command."}

    $ProcessPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe'
    $ProcessArgs = '/applyUpdates -updateType=bios,firmware,drivers'

    $DCU = Start-Process -FilePath $ProcessPath -ArgumentList $ProcessArgs -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow
    $DCUReturn = $DCUReturnTablet | Where-Object {$_.ReturnCode -eq $DCU.ExitCode}

    Write-Host "DCU Finished with Code: $($DCU.ExitCode): $($DCUReturn.Description)"
