
function Start-WindowsUpdateDriver{
    <# Control Windows Update via PowerShell
    Gary Blok - GARYTOWN.COM
    NOTE: I'm using this in a RUN SCRIPT, so I hav the Parameters set to STRING, and in the RUN SCRIPT, I Create a list of options (TRUE & FALSE).
    In a normal script, you wouldn't do this... so modify for your deployment method.
    This was also intended to be used with ConfigMgr, if you're not, feel free to remove the $CMReboot & Corrisponding Function
    Installing Updates using this Method does NOT notify the user, and does NOT let the user know that updates need to be applied at the next reboot. It's 100% hidden.
    HResult Lookup:

    $Results = @(
    @{ ResultCode = '0'; Meaning = "Not Started"}
    @{ ResultCode = '1'; Meaning = "In Progress"}
    @{ ResultCode = '2'; Meaning = "Succeeded"}
    @{ ResultCode = '3'; Meaning = "Succeeded With Errors"}
    @{ ResultCode = '4'; Meaning = "Failed"}
    @{ ResultCode = '5'; Meaning = "Aborted"}
    @{ ResultCode = '6'; Meaning = "No Updates Found"}

    $WUDownloader=(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateUpdateDownloader()
    $WUInstaller=(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateUpdateInstaller()
    $WUUpdates=New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
    ((New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateupdateSearcher().Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Driver'")).Updates|%{
        if ($_.Title -notmatch "Preview"){[void]$WUUpdates.Add($_)}

    if ($WUUpdates.Count -ge 1){
        $UpdateCount = $WUDownloader.Updates.count
        if ($UpdateCount -ge 1){
            Write-Output "Downloading $UpdateCount Updates"
            foreach ($update in $WUInstaller.Updates){Write-Output "$($update.Title)"}
            $Download = $WUDownloader.Download()
        $InstallUpdateCount = $WUInstaller.Updates.count
        if ($InstallUpdateCount -ge 1){
            Write-Output "Installing $InstallUpdateCount Updates"
            $Install = $WUInstaller.Install()
            $ResultMeaning = ($Results | Where-Object {$_.ResultCode -eq $Install.ResultCode}).Meaning
            Write-Output $ResultMeaning
    else {Write-Output "No Updates Found"} 