
Returns the Session.xml Updates that have been applied to an Operating System
Returns the Session.xml Updates that have been applied to an Operating System

function Get-SessionsXml {
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        #Specifies the full path to the root directory of the offline Windows image that you will service
        #Or Path of the Sessions.xml file
        #If this value is not set, the running OS Sessions.xml will be processed
        [string]$Path = "$env:SystemRoot\Servicing\Sessions\Sessions.xml",

        #Returns the KBNumber
    begin {}
    process {
        # Set Sessions.xml
        $SessionsXml = $Path
        # Mount Path
        if ($SessionsXml -notmatch 'Sessions.xml') {
            $SessionsXml = "$Path\Windows\Servicing\Sessions\Sessions.xml"
        # Test-Path
        if (!(Test-Path "$SessionsXml")) {Write-Warning "Cannot find Sessions.xml at $Path"; Break}
        Write-Verbose $SessionsXml
        # Process Sessions.xml
        [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path "$SessionsXml"
        $SessionsXml = $XmlDocument.SelectNodes('Sessions/Session') | ForEach-Object {
            $Started = [datetime]::ParseExact($_.Started,'yyyy/MM/dd/HH:mm:ss',$null)
            $Complete = [datetime]::ParseExact($_.Complete,'yyyy/MM/dd/HH:mm:ss',$null)
            $Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $Started -End $Complete

            New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                Started = $Started
                Complete = $Complete
                Duration = $Duration
                KBNumber = $
                TargetState = $_.Tasks.Phase.package.targetState
                Id = $
                Client = $_.Client
                Status = $_.Status
        $SessionsXml = $SessionsXml | Where-Object {$_.Id -like "Package*"}
        $SessionsXml = $SessionsXml | Sort-Object Complete
        $SessionsXml = $SessionsXml | Select-Object -Property Id, Started, Complete, Duration, KBNumber, TargetState, Client, Status | Sort-Object Complete
        # KBNumber
        if ($KBNumber) {$SessionsXml = $SessionsXml | Where-Object {$_.KBNumber -match $KBNumber}}
        # Return $SessionsXml
        #if ($GridView.IsPresent) {$SessionsXml = $SessionsXml | Select-Object -Property * | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Updates'}
        Return $SessionsXml
    end {}