
Compresses an Nvidia Driver to CAB and generates a Task
Compresses an Nvidia Driver to CAB and generates a Task for Deploy-OSDDrivers
.PARAMETER WorkspacePath
Directory to the OSDDrivers Workspace. This contains the Download, Expand, and Package subdirectories

function New-NvidiaPack {
    PARAM (



        [ValidateSet ('x64','x86')]

        [ValidateSet ('10.0','6.3','6.1')]


    # Defaults
    $OSDPnpClass = 'Display'
    # Test-ExpandedDriverPath
    Test-ExpandedDriverPath $ExpandedDriverPath
    # OSDDriverPnp
    $OSDDriverPnp = @()
    if ($GeForce.IsPresent) {
        $OSDDriverPnp = Get-OSDDriverPnp -ExpandedDriverPath $ExpandedDriverPath -NoHardwareIdRev -GeForce
    } else {
        $OSDDriverPnp = Get-OSDDriverPnp -ExpandedDriverPath $ExpandedDriverPath -NoHardwareIdRev
    # OSDPnpClass
    if ($OSDPnpClass) {$OSDDriverPnp = $OSDDriverPnp | Where-Object {$_.ClassName -eq $OSDPnpClass}}
    # Sort
    $OSDDriverPnp = $OSDDriverPnp | Sort-Object HardwareId -Unique
    # GridView
    if ($GridView.IsPresent) {$OSDDriverPnp = $OSDDriverPnp | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Drivers to include in the PNP File'}
    # Generate Pnp
    $OSDDriverPnp = $OSDDriverPnp | Sort-Object HardwareId

    #Write-Host "Save-OSDDriverPnp: Saving $ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpnp" -ForegroundColor Gray
    $OSDDriverPnp | Export-Clixml -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpnp"

    #Write-Host "Save-OSDDriverPnp: Saving $ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver-Devices.txt" -ForegroundColor Gray
    New-Item "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver-Devices.csv" -Force | Out-Null
    New-Item "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver-Devices.txt" -Force | Out-Null
    Add-Content -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver-Devices.csv" -Value "HardwareId,HardwareDescription"
    foreach ($DriverPnp in $OSDDriverPnp) {
        Add-Content -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver-Devices.csv" -Value "$($DriverPnp.HardwareId),$($DriverPnp.HardwareDescription)"
        Add-Content -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver-Devices.txt" -Value "$($DriverPnp.HardwareId),$($DriverPnp.HardwareDescription)"
    # Create Package
    $PackagedDriverGroup = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $WorkspacePath (Join-Path 'Package' 'NvidiaPack'))
    $SourceName = (Get-Item $ExpandedDriverPath).Name
    $CabName = "$"
    $PackagedDriverPath = (Join-Path $PackagedDriverGroup $CabName)
    if (Test-Path "$PackagedDriverPath") {
        Write-Warning "Driver Package already exists"
    } else {
        New-CabFileOSDDriver -ExpandedDriverPath $ExpandedDriverPath -PublishPath $PackagedDriverGroup
    # Verify Driver Package
    if (-not (Test-Path "$PackagedDriverPath")) {
        Write-Warning "Driver Expand: Could not package Driver to $PackagedDriverPath ... Exiting"
    } else {
        Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $PackagedDriverGroup
    # New-OSDDriverTask
    New-OSDDriverTask -OSDDriverFile $PackagedDriverPath -OSDGroup 'NvidiaPack' -OsVersion $OsVersion -OsArch $OsArch -DriverVersion "$DriverVersion"