
Downloads IntelDisplay and IntelWireless Drivers
Downloads IntelDisplay and IntelWireless Drivers
Requires BITS for downloading the Downloads
Requires Internet access
.PARAMETER WorkspacePath
Directory to the OSDDrivers Workspace. This contains the Download, Expand, and Package subdirectories
Driver Group. This will be expanded in the future to contain more groups
Supported Architecture of the Driver. Default is x64
Supported Operating Systems Version of the Driver. This includes both Client and Server Operating Systems. Default is 10.0
Creates a CAB file from the Driver
Skips GridView for Automation

function Get-DownOSDDriver {
    Param (
        #[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateSet ('x64','x86')]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateSet ('10.0','6.3','6.1')]


    Begin {
        # Get-OSDWorkspace Home
        $OSDWorkspace = Get-PathOSDD -Path $WorkspacePath
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Path: $OSDWorkspace" -Verbose
        # Get-OSDWorkspace Children
        $WorkspaceDownload = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $OSDWorkspace 'Download')
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Download: $WorkspaceDownload" -Verbose
        Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $WorkspaceDownload

        $WorkspaceExpand = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $OSDWorkspace 'Expand')
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Expand: $WorkspaceExpand" -Verbose

        $WorkspacePackage = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $OSDWorkspace 'Package')
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Package: $WorkspacePackage" -Verbose
        Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $WorkspacePackage

    Process {
        # Get-OSDDrivers
        $OSDDrivers = @()
        if ($InputObject) {
            $SkipGridView = $true
            $OSDDrivers = $InputObject
        } else {
            if ($OSDGroup -eq 'IntelDisplay') {$OSDDrivers = Get-DriverIntelDisplay}
            elseif ($OSDGroup -eq 'IntelWireless') {$OSDDrivers = Get-DriverIntelWireless}
            else {
                $OSDDrivers += Get-DriverIntelDisplay
                $OSDDrivers += Get-DriverIntelWireless
        # Set-OSDStatus
        foreach ($OSDDriver in $OSDDrivers) {
            Write-Verbose "==================================================================================================="
            $DriverName = $OSDDriver.DriverName
            $OSDCabFile = "$($DriverName).cab"
            $DownloadFile = $OSDDriver.DownloadFile
            $OSDGroup = $OSDDriver.OSDGroup
            $OSDType = $OSDDriver.OSDType
            $DownloadedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload (Join-Path $OSDGroup $DownloadFile))
            $ExpandedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspaceExpand (Join-Path $OSDGroup $DriverName))
            $PackagedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspacePackage (Join-Path $OSDGroup $OSDCabFile))

            if (Test-Path "$DownloadedDriverPath") {$OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Downloaded'}
            if (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath") {$OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Expanded'}
            if (Test-Path "$PackagedDriverPath") {$OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Packaged'}

            Write-Verbose "OSDCabFile: $OSDCabFile"

            if (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpnp") {$OSDPnpFile = "$($DriverName).drvpnp"}
        # OsArch
        if ($OsArch) {$OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Where-Object {$_.OsArch -match "$OsArch"}}
        # OsVersion
        if ($OsVersion) {$OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Where-Object {$_.OsVersion -match "$OsVersion"}}
        # GridView
        $OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Sort-Object LastUpdate -Descending
        if ($SkipGridView.IsPresent) {
            Write-Warning "SkipGridView: Skipping Out-GridView"
        } else {
            $OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select Drivers to Download and press OK"
        # Download
        if ($WorkspacePath) {
            Write-Verbose "==================================================================================================="
            foreach ($OSDDriver in $OSDDrivers) {
                $OSDType = $OSDDriver.OSDType
                Write-Verbose "OSDType: $OSDType"

                $DriverUrl = $OSDDriver.DriverUrl
                Write-Verbose "DriverUrl: $DriverUrl"

                $DriverName = $OSDDriver.DriverName
                Write-Verbose "DriverName: $DriverName"

                $DownloadFile = $OSDDriver.DownloadFile
                Write-Verbose "DownloadFile: $DownloadFile"

                $OSDGroup = $OSDDriver.OSDGroup
                Write-Verbose "OSDGroup: $OSDGroup"

                $OSDCabFile = "$($DriverName).cab"
                Write-Verbose "OSDCabFile: $OSDCabFile"

                $DownloadedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload (Join-Path $OSDGroup $DownloadFile))
                Write-Verbose "DownloadedDriverPath: $DownloadedDriverPath"

                $ExpandedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspaceExpand (Join-Path $OSDGroup $DriverName))
                Write-Verbose "ExpandedDriverPath: $ExpandedDriverPath"

                $PackagedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspacePackage (Join-Path $OSDGroup $OSDCabFile))
                Write-Verbose "PackagedDriverPath: $PackagedDriverPath"

                Write-Host "$DriverName" -ForegroundColor Green
                # Driver Download
                Write-Host "Driver Download: $DownloadedDriverPath " -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline

                $DownloadedDriverGroup = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $OSDGroup)

                if (Test-Path "$DownloadedDriverPath") {
                    Write-Host 'Complete!' -ForegroundColor Cyan
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Downloading ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    Write-Host "$DriverUrl" -ForegroundColor Gray
                    Start-BitsTransfer -Source $DriverUrl -Destination "$DownloadedDriverPath" -ErrorAction Stop
                # Validate Driver Download
                if (-not (Test-Path "$DownloadedDriverPath")) {
                    Write-Warning "Driver Download: Could not download Driver to $DownloadedDriverPath ... Exiting"
                # Driver Expand
                Write-Host "Driver Expand: $ExpandedDriverPath " -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline
                if (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath") {
                    Write-Host 'Complete!' -ForegroundColor Cyan
                } else {
                    Write-Host 'Expanding ...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    if ($DownloadFile -match '.zip') {
                        Expand-Archive -Path "$DownloadedDriverPath" -DestinationPath "$ExpandedDriverPath" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                    if ($DownloadFile -match '.cab') {
                        if (-not (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath")) {
                            New-Item "$ExpandedDriverPath" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                        Expand -R "$DownloadedDriverPath" -F:* "$ExpandedDriverPath" | Out-Null
                # Verify Driver Expand
                if (-not (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath")) {
                    Write-Warning "Driver Expand: Could not expand Driver to $ExpandedDriverPath ... Exiting"
                $OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Expanded'
                # Save-OSDDriverPnp
                $OSDPnpClass = $OSDDriver.OSDPnpClass
                $OSDPnpFile = "$($DriverName).drvpnp"

                Write-Host "Save-OSDDriverPnp: Generating OSDDriverPNP (OSDPnpClass: $OSDPnpClass) ..." -ForegroundColor Gray
                Save-OSDDriverPnp -ExpandedDriverPath "$ExpandedDriverPath" $OSDPnpClass
                # ExpandedDriverPath OSDDriver Objects
                $OSDDriver | Export-Clixml -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.clixml" -Force
                $OSDDriver | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpack" -Force

                if ($Pack.IsPresent) {
                    # Create Package
                    $PackagedDriverGroup = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $WorkspacePackage $OSDGroup)
                    Write-Verbose "Verify: $PackagedDriverPath"
                    if (Test-Path "$PackagedDriverPath") {
                        #Write-Warning "Compress-OSDDriver: $PackagedDriverPath already exists"
                    } else {
                        New-CabFileOSDDriver -ExpandedDriverPath $ExpandedDriverPath -PublishPath $PackagedDriverGroup
                    # Verify Driver Package
                    if (-not (Test-Path "$PackagedDriverPath")) {
                        Write-Warning "Driver Expand: Could not package Driver to $PackagedDriverPath ... Exiting"
                    $OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Package'
                    # Export Results
                    $OSDDriver | Export-Clixml -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.clixml" -Force
                    $OSDDriver | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpack" -Force
                    $OSDDriver | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$PackagedDriverGroup\$($DriverName).drvpack" -Force
                    # Export Files
                    #Write-Verbose "Verify: $ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpnp"
                    if (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpnp") {
                        Write-Verbose "Copy-Item: $ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpnp to $PackagedDriverGroup\$OSDPnpFile"
                        Copy-Item -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpnp" -Destination "$PackagedDriverGroup\$OSDPnpFile" -Force | Out-Null
                    $OSDDriver | Export-Clixml -Path "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.clixml" -Force
                    $OSDDriver | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$ExpandedDriverPath\OSDDriver.drvpack" -Force
                    $OSDDriver | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$PackagedDriverGroup\$($DriverName).drvpack" -Force
                    # Publish-OSDDriverScripts
                    Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $PackagedDriverGroup
        } else {
            Return $OSDDrivers

    End {
        # Publish-OSDDriverScripts
        Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $WorkspacePackage
        Write-Host "Complete!" -ForegroundColor Green