
function Test-OPSValServiceState{
        $computerName = "."
    if(($computerName -eq ".") -or ($computerName -eq "$env:computername") -or ($computerName -eq "localhost") -or ($computerName -eq "$env:computername.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN")){
        $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName
        $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ComputerName $computerName

    return $service


function Test-OPSValWebAppPoolState{
        $computerName = "."

    if(($computerName -eq ".") -or ($computerName -eq "$env:computername") -or ($computerName -eq "localhost") -or ($computerName -eq "$env:computername.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN")){

        $iisPool = Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:\AppPools | Where-Object{($_.Name -ne "SharePoint Web Services Root") -and ($_.State -ne "Started")}


        $template = 'Import-Module WebAdministration;Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:\AppPools | Where-Object{($_.Name -ne "SharePoint Web Services Root") -and ($_.State -ne "Started")}'
        $sb = [ScriptBlock]::Create($template)

        $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computerName
        $iisPool =  Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $sb
        Remove-PSSession -Session $session


    return $iispool


Import-Module Pester
Import-Module OperationValidation
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module WebAdministration

Describe "Operational Validation of SharePoint 2013" {
    Context "Windows Services" {
        #Windows Service Area
        $serviceName = "W3SVC"
        $computerName = "localhost"

        It "Service $serviceName State should be running" {

            $service = Test-OPSValServiceState -serviceName $serviceName -ComputerName $computerName
            $service.Status | Should be running

        $serviceName = "SPSearchHostController"

        It "Service $serviceName State should be running" {

            $service = Test-OPSValServiceState -serviceName $serviceName -ComputerName $computerName
            $service.Status | Should be running

        $serviceName = "OSearch15"

        It "Service $serviceName State should be running" {

            $service = Test-OPSValServiceState -serviceName $serviceName -ComputerName $computerName
            $service.Status | Should be running

        $serviceName = "SPTimerV4"

        It "Service $serviceName State should be running" {

            $service = Test-OPSValServiceState -serviceName $serviceName -ComputerName $computerName
            $service.Status | Should be running

        $serviceName = "SPTraceV4"

        It "Service $serviceName State should be running" {

            $service = Test-OPSValServiceState -serviceName $serviceName -ComputerName $computerName
            $service.Status | Should be running

        $serviceName = "AppFabricCachingService"

        It "Service $serviceName State should be running" {

            $service = Test-OPSValServiceState -serviceName $serviceName -ComputerName $computerName
            $service.Status | Should be running


    Context "WebApp Pools"{
        #Web App Pools Area
        It "Web Application Pools in IIS should be running" {

            $iispool = Test-OPSValWebAppPoolState

            ($iisPool | Measure-Object).Count | Should be 0    
    Context "URLCheck" {
        #Url Areas
        $url = "https://sharepoint-test.mydomain.com"

        It "WebSite $url should be running and login working" {

            $request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseDefaultCredentials
            $request.StatusCode | Should be 200                
        $url = "https://server:centralAdminPort/"

        It "The Central Administration on $url should be running and login working" {

            $request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseDefaultCredentials
            $request.StatusCode | Should be 200                
    Context "SP Sites Test"{

        #SharePoint Site Tests
        $webAppUrl = "https://sharepoint-test.domain.com/"

        It "The SharePoint Sites should have no Errors"{
            $webApp = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity $webAppUrl

            $sites = Get-SPSite -WebApplication $webApp -Limit All

            $result = $sites | Test-SPSite

            $sitesWithErrors = $null
            $sitesWithErrors = $result | Where-Object{$_.FailedErrorCount -gt 0}

                $testResult = "Failed"
                $testResult = "Succeeded"

            $testResult | Should be Succeeded


    Context "SP Upgrade Status"{

        #SharePoint DB Tests

        It "The SharePoint Databases should have no Upgrades pending"{
            $dbs = Get-SPDatabase
            $dbsWithUpgradeNeeded = $dbs | Where-Object{$_.NeedsUpgrade -eq $true}

                Write-Warning "DBs needing Upgrade:"
                Write-Host ($dbsWithUpgradeNeeded | Out-String)
            $dbsWithUpgradeNeeded | Should be $null

