
function Rebase-SvnRepository
        This fetches revisions from the SVN parent of the current HEAD and rebases the current (uncommitted to SVN) work against it.
        This works similarly to svn update or git pull except that it preserves linear history with git rebase instead of git merge for ease of dcommitting with git svn.
        .Parameter Repository
        Path to the git repository. Can be relative or absolute. If not specified defaults to the current directory
        .Parameter LocalTime
        Store Git commit times in the local time zone instead of UTC.
        .Parameter Parent
        Fetch only from the SVN parent of the current HEAD.
        .Parameter IgnorePaths
        This allows one to specify a Perl regular expression that will cause skipping of all matching paths from checkout from SVN.
        .Parameter IncludePaths
        This allows one to specify a Perl regular expression that will cause the inclusion of only matching paths from checkout from SVN.
        .Parameter LogWindowSize
        Fetch <n> log entries per request when scanning Subversion history. The default is 100.
        .Parameter Local
        Do not fetch remotely; only run git rebase against the last fetched commit from the upstream SVN.

        [string]$Repository = ".\",
        [switch]$LocalTime = $False,
        [switch]$Parent = $False,
        [regex]$IgnorePaths = $null,
        [regex]$IncludePaths = $null,
        [int]$LogWindowSize = 100,
        [switch]$Local = $False
        $Repository = Resolve-Path -Path $Repository
        Write-Verbose "Rebasing Svn $Repository"
        $ExtendedCLI = "";
        if ($LocalTime)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --localtime"
        if ($Parent)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --parent"
        if ($IgnorePaths -ne $null)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --ignore-paths=$IgnorePaths"
        if ($IncludePaths -ne $null)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --include-paths=$IncludePaths"
        if ($Local)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --local"
        $Output = (& "git -C $Repository svn rebase -log-window-size=$LogWindowSize$ExtendedCLI") 2>&1
        if ($Output.GetType().Name -eq "ErrorRecord")
            Write-Error -Message ($Output.Exception.Message) -CategoryActivity ($Output.Exception.Message.SubString(0, $Output.Exception.Message.IndexOf(":"))) -ErrorId $LASTEXITCODE