
#requires -Version 4.0
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '')] # these are tests, not anything that needs to be secure

$moduleName = Split-Path ($PSCommandPath -replace '\.Tests\.ps1$', '') -Leaf
$modulePath = Resolve-Path "$PSCommandPath/../../DSCResources/$moduleName/$moduleName.psm1"
$module = $null

    $prefix = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid -replace '-'

    $module = Import-Module $modulePath -Prefix $prefix -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop

    InModuleScope $module.Name {

        Describe 'cOctopusServer' {
            BeforeAll {
                [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '')]
                $mockConfig = [pscustomobject] @{
                    OctopusStorageExternalDatabaseConnectionString         = 'StubConnectionString'
                    OctopusWebPortalListenPrefixes                         = "https://octopus.example.com,http://localhost"
                Mock Import-ServerConfig { return $mockConfig }

                # Get-Service is not available on mac/unix systems - fake it
                $getServiceCommand = Get-Command "Get-Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($null -eq $getServiceCommand) {
                    function Get-Service {
                        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSAvoidOverwritingBuiltInCmdlets', '', Justification='Get-Service is not available on mac/unix systems, so without faking it, our builds fail')]

                function Get-DesiredConfiguration {
                    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString "S3cur3P4ssphraseHere!" -AsPlainText -Force
                    $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("Admin", $pass)

                    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '')]
                    $desiredConfiguration = @{
                        Name                   = 'Stub'
                        Ensure                 = 'Present'
                        State                  = 'Started'
                        WebListenPrefix        = "http://localhost:80"
                        SqlDbConnectionString  = "conn-string"
                        OctopusAdminCredential = $cred
                    return $desiredConfiguration

            Context 'Get-TargetResource' {
                Context 'When reg key exists and service exists and service started' {
                    It 'Should have Ensure=Present and State=Started' {
                        Mock Get-ItemProperty { return @{ InstallLocation = "c:\Octopus\Octopus" }}
                        Mock Get-Service { return @{ Status = "Running" }}
                        $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                        $config = Get-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration
                        $config['Ensure']                  | Should -Be 'Present'
                        $config['State']                   | Should -Be 'Started'

                Context 'When reg key exists and service exists and service stopped' {
                    It 'Should have Ensure=Present and State=Stopped' {
                        Mock Get-ItemProperty { return @{ InstallLocation = "c:\Octopus\Octopus" }}
                        Mock Get-Service { return @{ Status = "Stopped" }}
                        $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                        $config = Get-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration
                        $config['Ensure']                  | Should -Be 'Present'
                        $config['State']                   | Should -Be 'Stopped'

                Context 'When reg key exists and service does not exist' {
                    It 'Should have Ensure=Present and State=Installed' {
                        Mock Get-ItemProperty { return @{ InstallLocation = "c:\Octopus\Octopus" }}
                        Mock Get-Service { return $null }
                        $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                        $config = Get-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration
                        $config['Ensure']                  | Should -Be 'Present'
                        $config['State']                   | Should -Be 'Installed'

                Context 'When reg key does not exist and service does not exist' {
                    It 'Should have Ensure=Absent and State=Stopped' {
                        Mock Get-ItemProperty { return $null }
                        Mock Get-Service { return $null }
                        $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                        $config = Get-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration
                        $config['Ensure']                  | Should -Be 'Absent'
                        $config['State']                   | Should -Be 'Stopped'

                Context 'When reg key does not exist and service started' {
                    It 'Should have Ensure=Present and State=Started' {
                        Mock Get-ItemProperty { return $null }
                        Mock Get-Service { return @{ Status = "Running" } }
                        $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                        $config = Get-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration
                        $config['Ensure']                  | Should -Be 'Present'
                        $config['State']                   | Should -Be 'Started'

                Context 'When reg key does not exist and service stopped' {
                    It 'Should have Ensure=Present and State=Stopped' {
                        Mock Get-ItemProperty { return $null }
                        Mock Get-Service { return @{ Status = "Stopped" } }
                        $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                        $config = Get-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration
                        $config['Ensure']                  | Should -Be 'Present'
                        $config['State']                   | Should -Be 'Stopped'

                function Get-PropertiesFromMof() {
                    $moduleName = Split-Path ($PSCommandPath -replace '\.Tests\.ps1$', '') -Leaf
                    $modulePath = Resolve-Path "$PSCommandPath/../../DSCResources/$moduleName/$moduleName.psm1"
                    $mofFile = Get-Item ($modulePath -replace ".psm1", ".schema.mof")
                    $schemaMofFileContent = Get-Content $mofFile

                    $properties = @()
                    foreach($line in $schemaMofFileContent) {
                        if ($line -match "\s*(\[.*\])\s*(.*) (.*);") {
                            $attributes = $matches[1];
                            if ($attributes -like '*MSFT_Credential*') {
                                $propertyType = 'PSCredential';
                            } else {
                                $propertyType = $matches[2];
                            $propertyName = $matches[3].Replace("[]", "");

                            $properties += @{ propertyType = $propertyType; propertyName = $propertyName };
                    return $properties

                Context "Should return a hash table that lists all the resource properties as keys and the actual values" {
                    # Get-Service is not available on mac/unix systems - fake it
                    $getServiceCommand = Get-Command "Get-Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    if ($null -eq $getServiceCommand) {
                        function Get-Service {
                            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSAvoidOverwritingBuiltInCmdlets', '', Justification='Get-Service is not available on mac/unix systems, so without faking it, our builds fail')]

                    $desiredConfiguration = @{
                        Name                   = 'Stub'
                        Ensure                 = 'Present'
                        State                  = 'Started'
                        WebListenPrefix        = "http://localhost:80"
                        SqlDbConnectionString  = "conn-string"
                        OctopusAdminCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("Admin", (ConvertTo-SecureString "S3cur3P4ssphraseHere!" -AsPlainText -Force))
                    $currentState = Get-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration
                    $expectedProperties = Get-PropertiesFromMof;
                    $testCases = @()
                    foreach($expectedProperty in $expectedProperties) {
                        $propertyReturned = $currentState.ContainsKey($expectedProperty.PropertyName);
                        $propertyMatches = $false;
                        if ($propertyReturned) {
                            $value = $currentState[$expectedProperty.PropertyName];
                            if ($null -ne $value) {
                                $propertyMatches = $value.GetType().Name -eq $expectedProperty.PropertyType;

                        $testCases += @{
                            propertyName = $expectedProperty.PropertyName;
                            PropertyType = $expectedProperty.PropertyType;
                            propertyReturned = $propertyReturned;
                            propertyMatches = $propertyMatches;

                    it "should return a hashtable with an entry for <propertyName>" -TestCases $testCases {
                        param($propertyName, $propertyReturned)
                        write-verbose "Property $propertyName should exist" # to keep psscriptanalyzer from complaining about PSReviewUnusedParameter
                        $propertyReturned | Should -Be $true

                    it "should return a <propertyType> value for <propertyName>" -TestCases $testCases {
                        param($propertyName, $propertyMatches)
                        write-verbose "Property $propertyName should exist" # to keep psscriptanalyzer from complaining about PSReviewUnusedParameter
                        $propertyMatches | Should -Be $true

            Context "Parameter Validation" {
                Context "Ensure = 'Present' and 'State' = 'Stopped'" {
                    It "Should throw if 'Name' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -DownloadUrl "blah2" } `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'Name' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'DownloadUrl' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" } `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'DownloadUrl' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'WebListenPrefix' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" } `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'WebListenPrefix' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3"} `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'SqlDbConnectionString' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'TaskCap' is less than 1" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds -TaskCap -1} `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'TaskCap' must be greater than 0 when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'TaskCap' is greater than 50" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds -TaskCap 51} `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'TaskCap' must be less than 50 when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied but 'OctopusMasterKey' is supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null -OctopusMasterKey $creds} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty' but 'OctopusMasterKey' is supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusMasterKey $creds} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied and 'OctopusMasterKey' is not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" } `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is null and 'OctopusMasterKey' is null" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null -OctopusMasterKey $null } `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty' and 'OctopusMasterKey' is '[PSCredential]::Empty'" {
                        $creds = [PSCredential]::Empty
                        $masterKey = [PSCredential]::Empty
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds -OctopusMasterKey $masterKey } `
                            | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should not throw if all params are supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds} | Should -not -throw

                Context "Ensure = 'Present' and 'State' = 'Started'" {
                    It "Should throw if 'Name' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Stopped' -DownloadUrl "blah2" } | Should -throw "Parameter 'Name' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'DownloadUrl' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" } | Should -throw "Parameter 'DownloadUrl' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'WebListenPrefix' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" } | Should -throw "Parameter 'WebListenPrefix' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should throw if 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3"} | Should -throw "Parameter 'SqlDbConnectionString' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied but 'OctopusMasterKey' is supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null -OctopusMasterKey $creds} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty' but 'OctopusMasterKey' is supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusMasterKey $creds} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied and 'OctopusMasterKey' is not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" } | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is null and 'OctopusMasterKey' is null" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null -OctopusMasterKey $null } | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty' and 'OctopusMasterKey' is '[PSCredential]::Empty'" {
                        $creds = [PSCredential]::Empty
                        $masterKey = [PSCredential]::Empty
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds -OctopusMasterKey $masterKey } | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should not throw if all params are supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds} | Should -not -throw

                Context "Ensure = 'Present' and 'State' = 'Installed'" {
                    It "Should not throw if 'Name' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Installed' -DownloadUrl "blah2" } | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should throw if 'DownloadUrl' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Installed' } | Should -throw "Parameter 'DownloadUrl' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present'."
                    It "Should not throw if 'WebListenPrefix' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Installed' -DownloadUrl "blah2" } | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Installed' -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3"} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied and 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Installed' -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -OctopusAdminCredential $null } | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty' and 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Installed' -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" } | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if all params are supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Installed' -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds} | Should -not -throw

                Context "Ensure = 'Present', 'State' = 'Installed', and 'SqlDbConnectionString' != 'null or empty'" {
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied and 'OctopusMasterKey' is not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" } | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is null and 'OctopusMasterKey' is null" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null -OctopusMasterKey $null } | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty' and 'OctopusMasterKey' is '[PSCredential]::Empty'" {
                        $creds = [PSCredential]::Empty
                        $masterKey = [PSCredential]::Empty
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Present' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds -OctopusMasterKey $masterKey } | Should -throw "Parameter 'OctopusAdminCredential' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Present' and you have not supplied a master key to use an existing database."

                Context "Ensure = 'Absent' and 'State' = 'Stopped'" {
                    It "Should throw if 'Name' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Stopped' } | Should -throw "Parameter 'Name' must be supplied when 'Ensure' is 'Absent'."
                    It "Should not throw if 'DownloadUrl' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" } | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'WebListenPrefix' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" } | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3"} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty'" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4"} | Should -not -throw
                    It "Should not throw if all params are supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Stopped' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds} | Should -not -throw

                Context "Ensure = 'Absent' and 'State' = 'Started'" {
                    It "Should throw if 'Name' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Started' } | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'DownloadUrl' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1"} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'WebListenPrefix' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" } | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3"} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty'" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4"} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if all params are supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Started' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."

                Context "Ensure = 'Absent' and 'State' = 'Installed'" {
                    It "Should throw if 'Name' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Installed' } | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be installed at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'DownloadUrl' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Installed' -Name "blah1"} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be installed at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'WebListenPrefix' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Installed' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" } | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be installed at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'SqlDbConnectionString' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Installed' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3"} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be installed at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' not supplied" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Installed' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $null} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be installed at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if 'OctopusAdminCredential' is '[PSCredential]::Empty'" {
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Installed' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4"} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be installed at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."
                    It "Should throw if all params are supplied" {
                        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
                        { Test-ParameterSet -Ensure 'Absent' -State 'Installed' -Name "blah1" -DownloadUrl "blah2" -WebListenPrefix "blah3" -SqlDbConnectionString "blah4" -OctopusAdminCredential $creds} | Should -throw "Invalid configuration requested. You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be installed at the same time. You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"."

            Context 'Test-TargetResource' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $response = @{ Ensure="Absent"; State="Stopped" }
                    Mock Get-TargetResource { return $response }

                It 'Returns True when Ensure is set to Absent and Instance does not exist' {
                    $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                    $desiredConfiguration['Ensure'] = 'Absent'
                    $desiredConfiguration['State'] = 'Stopped'
                    $response['Ensure'] = 'Absent'
                    $response['State'] = 'Stopped'

                    Test-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration | Should -Be $true

               It 'Returns True when Ensure is set to Present and Instance exists' {
                $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                    $desiredConfiguration['Ensure'] = 'Present'
                    $desiredConfiguration['State'] = 'Started'
                    $response['Ensure'] = 'Present'
                    $response['State'] = 'Started'

                    Test-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration | Should -Be $true

            Context 'Set-TargetResource' {
                It 'Throws an exception if .net 4.5.2 or above is not installed (no .net reg key found)' {
                    Mock Test-OctopusVersionRequiresDotNet472 { return $false } # older version (pre 2019.7.0)
                    Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                    Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                    Mock Request-File {}
                    Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "" }
                    Mock Update-InstallState
                    $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                    { Set-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration } | Should -throw "Octopus Server requires .NET 4.5.2. Please install it before attempting to install Octopus Server."

                It 'Throws an exception if .net 4.5.2 or above is not installed (only .net 4.5.0 installed)' {
                    Mock Test-OctopusVersionRequiresDotNet472 { return $false } # older version (pre 2019.7.0)
                    Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                    Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                    Mock Request-File {}
                    Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "378389" } # .NET Framework 4.5
                    Mock Update-InstallState
                    $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                    { Set-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration } | Should -throw "Octopus Server requires .NET 4.5.2. Please install it before attempting to install Octopus Server."

                It 'Throws an exception if .net 4.7.2 or above is not installed (no .net reg key found)' {
                    Mock Test-OctopusVersionRequiresDotNet472 { return $true }
                    Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                    Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                    Mock Request-File {}
                    Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "" }
                    Mock Update-InstallState
                    $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                    { Set-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration } | Should -throw "Octopus Server requires .NET 4.7.2. Please install it before attempting to install Octopus Server."

                It 'Throws an exception if .net 4.7.2 or above is not installed (only .net 4.6.2 installed)' {
                    Mock Test-OctopusVersionRequiresDotNet472 { return $true }
                    Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                    Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                    Mock Request-File {}
                    Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "394802" } # .NET Framework 4.6.2 on Windows Server 2016
                    Mock Update-InstallState
                    $desiredConfiguration = Get-DesiredConfiguration
                    { Set-TargetResource @desiredConfiguration } | Should -throw "Octopus Server requires .NET 4.7.2. Please install it before attempting to install Octopus Server."

            Context "Octopus server command line" {
                BeforeAll {
                    function Get-CurrentConfiguration ([string] $testName) {
                        & (Resolve-Path "$PSCommandPath/../../Tests/OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles/$testName/CurrentState.ps1")

                    function Get-RequestedConfiguration ([string] $testName) {
                        & (Resolve-Path "$PSCommandPath/../../Tests/OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles/$testName/RequestedState.ps1")

                    function Get-TempFolder {
                        if ("$($env:TmpDir)" -ne "") {
                            return $env:TmpDir
                        } else {
                            return $env:Temp

                function ConvertTo-Hashtable
                    param (
                        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
                        [Object[]] $InputObject

                    process {
                        foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
                            $hash = @{}
                            foreach ($property in $object.PSObject.Properties) {
                                $hash[$property.Name] = $property.Value

                function Assert-ExpectedResult ([string] $testName) {
                    # todo: test order of execution here
                    $invocations = & (Resolve-Path "$PSCommandPath/../../Tests/OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles/$testName/ExpectedResult.ps1")
                    $name = @{label="line";expression={$_}};
                    $cases = @($invocations | select-object -Property $name) | ConvertTo-HashTable
                    it "Should call octopus.server.exe $($invocations.count) times" {
                        Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Invoke-OctopusServerCommand' -Times $invocations.Count -Exactly
                    if ($cases.length -gt 0) {
                        it "Should call octopus.server.exe with args '<line>'" -TestCases $cases {
                            write-verbose "Checking line $line" # workaround ReviewUnusedParameter does not capture parameter usage within a scriptblock. See https://github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer/issues/1472
                            Set-TargetResource @params
                            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Invoke-OctopusServerCommand' -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { ($cmdArgs -join ' ') -eq $line }

                Context "New instance" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand {} #{write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "NewInstance" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true } # just assume we're the most recent version
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux

                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "NewInstance"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "NewInstance"
                    it "Should download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File

                    it "Should install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec

                Context "New instance with metrics" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "NewInstanceWithMetrics" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true } # just assume we're the most recent version
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux
                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "NewInstanceWithMetrics"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "NewInstanceWithMetrics"
                    it "Should download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File
                    it "Should install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec

                Context "When MasterKey is supplied on new instance" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "MasterKeySupplied" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true } # just assume we're the most recent version
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux
                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "MasterKeySupplied"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "MasterKeySupplied"
                    it "Should download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File
                    it "Should install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec

                Context "When uninstalling running instance" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{ param ($cmdArgs) write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "UninstallingRunningInstance" }
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Get-ExistingOctopusService { return @() }
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory { return Get-TempFolder }
                        Mock Test-Path -ParameterFilter { $path -eq "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\Octopus-x64.msi" } { return $true }
                        Mock Start-Process { return @{ ExitCode = 0} }
                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "UninstallingRunningInstance"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "UninstallingRunningInstance"
                    it "Should not download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File -Times 0 -Exactly
                    it "Should not try and install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec -Times 0 -Exactly
                    it "Should uninstall the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Start-Process -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $FilePath -eq "msiexec.exe" -and $ArgumentList -eq "/x $($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\Octopus-x64.msi /quiet /l*v $(Get-TempFolder)\Octopus-x64.msi.uninstall.log"}

                Context "Run-on-server user - new install" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{ param ($cmdArgs) write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "NewInstallWithBuiltInWorker" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true }
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux

                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "NewInstallWithBuiltInWorker"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "NewInstallWithBuiltInWorker"
                    it "Should download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File
                    it "Should install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec

                Context "Run-on-server user - existing install" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{ param ($cmdArgs) write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "EnableBuiltInWorkerOnExistingInstance" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true }
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux

                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "EnableBuiltInWorkerOnExistingInstance"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "EnableBuiltInWorkerOnExistingInstance"
                    it "Should not download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File -Times 0 -Exactly
                    it "Should not try and install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec -Times 0 -Exactly

                Context "Upgrade" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{ param ($cmdArgs) write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "UpgradeExistingInstance" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true }
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux

                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "UpgradeExistingInstance"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "UpgradeExistingInstance"
                    it "Should download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File
                    it "Should install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec

                Context "Change WebListenPrefix" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{ param ($cmdArgs) write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "ChangeWebListenPrefix" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true }
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux

                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "ChangeWebListenPrefix"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "ChangeWebListenPrefix"
                    it "Should not download the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Request-File -Times 0 -Exactly
                    it "Should not try and install the MSI" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MsiExec -Times 0 -Exactly

                Context "When nothing changes" {
                    BeforeAll {
                        Mock Invoke-OctopusServerCommand #{ param ($cmdArgs) write-host $cmdArgs}
                        Mock Get-TargetResource { return Get-CurrentConfiguration "WhenNothingChanges" }
                        Mock Get-RegistryValue { return "478389" } # checking .net 4.5
                        Mock Invoke-MsiExec {}
                        Mock Get-LogDirectory {}
                        Mock Request-File {}
                        Mock Update-InstallState {}
                        Mock Test-OctopusDeployServerResponding { return $true }
                        Mock Test-OctopusVersionNewerThan { return $true }
                        Mock ConvertFrom-SecureString { return "" } # mock this, as its not available on mac/linux
                        Mock Stop-OctopusDeployService

                        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Justification = "It is actually used, but pester's scoping is weird")]
                        $params = Get-RequestedConfiguration "WhenNothingChanges"
                    Assert-ExpectedResult "WhenNothingChanges"
                    it "Should not restart the service" {
                        Set-TargetResource @params
                        Assert-MockCalled Stop-OctopusDeployService -Times 0 -Exactly
    if ($module) {
        Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $module