
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

#region Function: Find-ODUVariableInExport

Find variables by name or value in export PSObject, returns results in PSObject
Find variables by name or value in export PSObject, returns results in PSObject.
Matches either partial text or Exact.
Export data in PSObject created by call to Read-ODUExportFromFile
Variable name or value to search for; can be partial text
Return only exact matches
Find-ODUVariableInExport $Export SalesDb
<create PSObject with search results of 'SalesDb' found in $Export>

function Find-ODUVariableInExport {
  #region Function parameters
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
  process {
    #region Loop through all LibraryVariableSets looking where variable defined or used
    [object[]]$LibraryVariableSetDefined = $null
    [object[]]$LibraryVariableSetUsed = $null
    $Export.LibraryVariableSets | ForEach-Object {
      $LibraryVariableSet = $_
      # may not have variables
      if ($null -ne $LibraryVariableSet.VariableSet.Variables -and $LibraryVariableSet.VariableSet.Variables.Count -gt 0) {
        # find where variable defined
        $LibraryVariableSetDefined += $LibraryVariableSet.VariableSet.Variables | Where-Object { (($Exact -and ($_.Name -eq $SearchText)) -or (!$Exact -and ($_.Name -match $SearchText))) } | ForEach-Object {
          $Variable = $_
            ContainerName = $LibraryVariableSet.Name
            Variable      = $Variable
        # find where variable used
        $LibraryVariableSetUsed += $LibraryVariableSet.VariableSet.Variables | Where-Object { (($Exact -and ($_.Value -eq $SearchText)) -or (!$Exact -and ($_.Value -match $SearchText))) } | ForEach-Object {
          $Variable = $_
            ContainerName = $LibraryVariableSet.Name
            Variable      = $Variable

    #region Loop through all Projects looking where variable defined or used
    [object[]]$ProjectDefined = $null
    [object[]]$ProjectUsed = $null

    $Export.Projects | ForEach-Object {
      $Project = $_
      # may not have variables
      if ($null -ne $Project.VariableSet.Variables -and $Project.VariableSet.Variables.Count -gt 0) {
        # find where variable defined
        $ProjectDefined += $Project.VariableSet.Variables | Where-Object {(($Exact -and ($_.Name -eq $SearchText)) -or (!$Exact -and ($_.Name -match $SearchText))) } | ForEach-Object {
          $Variable = $_
            ContainerName = $Project.Name
            Variable      = $Variable
        # find where variable used
        $ProjectUsed += $Project.VariableSet.Variables | Where-Object { (($Exact -and ($_.Value -eq $SearchText)) -or (!$Exact -and ($_.Value -match $SearchText))) } | ForEach-Object {
          $Variable = $_
            ContainerName = $Project.Name
            Variable      = $Variable

    # construct object to return
      SearchText                = $SearchText
      Exact                     = $Exact
      LibraryVariableSetDefined = $LibraryVariableSetDefined
      LibraryVariableSetUsed    = $LibraryVariableSetUsed
      ProjectDefined            = $ProjectDefined
      ProjectUsed               = $ProjectUsed