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#region Function: Update-ODUExportJoinData

Post-processes export data: gets lookup data, adds id/name values, scope names, etc.
Post-processes export data:
 - creates id to name lookup
 - adds external names for ids in exported data
 - adds scope names to variables
 - adds machine information to environments
 - adds deployment processes to projects
 - adds variable sets to projects
 - adds included library variable sets to projects
Full path to individual export
Suppress status output

function Update-ODUExportJoinData {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
  process {
    if ($false -eq (Test-Path -Path $Path)) { throw "No export found at: $Path" }

    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output "Post-processing data..." }

    # create lookup object in root of export with every Id and name for every exported item
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Creating Id to name lookup" }
    New-ODUIdToNameLookup $Path

    # for each exported item, look for external Id values in it, lookup the external name for the external id and add to exported item
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Adding external names for ids in exported data" }
    Update-ODUExportAddExternalNameForId $Path

    # environments: add machines
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Adding machine information to environments" }
    Update-ODUExportAddMachinesToEnvironment $Path

    # exported variables (project-level and included variableset-level): add scope names and breadth
    # this must come before adding variables to included variable sets and before adding any variables to projects
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Adding scope names to variables" }
    Update-ODUExportAddScopeNamesToVariable $Path

    # included variable sets: add actual variables
    # this must come before adding included library variable sets to projects
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Adding variables to included variable sets" }
    Update-ODUExportIncludedVariableSetsAddVariable $Path

    # add deployment processes to projects
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Adding deployment processes to projects" }
    Update-ODUExportProjectAddDeploymentProcess $Path

    # add variable sets to projects
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Adding variable sets to projects" }
    Update-ODUExportProjectAddVariableSet $Path

    # add included library variable sets to projects
    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Adding included library variable sets to projects" }
    Update-ODUExportProjectAddIncludedLibraryVariableSet $Path

    if (! $Quiet) { Write-Output " Post-processing complete" }