
.VERSION 23.02.07
.GUID 72cb5483-744e-4a7d-bcad-e04462ea2c2e
.AUTHOR Mike Galvin Contact: / /
.COPYRIGHT (C) Mike Galvin. All rights reserved.
.TAGS Office 2022 2019 365 Click-to-run C2R updates

    Office Update Utility - Microsoft Office Update Manager
    Checks for updates of Microsoft Office and removes old versions.
    Run with -help or no arguments for usage.

## Set up command line switches.
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]

If ($NoBanner -eq $False)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black -Object "
           ___ __ __ _ _ _
          /___\/ _|/ _(_) ___ ___ /\ /\ _ __ __| | __ _| |_ ___
         // // |_| |_| |/ __/ _ \ / / \ \ '_ \ / _ |/ _ | __/ _ \
        / \_//| _| _| | (_| __/ \ \_/ / |_) | (_| | (_| | || __/
        \___/ |_| |_| |_|\___\___| \___/| .__/ \__,_|\__,_|\__\___|
               _ _ _ _ _
         /\ /\| |_(_) (_) |_ _ _ Mike Galvin
        / / \ \ __| | | | __| | | |
        \ \_/ / |_| | | | |_| |_| |
         \___/ \__|_|_|_|\__|\__, | Version 23.02.07
                             |___/ See -help for usage


If ($PSBoundParameters.Values.Count -eq 0 -or $Help)
    Write-Host -Object "Usage:
    From a terminal run: [path\]Office-Update.ps1 -Office [path\] -Config [file name.xml]
    This will update the office installation files in the specified directory, and delete the old update files.
    To output a log: -L [path\].
    To remove logs produced by the utility older than X days: -LogRotate [number].
    Run with no ASCII banner: -NoBanner
    To use the 'email log' function:
    Specify the subject line with -Subject ""'[subject line]'"" If you leave this blank a default subject will be used
    Make sure to encapsulate it with double & single quotes as per the example for Powershell to read it correctly.
    Specify the 'to' address with -SendTo []
    For multiple address, separate with a comma.
    Specify the 'from' address with -From []
    Specify the SMTP server with -Smtp [smtp server name]
    Specify the port to use with the SMTP server with -Port [port number].
    If none is specified then the default of 25 will be used.
    Specify the user to access SMTP with -User []
    Specify the password file to use with -Pwd [path\]ps-script-pwd.txt.
    Use SSL for SMTP server connection with -UseSsl.
    To generate an encrypted password file run the following commands
    on the computer and the user that will run the script:

    Write-Host -Object ' $creds = Get-Credential
    $creds.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content [path\]ps-script-pwd.txt'


else {
    ## If logging is configured, start logging.
    ## If the log file already exists, clear it.
    If ($LogPathUsr)
        ## Clean User entered string
        $LogPath = $LogPathUsr.trimend('\')

        ## Make sure the log directory exists.
        If ((Test-Path -Path $LogPath) -eq $False)
            New-Item $LogPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

        $LogFile = ("Office-Update_{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}.log" -f (Get-Date))
        $Log = "$LogPath\$LogFile"

        If (Test-Path -Path $Log)
            Clear-Content -Path $Log

    ## Function to get date in specific format.
    Function Get-DateFormat
        Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

    ## Function for logging.
    Function Write-Log($Type, $Evt)
        If ($Type -eq "Info")
            If ($LogPathUsr)
                Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [INFO] $Evt"
            Write-Host -Object "$(Get-DateFormat) [INFO] $Evt"

        If ($Type -eq "Succ")
            If ($LogPathUsr)
                Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [SUCCESS] $Evt"

            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object "$(Get-DateFormat) [SUCCESS] $Evt"

        If ($Type -eq "Err")
            If ($LogPathUsr)
                Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [ERROR] $Evt"

            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black -Object "$(Get-DateFormat) [ERROR] $Evt"

        If ($Type -eq "Conf")
            If ($LogPathUsr)
                Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$Evt"

            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object "$Evt"

    Function UpdateCheck()
        $ScriptVersion = "23.02.07"
        $RawSource = ""
        $SourceCheck = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$RawSource"
        $VerCheck = Select-String -Pattern ".VERSION $ScriptVersion" -InputObject $SourceCheck
        If ($null -eq $VerCheck)
            Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "*** There is an update available. ***"

    If ($Null -eq $OfficeSrc)
        Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -Office [path\]."

    else {
        If ($Null -eq $LogPathUsr -And $SmtpServer)
            Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -L [path\] to use the email log function."

    ## getting Windows Version info
    $OSVMaj = [environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expand major
    $OSVMin = [environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expand minor
    $OSVBui = [environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expand build
    $OSV = "$OSVMaj" + "." + "$OSVMin" + "." + "$OSVBui"

    ## Display the current config and log if configured.
    Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "--- Running with the following config ---"
    Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Utility Version: 23.02.07"
    UpdateCheck ## Run Update checker function
    Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Hostname: $Env:ComputerName."
    Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Windows Version: $OSV."
    If ($OfficeSrc)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Office folder: $OfficeSrc."

    If ($Cfg)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Config file: $Cfg."

    If ($LogPathUsr)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Logs directory: $LogPath."

    If ($Null -ne $LogHistory)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Logs to keep: $LogHistory days."

    If ($Webh)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Webhook file: $Webh."

    If ($MailTo)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "E-mail log to: $MailTo."

    If ($MailFrom)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "E-mail log from: $MailFrom."

    If ($MailSubject)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "E-mail subject: $MailSubject."

    If ($SmtpServer)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "SMTP server is: $SmtpServer."

    If ($SmtpPort)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "SMTP Port: $SmtpPort."

    If ($SmtpUser)
        Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "SMTP auth: Configured"
    Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "---"
    Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Process started"
    ## Display current config ends here.

    #Run update process.
    & $OfficeSrc\setup.exe /download $OfficeSrc\$Cfg

    ## Location of the office source files.
    $UpdateFolder = "$OfficeSrc\Office\Data"

    ## Check the last write time of the office source files folder if it is greater than the previous day.
    $Updated = (Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolder | Where-Object CreationTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)).Count

    ## If the Updated variable returns as not 0 then continue.
    If ($Updated -ne 0)
        $VerName = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolder -Name -Directory | Measure-Object -Maximum
        Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Office source files were updated."
        Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Latest version is: $($VerName.Maximum)"

        ## Remove old update folders and then files
        $Content = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolder

        If ($Content.count -gt 3)
            $OffDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolder -Name -Directory
            $resultDirs = $OffDirs | Measure-Object -Maximum

            Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolder -Directory -Exclude $resultDirs.Maximum | Remove-Item -Recurse

            $OffFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolder -Name -File -Exclude
            $resultFiles = $OffFiles | Measure-Object -Maximum

            Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolder -File | Where-Object {$_.Name -NotMatch "" -And $_.Name -NotMatch "" -And $_.Name -NotMatch $resultFiles.Maximum} | Remove-Item

        Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Process finished"

        ## This whole block is for e-mail, if it is configured.
        If ($SmtpServer)
            If (Test-Path -Path $Log)
                ## Default e-mail subject if none is configured.
                If ($Null -eq $MailSubject)
                    $MailSubject = "Office Update Utility Log"

                ## Default Smtp Port if none is configured.
                If ($Null -eq $SmtpPort)
                    $SmtpPort = "25"

                ## Setting the contents of the log to be the e-mail body.
                $MailBody = Get-Content -Path $Log | Out-String

                ForEach ($MailAddress in $MailTo)
                    ## If an smtp password is configured, get the username and password together for authentication.
                    ## If an smtp password is not provided then send the e-mail without authentication and obviously no SSL.
                    If ($SmtpPwd)
                        $SmtpPwdEncrypt = Get-Content $SmtpPwd | ConvertTo-SecureString
                        $SmtpCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($SmtpUser, $SmtpPwdEncrypt)

                        ## If -ssl switch is used, send the email with SSL.
                        ## If it isn't then don't use SSL, but still authenticate with the credentials.
                        If ($UseSsl)
                            Send-MailMessage -To $MailAddress -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpPort -UseSsl -Credential $SmtpCreds

                        else {
                            Send-MailMessage -To $MailAddress -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpPort -Credential $SmtpCreds

                    else {
                        Send-MailMessage -To $MailAddress -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpPort

            else {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black -Object "There's no log file to email."
        ## End of Email block

        ## Webhook block
        If ($Webh)
            $WebHookUri = Get-Content $Webh
            $WebHookArr = @()

            $title       = "Office Update Utility"
            $description = Get-Content -Path $Log | Out-String

            $WebHookObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                title = $title
                description = $description

            $WebHookArr += $WebHookObj
            $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{
                embeds = $WebHookArr

            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $WebHookUri -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2) -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

    else {
        Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "No updates."
        Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Process finished"

    If ($Null -ne $LogHistory)
        ## Cleanup logs.
        Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Deleting logs older than: $LogHistory days"
        Get-ChildItem -Path "$LogPath\Office-Update_*" -File | Where-Object CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$LogHistory) | Remove-Item -Recurse
## End