
#Requires -Version 5.1

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"

#region import everything we need

. $PSScriptRoot\SNSConfiguration.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Write-SNSLog.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\ConvertTo-SNSJSONHash.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Receive-SNSApiJson.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-SNSApiGroupCustomlist.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-SNSMaillistInfo.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-SNSUserEmail.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-SNSExchangeMailListMember.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-SNSApiGroupMemberlist.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Invoke-SNSUppdateOffice365User.ps1


# Configuration holder.
Export-ModuleMember -Variable SNSConf

function Add-Office365UserToList
    [OutputType([bool], [string])]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="List with all Office365 users.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Scoutnet Id for member to add.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Data for the member from Scoutnet.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Name of group to add member in.")]

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Do warn about missing Office 365 user.")]
        [switch] $doWarn

    $memberSearchStr = "*$member"
    $recipient = $allOffice365Users | Where-Object {$_.CustomAttribute1 -like $memberSearchStr}

    $userAdded = $False
    $PrimarySmtpAddress = ""

    if ($recipient)
        $PrimarySmtpAddress = $recipient.PrimarySmtpAddress
        $userAdded = $True
        Write-SNSLog "Added member $($recipient.DisplayName) with smtp address $($recipient.PrimarySmtpAddress) to distribution group $distGroupName"
    elseif ($doWarn)
        Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Member $($MemberData.first_name) $($MemberData.last_name) not found in office 365. Please make sure that CustomAttribute1 contains Scoutnet Id for the user."
    return $userAdded, $PrimarySmtpAddress

function Create-MailContact
    param (


    $contactCreated = $True
    $ExistingMailContact = get-recipient $Epost -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
    if ($null -eq $ExistingMailContact)
        Write-SNSLog "Creating Contact $Epost for $DisplayName"
            New-MailContact -Name $Epost -ExternalEmailAddress $Epost -ErrorAction "stop" > $null

            # Set the name of the member in the company field. This is visibel in Office 365 admin console.
            Set-Contact -Identity $Epost -Company "$DisplayName"
            Set-MailContact -Identity $Epost -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true
            Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Could not create mail contact with address $Epost. Error $_"
            $contactCreated = $False

    return $contactCreated

function SNSUpdateExchangeDistributionGroups
        Updates exchange distribution groups based on scoutnet maillists.

        Fetches the distribution groups members and updates corressponding distribution groups based on the info from scoutnet.
        As all members of an distribution group must be present in exchange as user or contact, contacts will be created for external addresses.

        None. You cannot pipe objects to SNSUpdateExchangeDistributionGroups.



    .PARAMETER ValidationHash
        Hash value used to validate if scoutnet is updated.

    .PARAMETER Configuration
        Configuration to use. If not specified the cached configuration will be used.

    .PARAMETER ReturnMaildata
        Enables return of a Hashtable with mailaddresses for the list. Can be used together with -WhatIf to check settings.

        The WhatIf switch simulates the actions of the command.
        You can use this switch to view the changes that would occur without actually applying those changes.
        You don't need to specify a value with this switch.

    [CmdletBinding(HelpURI = '',
                PositionalBinding = $False,
                SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Hash value used to validate if Scoutnet is updated.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Configuratin to use. If not specified the cached configuration will be used.")]

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Enables return of a Hashtable with mailaddresses for the list. Can be used together with -WhatIf to check settings.")]
        [switch] $ReturnMaildata

    if ($Configuration)
        $Script:SNSConf = $Configuration

    if (!$Script:SNSConf)
        throw "No configuration specified. Please provide a configuration!"

    $AddressesInMailLists = @{}

    $MailListSettings = $Script:SNSConf.MailListSettings

    # Fetch maillist info from scoutnet.
    $CustomLists, $CustomListsHash = Get-SNSMaillistInfo -CredentialCustomlists $Script:SNSConf.CredentialCustomlists -MaillistsIds $MailListSettings.values

    # Fetch all members and their mailaddresses.
    $allMailAddresses, $allMailAddressesHash = Get-SNSUserEmail -CredentialMemberlist $Script:SNSConf.CredentialMemberlist

    $MailListSettingsHash = ("{0:X8}" -f (($MailListSettings | ConvertTo-Json).GetHashCode()))

    $OutValidationHash = $ValidationHash
    $NewValidationHash = "0x{0}{1}{2}" -f ($CustomListsHash, $allMailAddressesHash, $MailListSettingsHash)

    Write-SNSLog "Saved validation hash: $ValidationHash new value $NewValidationHash"

    if ($ValidationHash -eq $NewValidationHash)
        Write-SNSLog "Scoutnet is not updated. No update will be done."
        Write-SNSLog "Scoutnet is updated. Starting to update the distribution groups."

        $ExchangeSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $Script:SNSConf.Credential365 -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
        Import-PSSession $ExchangeSession -AllowClobber -CommandName Set-MailContact,Set-Contact,New-MailContact,Remove-MailContact,Update-DistributionGroupMember,Get-Recipient,Get-Mailbox > $null

        $otherMailListsMembers, $mailListsToProcessMembers = Get-SNSExchangeMailListMember -ExchangeSession $ExchangeSession -Maillists $MailListSettings.Keys

        $allOffice365Users = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails "UserMailbox"

        foreach ($distGroupName in $MailListSettings.keys)
            $AddressesToAdd = @{}
#region Synch e-mail addresses from rule list 'scouter' using scouter_synk_option.
            $distGroupId = $MailListSettings[$distGroupName].scoutnet_list_id
            Write-SNSLog " "
            Write-SNSLog "Adding Contacts in distribution group $($distGroupName)"

            $scouter_synk_option = $MailListSettings[$distGroupName].scouter_synk_option
            $scouter_synk_option = $scouter_synk_option.ToLower()

            Write-SNSLog "Scouter synk option is '$scouter_synk_option' for distribution group $distGroupName"

            # Fetch the mail addresses to add for scouter.
            $listData = $CustomLists[$distGroupId].scouter
            foreach ($member in $listData)
                if ($null -eq $member)
                    Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Mail list $distGroupName type 'scouter' contained a null value."
                if (-not $AllMailAddresses.ContainsKey($member))
                    Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Id '$member' from $distGroupName not found in list of all members."

                $MemberData = $AllMailAddresses[$member]
                $displayName = "$($MemberData.first_name) $($MemberData.last_name)"

                if ($MailListSettings[$distGroupName].ignore_user)
                    if ($MailListSettings[$distGroupName].ignore_user.Contains($member))
                        Write-SNSLog "Ignoring '$($displayName)' with Id '$member' for $distGroupName."

                # Get valid addresses to add based on list setting.
                $mailaddresses = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                if ($scouter_synk_option.contains("p"))
                elseif ($scouter_synk_option.contains("a"))
                elseif ($scouter_synk_option.contains("f"))
                    $MemberData.contacts_addresses | ForEach-Object {[void]$mailaddresses.Add($_)}
                    $MemberData.mailaddresses | ForEach-Object {[void]$mailaddresses.Add($_)}
                $mailaddresses = $mailaddresses | Sort-Object -Unique

                $AddMemberOffice365Address = $False
                $AddMemberScoutnetAddress = $True
                $AddMemberOffice365AddressTryFirst = $False # First try to add office 365 address. If that fails add the scoutnet version.

                if ($scouter_synk_option.contains("@"))
                    $AddMemberScoutnetAddress = $False
                    $AddMemberOffice365Address = $True
                elseif ($scouter_synk_option.contains("&"))
                    $AddMemberScoutnetAddress = $True
                    $AddMemberOffice365Address = $True

                if ($scouter_synk_option.contains("t"))
                    $AddMemberScoutnetAddress = $False
                    $AddMemberOffice365AddressTryFirst = $True
                    $AddMemberOffice365Address = $True

                if ($mailaddresses.Length -eq 0)
                    Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "No email addresses found for $($displayName)."

                $AddMemberScoutnetAddress = $AddMemberScoutnetAddress
                if ($AddMemberOffice365Address)
                    $result, $PrimarySmtpAddress = Add-Office365userToList -allOffice365Users $allOffice365Users -Member $member -MemberData $AllMailAddresses[$member] -distGroupName $distGroupName
                    if ($result)
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PrimarySmtpAddress))
                            Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Primary mailaddres for '$member' is empty. Cannot add member to list."
                            $AddressesToAdd[$PrimarySmtpAddress] = $PrimarySmtpAddress
                        if ($AddMemberOffice365AddressTryFirst)
                            $AddMemberScoutnetAddress = $True

                if ($AddMemberScoutnetAddress)
                    $mailaddresses | ForEach-Object {
                        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_))
                            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_, "Create-MailContact"))
                                Create-MailContact -Epost $_ -DisplayName $displayName
                            $AddressesToAdd[$_] = $_
                            Write-SNSLog "Adding Contact '$_' to '$distGroupName'"

#region Synch e-mail addresses from rule list 'ledare' using ledare_synk_option.
            $ledare_synk_option = $MailListSettings[$distGroupName].ledare_synk_option
            $ledare_synk_option = $ledare_synk_option.ToLower()

            Write-SNSLog "Ledare synk option is '$ledare_synk_option' for distribution group $distGroupName"
            # Get the settings for ledare in this list.
            $AddLedareOffice365Address = $True
            $AddLedareScoutnetAddress = $False
            $AddLedareOffice365AddressTryFirst = $False # First try to add office 365 address. If that fails add the scoutnet version.

            if ($ledare_synk_option -like "-")
                $AddLedareScoutnetAddress = $True
                $AddLedareOffice365Address = $False
            elseif ($ledare_synk_option -like "&")
                $AddLedareScoutnetAddress = $True

            if ($ledare_synk_option -like "t")
                $AddLedareScoutnetAddress = $False
                $AddLedareOffice365AddressTryFirst = $True
                $AddLedareOffice365Address = $True

            $listData = $CustomLists[$distGroupId].ledare
            foreach ($member in $listData)
                if ($null -eq $member)
                    Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Maillist $distGroupName contained a null value."
                if (-not $AllMailAddresses.ContainsKey($member))
                    Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Id '$member' from $distGroupName not found in list of all members."

                $MemberData = $AllMailAddresses[$member]
                $displayName = "$($MemberData.first_name) $($MemberData.last_name)"

                if ($MailListSettings[$distGroupName].ignore_user)
                    if ($MailListSettings[$distGroupName].ignore_user.Contains($member))
                        Write-SNSLog "Ignoring '$($displayName)' with Id '$member' for $distGroupName."

                $DoAddLedareScoutnetAddress = $AddLedareScoutnetAddress
                if ($AddLedareOffice365Address)
                    $result, $PrimarySmtpAddress = Add-Office365userToList -allOffice365Users $allOffice365Users -Member $member -MemberData $MemberData -distGroupName $distGroupName
                    if ($result)
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PrimarySmtpAddress))
                            Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Primary mailaddres for '$member' is empty. Cannot add member to list."
                            $AddressesToAdd[$PrimarySmtpAddress] = $PrimarySmtpAddress
                        if ($AddLedareOffice365AddressTryFirst)
                            $DoAddLedareScoutnetAddress = $True

                if ($DoAddLedareScoutnetAddress)
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MemberData.primary_email))
                        Write-SNSLog -Level "Warn" "Primary mailaddres in scoutnet for '$displayName' is empty. Cannot add member to list."
                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($MemberData.primary_email, "Create-MailContact"))
                            Create-MailContact -Epost $MemberData.primary_email -DisplayName $displayName

                        Write-SNSLog "Adding Contact '$($MemberData.primary_email)' to '$distGroupName'"
                        $AddressesToAdd[$MemberData.primary_email] = $MemberData.primary_email


#region Add all mailaddresses listed in email_addresses for the maillist.
            foreach ($email in $MailListSettings[$distGroupName].email_addresses)
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($email))

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_, "Create-MailContact"))
                    Create-MailContact -Epost $_ -DisplayName $displayName

                Write-SNSLog "Adding Contact '$email' to '$distGroupName'"
                $AddressesToAdd[$email] = $email

#region Update maillist
            $UpdateDistGroup = @{
                Identity = $distGroupName
                Confirm = $Y
                Members =  $AddressesToAdd.Values
                ErrorAction = "stop"
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($distGroupName, "Update-DistributionGroupMember"))
                    Update-DistributionGroupMember @UpdateDistGroup
                Write-SNSLog -Level "Error" "Update of distribution group members in $distGroupName failed! Error $_"
            $AddressesInMailLists[$distGroupName] = $AddressesToAdd.Values

        Write-SNSLog " "
        Write-SNSLog "Removing old contacts"
        Write-SNSLog "Number of contacts to check for removal $($mailListsToProcessMembers.count)"

        # Delete all contacts that still is in the list of contacts to process.
        $mailListsToProcessMembers.values | ForEach-Object {
            $medlem = $_
            if ($medlem.RecipientType -eq "MailContact")
                # Check this contact is member in any other maillist.
                $IsInmaillistMembers = $otherMailListsMembers[$_.Identity]
                if ($null -eq $IsInmaillistMembers)
                    # Not used in any maillists. Remove the contact.
                    Write-SNSLog "Removing MailContact $($medlem.Identity)"
                    Remove-MailContact $medlem.Identity -Confirm:$Y

        Remove-PSSession $ExchangeSession
        Write-SNSLog " "
        Write-SNSLog "Update done new hash value is $NewValidationHash"
        $OutValidationHash = $NewValidationHash

    if ($ReturnMaildata)
        return $OutValidationHash, $AddressesInMailLists
        return $OutValidationHash