
function Get-SNSExchangeMailListMember
        Fetches members of exchange distribution groups.

        Fetches the distribution groups members and returns them in a ArrayList and a hashtable.
        The ArrayList is "other" distribution groups members that can be checked if a mailaddress can be reomoved or not.
        The hashtable is "other" distribution groups members
        Only contacts is returned. Users with mailboxes is not returned.

        None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-SNSExchangeMailListMember.

        Two parts is returned.
        The first part is the otherMailListsMembers ArrayList.
        The second part is the mailListsToProcessMembers ArrayList.

    .PARAMETER Maillists
        Distribution groups that will be part of mailListsToProcessMembers.

    [OutputType([System.Collections.ArrayList], [System.Collections.ArrayList])]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Distribution groups that will be part of mailListsToProcessMembers.")]

    $otherMailListsMembers = @{}
    $mailListsToProcessMembers = @{}

    $mailListGroups = @()
    foreach($mailList in $Maillists)
            $mailListGroups += (Get-DistributionGroup -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop).ExchangeObjectId
            Write-SNSLog -Level "Error" "Could not fetch data for distribution group '$mailList'. Error $_"

        $groups = Get-DistributionGroup -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-SNSLog -Level "Error" "Could not fetch data for all distribution groups. Error $_"

        foreach($group in $groups)
            Write-SNSLog "Get distribution list $($group.DisplayName)"
            $data = Get-DistributionGroupMember -Verbose:$false -Identity "$($group.ExchangeObjectId)" -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($mailListGroups.Contains($group.ExchangeObjectId))
                $data | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_.RecipientType -eq "MailContact")
                        $mailListsToProcessMembers[$_.Identity] = $_
                $data | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_.RecipientType -eq "MailContact")
                        $otherMailListsMembers[$_.Identity] = $_
        Write-SNSLog -Level "Error" "Fetch of distribution group members failed. Error $_"
    Write-SNSLog "Done"

    return $otherMailListsMembers, $mailListsToProcessMembers