
function Get-ManagedCredential ($Tenant)
    $credential = $null
    $credential = Get-StoredCredential -Target $Tenant
    #If credential is found, return it
    if ($credential){return $credential}
        #if the credential isn't found, ask to create it
    else {
        $createcredential = checkCreateCredentials
        #if createcredential = true
        if($createcredential -eq 0)
        New-ManagedCredential $Tenant
        Get-ManagedCredential $Tenant
        #if createcredential isn't true
        elseif($createcredential -eq 1)
                Write-Host("You have to create a Windows Generic credential before proceeding, read more about how to use it here:") -Fore Yellow
                Write-Host("") -Fore Yellow
                $Tenant = Read-Host "Enter a valid Generic credential name"
                Get-ManagedCredential $Tenant        

function New-ManagedCredential ($credentialname)

do{$newcredential = Get-Credential -Message "Password please"}

New-StoredCredential -Target $credentialname -Credentials $newcredential -Type "Generic" -Persist "Enterprise"

function checkCreateCredentials{
    $title = "Credential $creds not found"
    $message = "It looks like credential $creds hasn't been added to the Credential Manager, do you want to create it now?`nYes - Creates a new generic credential.`nNo - Enter a new credential name"
    $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes"
    $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No"
    $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes,$no)
    $choice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($title,$message,$options,0)

    return $choice