
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

function New-OledbConnection {
Returns a new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection object.
Returns a new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection object given a connection
string or alias found in a file. Defaults to Module_Root\SQLConnections.txt.
Queries the user for input when a connection string has parameters specified
between percent signs are found, %Example Parameter%.
.PARAMETER ConnectionString
Any valid OleDB connection string. Prompts a user for input if a paramter
specified between percent signs is found, %Example Parameter%.
List the alias names and their connection string values found in the
connection file.
File used for resolving aliases to the full connection string.
Defaults to SQLConnections.txt.

            HelpMessage='Enter an OLEDB connection string'

        [String]$File = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot SQLConnections.txt)
    Parse optional connection string file with the following format:
      # Comment
      alias OleDB Connection String

    $connectionRegex = "^\s*(?<Alias>[^#]\w+)\s+(?<ConnectionString>.+)$"
    $Connections = @{}
    if (Test-Path $File) {
        get-Content $File | 
            where { $_ -match $connectionRegex } | 
                foreach { $Connections[$Matches['Alias']] = $Matches['ConnectionString'] }
    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'give' -and $List) { return $Connections }
    # Query user to replace any %variables%
    if ($Connections -is [Hashtable] -and $Connections.ContainsKey($ConnectionString)) {
        $ConnectionString = $Connections.Item($ConnectionString) 
    while ($ConnectionString -match "%([^%\s][^%]*)%") {
        $ConnectionString = $ConnectionString -replace $Matches[0],$(Read-Host $Matches[1])

    if (-not $ConnectionString) { 
        throw "No OleDB connection string specified."
    Write-Verbose "Connection string: $ConnectionString"
    new-object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection -ArgumentList $ConnectionString

function Invoke-OledbSql {
Invokes SQL commands through an OleDB Connection.
When a Select is invoked, returns System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
objects. When an Update, Insert or Delete is invoked, it returns the affected
SQL command to be invoked.
.PARAMETER Connection
Any valid OleDB connection string or a System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection object.
Strings are passed to New-OledbConnection to be resolved.
Defaults to using the variable $Conn if set to a SQLConnection object.
Sets the command timeout in seconds.
A custom type can be set with TypeName parameter.
Invoke-OledbSql 'select 1 as Ping' 'Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=ServerName; Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;'
Tests SQL connectivity.
$cs = 'Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=ServerName; Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;'
$c = New-OledbConnection $cs
Get-Content 'Update_statements_one_per_line.txt' | WHERE { (Invoke-OledbSql -Sql $_ -Connection $c -KeepOpen) -eq 0 } | Set-Content 'failed.txt' -PassThru
Though this will handle more than one SQL statement in a single call, it is not recommended.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
            HelpMessage='Enter SQL command'

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
            HelpMessage='Enter a type name for the object returned

        [Parameter(HelpMessage='Enter an OLEDB connection string')]


    begin {
        # Will use the variable $Conn if it is set in the current context.
        if ((-not $Connection) -and ($Conn -is [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection])) {$Connection = $Conn}

        if ($Connection -isnot [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection]) {
            $Connection = New-OledbConnection -Connection:$Connection

        if ($Connection -isnot [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection]) {
            throw "No OleDB connection or string provided."

    process {
        # Handles an array or piped list of sql statements.
        Foreach ($s in $SQL) {
            $command = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand $s, $Connection
            if ($Timeout) {$command.CommandTimeOut = $Timeout}
            try {
                # If the connection started open, keep it open.
                if ($Connection.State -eq 'Open') {
                    $KeepOpen = $true
                } else {

                Write-Verbose ('SQL: {0}' -f $s)
                [System.Data.OleDB.OleDbDataReader]$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()

                # while $reader.NextResult(), handles multiple queries/results in a single SQL request.
                do {
                    # For scalar values, return the records affected.
                    if ( -not ($reader.HasRows)) { return $reader.RecordsAffected }

                    # Create an object template, with the uniqueified column names
                    # as properties and a custom PSTypename if specified.
                    #TODO: Look at maybe using $reader.GetSchemaTable()
                    $columns = 0 .. ($reader.VisibleFieldCount -1) | Foreach {$reader.GetName($_)}
                    $columns = @(Uniqueify $columns)
                    $columnHash = [ordered]@{}
                    if ($TypeName) { $columnHash['Pstypename'] = $TypeName }
                    $columns | Foreach { $columnHash[$_] = $null }
                    $objectTemplate = [pscustomobject]$columnHash

                    while ($reader.Read()) {
                        $o = $objectTemplate.PsObject.Copy()
                        for ($i=0; $i -lt $columns.Count; $i++) {
                            $column = $columns[$i]
                            Write-Debug ('{0} [{1}] ({2}) = [{3}]' -f $i, $column, $reader.GetFieldType($i), $reader.GetValue($i))
                            $o.$column = if ($reader.IsDBNull($i)) { $null } else { $reader.GetValue($i) }
                        Write-Output $o
                } while ( $reader.NextResult() )

                if ($reader -and (-not $reader.IsClosed)) {$reader.Close()}
            catch {
                Write-Verbose ('Message: {0}' -f $_.exception.InnerException.message)
                throw $_
            finally {
                $reader = $null
                $command = $null
                if (-not $KeepOpen) {
                    $Connection = $null

function Uniqueify ([string[]]$Columns) {
    Helper funciton that appends incrementing numbers to any duplicate
    values in an incoming array.

    $rtn = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Columns.Length; $i++) {
        $cnt = 0
        for ($j = 0; $j -lt $Columns.Length -and $j -lt $i; $j++) {
            if ($Columns[$i] -eq $Columns[$j]) { $cnt++ }
        if ($cnt -gt 0) {
            $rtn += ('{0}{1}' -f $Columns[$i], $cnt)
        } else {
            $rtn += $Columns[$i]
    return $rtn