
# SQLConnections.txt
# A list of OleDB connection string aliases for New-OledbConnection
# To query the user for connection information wrap the query in
# percentage signs. i.e. %variable to be replaced%
# _____Format_____
# # Comment
# alias OleDB Connection String
# The SQL Oledb provider is available by default with .Net
MSSQL Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=%Server_Name%; Initial Catalog=%Database_Name%;Integrated Security=SSPI;
# Oracle's Oledb provider must be downloaded from Oracle and installed.
ORACLE Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;OLEDB.NET=true;Data Source=%Database_Name%;User Id=%Username%;Password=%Password%;
# When querying CSV files, the connection string points to the path of any number of CSV files that are treated
# as separate tables in the SQL query. Substitute any periods in a file name with a pound sign (#).
# select * from table1#csv
CSV Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=%Folder_Path%;Extended Properties="Text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited;