
function Get-ODAuthentication
    Connect to OneDrive for authentication with a given client id (get your free client id on
    ClientID of your "app" from
    Comma seperated string defining the authentication scope ( Default: "onedrive.readwrite"
    .PARAMETER RedirectURI
    Don't use this parameter. You only need this to write your own web based app for OneDrive. Default is
    $Authentication=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientID "0000000012345678"
    Connect to OneDrive for authentication and save the token to $AuthToken
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

        [string]$ClientID = "unknown",
        [string]$Scope = "onedrive.readwrite",
        [string]$RedirectURI =""
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | out-null
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") | out-null
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | out-null  # ????????????????????????????????????????????????
    $form = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
    $form.text = "Authenticate to OneDrive"
    $form.size = New-Object Drawing.size @(700,600)
    $form.Width = 675
    $form.Height = 750
    $web = New-object System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser
    $web.IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled = $true
    $web.Width = 600
    $web.Height = 700
    $web.Location = "25, 25"
    $DocComplete  = {
        $Global:uri = $web.Url.AbsoluteUri
        if ($web.Url.AbsoluteUri -match "access_token=|error") {$form.Close() }
    $form.showdialog() | out-null
    # Build object from last URI (which should contains the token)
    $Authentication = New-Object PSObject
    ForEach ($element in $ReturnURI.Split("?")[1].Split("&")) 
        $Authentication | add-member Noteproperty $element.split("=")[0] $element.split("=")[1]
    if ($ -match "expires_in")
        $Authentication | add-member Noteproperty "expires" ([System.DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($Authentication.expires_in))
    if (!($ -match "expires_in"))
        write-warning("There is maybe an errror, because there is no access_token!")
    return $Authentication 

function Get-ODWebContent 
    Internal function to interact with the OneDrive API
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    Relative path to the API
    .PARAMETER Method
    Webrequest method like PUT, GET, ...
    Payload of a webrequest
    .PARAMETER BinaryMode
    Do not convert response to JSON
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

        [string]$rURI = "",
    if ($Body -eq "") 
    } else
    try {
        $webRequest=Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri ($ODRootURI+$rURI) -Header @{ Authorization = "BEARER "+$AccessToken} -ContentType "application/json" -Body $xBody -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        write-error("Cannot access the api. Webrequest return code is: "+$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode+"`n"+$_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)
    switch ($webRequest.StatusCode) 
            if (!$BinaryMode) {$responseObject = ConvertFrom-Json $webRequest.Content}
            return $responseObject
            write-debug("Success: "+$webRequest.StatusCode+" - "+$webRequest.StatusDescription)
            if (!$BinaryMode) {$responseObject = ConvertFrom-Json $webRequest.Content}
            return $responseObject
            write-debug("Success: "+$webRequest.StatusCode+" - "+$webRequest.StatusDescription+" (item deleted)")
            $responseObject = "0"
            return $responseObject
        default {write-warning("Cannot access the api. Webrequest return code is: "+$webRequest.StatusCode+"`n"+$webRequest.StatusDescription)}

function Get-ODDrives
    Get user's drives
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    Get-ODDrives -AccessToken $AuthToken
    List all OneDrives available for your account (there is normally only one)
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    $ResponseObject=Get-ODWebContent -AccessToken $AccessToken -Method GET -rURI "/drives"
    return $ResponseObject.Value

function Format-ODPathorIDString
    Formats a given path like '/myFolder/mySubfolder/myFile' into an expected uri format
    Specifies the path of an element. If it is not given, the path is "/"
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the id of an element. If Path and ElementID are given, the ElementID is used with a warning
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    if (!$ElementID -eq "")
        #Use ElementID parameters
        if (!$Path -eq "") {write-debug("Warning: Path and ElementID parameters are set. Only ElementID is used!")}
        return "/drive/items/"+$ElementID
        #Use Path parameter
        #remove substring starts with "?"
        if ($Path.Contains("?")) {$Path=$Path.Substring(1,$Path.indexof("?")-1)}
        #replace "\" with "/"
        #filter possible string at the end "/children" (case insensitive)
        $Path=$Path -replace "/children/",""
        #encoding of url parts
        foreach ($Sub in $Path.Split("/")) {$tmpString+=$Sub+"/"}
        #remove last "/" if exist
        #insert drive part of url
        if ($DriveID -eq "") 
            #Default drive
            #Named drive
        return $Path

function Get-ODItemProperty
    Get the properties of an item (file or folder)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    Specifies the path to the element/item. If not given, the properties of your default root drive are listed
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the id of the element/item. If Path and ElementID are given, the ElementID is used with a warning
    .PARAMETER SelectProperties
    Specifies a comma separated list of the properties to be returned for file and folder objects (case sensitive). If not set, name, size, lastModifiedDateTime and id are used. (See
    If you use -SelectProperties "", all properties are listed. Warning: A complex "content.downloadUrl" is listed/generated for download files without authentication for several hours
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    Get-ODItemProperty -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/Data/documents/2016/AzureML with PowerShell.docx"
    Get the default set of metadata for a file or folder (name, size, lastModifiedDateTime, id)
    Get-ODItemProperty -AccessToken $AuthToken -ElementID 8BADCFF017EAA324!12169 -SelectProperties ""
    Get all metadata of a file or folder by element id ("" select all properties)
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    return Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $AccessToken -Path $Path -ElementID $ElementID -SelectProperties $SelectProperties -DriveID $DriveID -ItemPropertyMode

function Get-ODChildItems
    Get child items of a path. Return count is not limited.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    Specifies the path of elements to be listed. If not given, the path is "/"
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the id of an element. If Path and ElementID are given, the ElementID is used with a warning
    .PARAMETER SelectProperties
    Specifies a comma separated list of the properties to be returned for file and folder objects (case sensitive). If not set, name, size, lastModifiedDateTime and id are used. (See
    If you use -SelectProperties "", all properties are listed. Warning: A complex "content.downloadUrl" is listed/generated for download files without authentication for several hours
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/" | ft
    Lists files and folders in your OneDrives root folder and displays name, size, lastModifiedDateTime, id and folder property as a table
    Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/" -SelectProperties ""
    Lists files and folders in your OneDrives root folder and displays all properties
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    if ($Path.Contains("$skiptoken="))
        #Recures mode of odata.nextLink detection
        write-debug("Recurce call")
        $rURI=Format-ODPathorIDString -path $Path -ElementID $ElementID -DriveID $DriveID
        $SelectProperties=$SelectProperties.Replace(" ","")
        if ($SelectProperties -eq "")
        } else
            $SelectProperties=$SelectProperties.Replace(" ","")+",folder"
        if ($ItemPropertyMode)
            #item property mode
            if (!$SearchText -eq "") 
                #Search mode
                #child item mode
    write-debug("Accessing API with GET to "+$rURI)
    $ResponseObject=Get-ODWebContent -AccessToken $AccessToken -Method GET -rURI $rURI
    if ($ -match "@odata.nextLink") 
        write-debug("Getting more elements form service (@odata.nextLink is present)")
        Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $AccessToken -SelectProperties $SelectProperties -Path $ResponseObject."@odata.nextLink".Replace($ODRootURI,"")
    if ($ItemPropertyMode)
        #item property mode
        return $ResponseObject
        #child item mode
        return $ResponseObject.value

function Search-ODItems
    Search for items starting from Path or ElementID
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    .PARAMETER SearchText
    Specifies search string
    Specifies the path of the folder to start the search. If not given, the path is "/"
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the element id of the folder to start the search. If Path and ElementID are given, the ElementID is used with a warning
    .PARAMETER SelectProperties
    Specifies a comma separated list of the properties to be returned for file and folder objects (case sensitive). If not set, name, size, lastModifiedDateTime and id are used. (See
    If you use -SelectProperties "", all properties are listed. Warning: A complex "content.downloadUrl" is listed/generated for download files without authentication for several hours
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    Search-ODItems -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/My pictures" -SearchText "FolderA"
    Search for items in a sub folder recursively. Take a look at OneDrives API documentation to see how search (preview) works (file and folder names, in files, …)
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    return Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $AccessToken -Path $Path -ElementID $ElementID -SelectProperties $SelectProperties -DriveID $DriveID -SearchText $SearchText    

function New-ODFolder
    Create a new folder
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    .PARAMETER FolderName
    Name of the new folder
    Specifies the parent path for the new folder. If not given, the path is "/"
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the element id for the new folder. If Path and ElementID are given, the ElementID is used with a warning
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    New-ODFolder -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/data/documents" -FolderName "2016"
    Creates a new folder "2016" under "/data/documents"
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    $rURI=Format-ODPathorIDString -path $Path -ElementID $ElementID -DriveID $DriveID
    return Get-ODWebContent -AccessToken $AccessToken -Method POST -rURI $rURI -Body ('{"name": "'+$FolderName+'","folder": { },"@name.conflictBehavior": "fail"}')

function Remove-ODItem
    Delete an item (folder or file)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    Specifies the path of the item to be deleted
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the element id of the item to be deleted
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    Remove-ODItem -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/Data/documents/2016/Azure-big-picture.old.docx"
    Deletes an item
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    if (($ElementID+$Path) -eq "") 
        debug-error("Path nor ElementID is set")
        $rURI=Format-ODPathorIDString -path $Path -ElementID $ElementID -DriveID $DriveID
        return Get-ODWebContent -AccessToken $AccessToken -Method DELETE -rURI $rURI 

function Get-ODItem
    Download an item/file. Warning: A local file will be overwritten
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    Specifies the path of the file to download.
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the element id of the file to download. If Path and ElementID are given, the ElementID is used with a warning
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    .PARAMETER LocalPath
    Save file to path (if not given, the current local path is used)
    .PARAMETER LocalFileName
    Local filename. If not given, the file name of OneDrive is used
    Get-ODItem -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/Data/documents/2016/Powershell array custom objects.docx"
    Downloads a file from OneDrive
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    if (($ElementID+$Path) -eq "") 
        debug-error("Path nor ElementID is set")
        $Download=Get-ODItemProperty -AccessToken $AccessToken -Path $Path -ElementID $ElementID -DriveID $DriveID -SelectProperties "name,@content.downloadUrl"
        if ($LocalPath -eq "") {$LocalPath=Get-Location}
        if ($LocalFileName -eq "")
            $client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
            write-verbose("Download complete")
            return 0
            write-error("Download error: "+$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode+"`n"+$_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)
            return -1

function Add-ODItem
    Upload an item/file. Warning: An existing file will be overwritten
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    A valid access token for bearer authorization
    Specifies the path for the upload folder. If not given, the path is "/"
    .PARAMETER ElementID
    Specifies the element id for the upload folder. If Path and ElementID are given, the ElementID is used with a warning
    Specifies the OneDrive drive id. If not set, the default drive is used
    .PARAMETER LocalFile
    Path and file of the local file to be uploaded (C:\data\data.csv)
    Add-ODItem -AccessToken $AuthToken -Path "/Data/documents/2016" -LocalFile "AzureML with PowerShell.docx"
    Upload a file to OneDrive "/data/documents/2016"
    Author: Marcel Meurer,, Twitter: MarcelMeurer

    $rURI=Format-ODPathorIDString -path $Path -ElementID $ElementID -DriveID $DriveID
        return $webRequest=Invoke-WebRequest -Method PUT -InFile $LocalFile -Uri $rURI -Header @{ Authorization = "BEARER "+$AccessToken} -ContentType "multipart/form-data" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        write-error("Upload error: "+$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode+"`n"+$_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)
        return -1