
function New-Fixture {
    This function generates two scripts, one that defines a function
    and another one that contains its tests.
    This function generates two scripts, one that defines a function
    and another one that contains its tests. The files are by default
    placed in the current directory and are called and populated as such:
    The script defining the function: .\Clean.ps1:
    function Clean {
    The script containg the example test .\Clean.Tests.ps1:
    $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
    $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
    . "$here\$sut"
    Describe "Clean" {
        It "does something useful" {
            $false | Should Be $true
    Defines the name of the function and the name of the test to be created.
    Defines path where the test and the function should be created, you can use full or relative path.
    If the parameter is not specified the scripts are created in the current directory.
    New-Fixture -Name Clean
    Creates the scripts in the current directory.
    New-Fixture C:\Projects\Cleaner Clean
    Creates the scripts in the C:\Projects\Cleaner directory.
    New-Fixture Cleaner Clean
    Creates a new folder named Cleaner in the current directory and creates the scripts in it.

    param (
        [String]$Path = $PWD,
    #region File contents
    #keep this formatted as is. the format is output to the file as is, including indentation
    $scriptCode = "function $name {`r`n`r`n}"

    $testCode = '$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace ''\.Tests\.'', ''.''
. "$here\$sut"
Describe "#name#" {
    It "does something useful" {
        $true | Should Be $false
 -replace "#name#",$name


    $Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)

    Create-File -Path $Path -Name "$Name.ps1" -Content $scriptCode
    Create-File -Path $Path -Name "$Name.Tests.ps1" -Content $testCode

function Create-File ($Path,$Name,$Content) {
    if (-not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $Path)) {
        & $SafeCommands['New-Item'] -ItemType Directory -Path $Path | & $SafeCommands['Out-Null']

    $FullPath = & $SafeCommands['Join-Path'] -Path $Path -ChildPath $Name
    if (-not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $FullPath)) {
        & $SafeCommands['Set-Content'] -Path  $FullPath -Value $Content -Encoding UTF8
        & $SafeCommands['Get-Item'] -Path $FullPath
        # This is deliberately not sent through $SafeCommands, because our own tests rely on
        # mocking Write-Warning, and it's not really the end of the world if this call happens to
        # be screwed up in an edge case.
        Write-Warning "Skipping the file '$FullPath', because it already exists."