
# Module: Orbit.Teams
# Function: Teams Auto Attendant
# Author: David Eberhardt
# Updated: 01-NOV-2020
# Status: Live

function Get-TeamsCallableEntity {
    Returns a callable Entity Object from an Identity/ObjectId or string
    Determines an Objects validity for use in an Auto Attendant or Call Queue
    Prepares output of Get-CsCallQueue by querying the Team and Channel (used in Get-TeamsCallQueue)
    Prepares output of Get-CsAutoAttendant (nested Objects) for display (used in Get-TeamsAutoAttendant)
    Returns a custom Object mimiking a CallableEntity Object, returning Entity, Identity & Type
  .PARAMETER Identity
    The ObjectId of the CallableEntity linked
    Get-TeamsCallableEntity -Identity "My Group Name"
    Queries whether "My Group Name" can be found as an GraphUser, GraphGroup or CsOnlineApplicationInstance.
    Get-TeamsCallableEntity -Identity "",""
    Queries whether John or MyResourceAccount can be found as an GraphUser, GraphGroup or CsOnlineApplicationInstance.
    Get-TeamsCallableEntity -Identity 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Queries whether the provided ObjectId can be found as an GraphUser, GraphGroup or CsOnlineApplicationInstance.
    Get-TeamsCallableEntity -Identity "1 (555) 1234-567"
    No Queries performed, number is normalised into a LineURI then passed on as the Tel URI.
    Returns a custom Object mimiking a CallableEntity Object, returning Entity, Identity & Type
    Get-TeamsCallableEntity -Identity "tel:+15551234567"
    No Queries performed, as the Tel URI is passed on as-is.
    Returns a custom Object mimiking a CallableEntity Object, returning Entity, Identity & Type
    Get-TeamsCallableEntity -Identity "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\19:abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890@thread.tacv2"
    Format provided is of in TeamId\ChannelId. This is interpreted as a TeamsChannel. Queries Team & Channel.
    Returns a custom Object mimiking a CallableEntity Object, returning Entity, Identity & Type
    Get-TeamsCallableEntity -Identity "My Team Name\My Channel Name"
    Format provided is of in TeamDisplayName\ChannelDisplayName. This is interpreted as a TeamsChannel. Queries Team & Channel.
    Returns a custom Object mimiking a CallableEntity Object, returning Entity, Identity & Type
    If a match for Team\Channel or PhoneNumber is found, these are treated as such.
    For Team\Channel, the Id and DisplayName are interchangeable. The first match is performed for '\', if it matches,
    the string is split and individual matches are performed for Team and Channel respectively.
    The PhoneNumber is found with a very flexible match based on multiple formats (Integer, E.164 or LineUri)
    If no match is found, queries the string sequentially against GraphUser, CsOnlineApplicationInstance and GraphGroup.
    Returns a custom Object mimiking a CallableEntity Object, returning Entity, Identity & Type
    This script is used to determine the eligibility of an Object as a Callable Entity in Call Queues and Auto Attendants
    This script does not yet support Announcements (sorry. Working on it)
    This script does not support the Types for legacy Hunt Group or Organisational Auto Attendant
    If nothing can be found for the String, an Object is returned with the Entity being $null
    Queries a Callable Entity attached to a Call Queues or Auto Attendants

  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '', Justification = 'Required for performance. Removed with Disconnect-Me')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = 'Identity of the Callable Entity')]
    [Alias('ObjectId', 'UserPrincipalName')]

  ) #param

  begin {
    Show-OrbitFunctionStatus -Level Live
    Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    # Asserting Graph Connection
    if ( -not (Test-GraphConnection) ) { throw 'Connection to Microsoft Graph not established. Please validate connection' }

    # Asserting MicrosoftTeams Connection
    if ( -not (Assert-MicrosoftTeamsConnection) ) { throw 'Connection to Microsoft Teams not established. Please validate connection' }

    # Setting Preference Variables according to Upstream settings
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('VerbosePreference') }
    $DebugPreference = if (-not $PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('DebugPreference') } else { 'Continue' }
    $InformationPreference = if ( $PSBoundParameters['InformationAction']) { $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('InformationAction') } else { 'Continue' }

    #using module Orbit.Tools #TEST how to use using in a function?

  } #begin

  process {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    foreach ($Id in $Identity) {
      Write-Verbose -Message "Processing '$Id'"
      if ($Id -match '\\') {
        try {
          $Team, $Channel = $null
          $Team, $Channel = Get-TeamsTeamAndChannel -String "$Id" -ErrorAction Stop
          if ($Channel) {
            Write-Verbose 'Target is a Teams Channel'
            $TeamAndChannelName = "$($Team.DisplayName)" + '\' + "$($Channel.DisplayName)"
            $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$TeamAndChannelName", "$($Channel.Id)", 'Channel', 'Channel')
          else {
            $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$Id", $null, 'Unknown', $null )
        catch {
          $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$Id", $null, 'Unknown', $null )
      elseif ($script:OrbitRegexPhoneNumber.isMatch($Id) -and -not $script:OrbitRegexUPN.isMatch($Id) ) {
        Write-Verbose 'Target is a Tel URI'
        $Id = Format-StringForUse -InputString "$Id" -As LineURI
        $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$Id", "$Id", 'TelURI', 'ExternalPstn')
      else {
        Write-Verbose 'Target is not a Tel URI'
        try {
          # FIRST: Trying an GraphUser for User or ResourceAccount (ApplicationEndPoint)
          $CallTarget = Get-MgUser -UserId "$Id" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop
          Write-Verbose 'Target is a User or ResourceAccount (ApplicationEndpoint)'
          if ( $CallTarget ) {
            try {
              $null = Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identity "$($CallTarget.Id)" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop
              Write-Verbose 'Target is a ResourceAccount (ApplicationEndpoint)'
              $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$($CallTarget.UserPrincipalName)", "$($CallTarget.Id)", 'ResourceAccount', 'ApplicationEndpoint')
            catch {
              Write-Verbose 'Target is a User'
              $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$($CallTarget.UserPrincipalName)", "$($CallTarget.Id)", 'User', 'User')
              # Re-querying the CsOnlineUser to obtain the SIP address - may not be needed
              # This was tried to ascertain why CQ Users fail to be added if their SIP Address is different than their UPN but did not work.
              # Further investigation is needed
              #$CsUser = Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "$($CallTarget.ObjectId)" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop
              #$CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$($CsUser.SipAddress)", "$($CallTarget.ObjectId)", 'User', 'User')
          else {
            Write-Verbose 'Target is not a User or a ResourceAccount (ApplicationEndpoint)'
        catch {
          # Not a User, not a ResourceAccount (ApplicationEndPoint)
          Write-Verbose 'Target is not a User or a ResourceAccount (ApplicationEndpoint)'
          try {
            # SECOND: Trying a GraphGroup for SharedVoicemail
            $CallTarget = $null
            #$CallTarget = Get-MgGroup -SearchString "$Id" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $CallTarget = Get-MgGroup -Filter "Displayname eq '$Id'" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if (-not $CallTarget ) {
              try {
                $CallTarget = Get-MgGroup -GroupId "$Id" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop
              catch {
                Write-Verbose -Message 'Performing Search... finding ALL Groups'
                if ( -not $global:OrbitQueryTenantGraphGroups) {
                  Write-Verbose -Message 'Groups not loaded yet, depending on the size of the Tenant, this will run for a while!' -Verbose
                  $global:OrbitQueryTenantGraphGroups = Get-MgGroup -All -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ( $script:OrbitRegexUPN.isMatch($Id) ) {
                  $CallTarget = $global:OrbitQueryTenantGraphGroups | Where-Object Mail -EQ "$Id" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                else {
                  $CallTarget = $global:OrbitQueryTenantGraphGroups | Where-Object DisplayName -EQ "$Id" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            else {
              Write-Verbose 'Target is a Group'

            # dealing with potential duplicates
            if ( $CallTarget.Count -gt 1 ) {
              Write-Verbose 'Target is a Group, but multiple Groups found'
              $CallTarget = $CallTarget | Where-Object DisplayName -EQ "$Id"
            if ( $CallTarget.Count -gt 1 ) {
              Write-Verbose 'Target is a Group, but not unique!'
              throw [System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException]::New('Multiple Targets found - Result not unique (Group)')
            else {
              # Unique result found
              if ( $CallTarget ) {
                $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$($CallTarget.DisplayName)", "$($CallTarget.Id)", 'Group', 'SharedVoicemail')
              else {
          catch [System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException] {
            Write-Error -Message "No Unique Target found for '$Id'" -Exception System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException -ErrorAction Stop
          catch {
            Write-Warning -Message 'The Object is not supported as a Callable Entity for AutoAttendants or CallQueues'
            # Defaulting to Unknown
            $CallableEntity = [OrbitCallableEntity]::new( "$Id", $null, 'Unknown', $null )

      Write-Output $CallableEntity

  } #process

  end {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[END ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
  } #end

} # Get-TeamsCallableEntity