
using module .\Class\Orbit.Enums.ps1
using module .\Class\Orbit.Classes.psm1
# Above needs to remain the first line to import Classes
# remove the comment when using classes

# Requirements
#requires -Version 5
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="MicrosoftTeams"; ModuleVersion="5.5.0" }
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Microsoft.Graph"; ModuleVersion="2.6.1" }
#Req#uires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet"; ModuleVersion="0.5.23" }
#BODGE this does not yet work for pre-released versions it seems. To be fixed once it reaches v1.0?
#Req#uires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Orbit.Authentication'; RequiredVersion = '' }
#Req#uires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Orbit.Groups'; RequiredVersion = '' }
#Req#uires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Orbit.Teams'; RequiredVersion = '' }
#Req#uires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Orbit.Tools'; RequiredVersion = '' }
#Req#uires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Orbit.Users'; RequiredVersion = '' }

  Orbit - Module supplementing Microsoft.Graph and MicrosoftTeams
  Supporting Teams Administration, Voice Configuration for Tenant and Users
  User Configuration for Voice, Creation and connection of Resource Accounts,
  Licensing of Objects for Calling Plans & Direct Routing,
  Creation and Management of Call Queues and Auto Attendants
  by David Eberhardt
  Any and all technical advice, scripts, and documentation are provided as is with no guarantee.
  Always review any code and steps before applying to a production system to understand their full impact.

#region Functions
#Get public and private function definition files.
$Public = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Public\*.ps1 -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
$Private = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Private\*.ps1 -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

#Dot source the files
Foreach ($Function in @($Public + $Private)) {
  Try {
    . $Function.Fullname
  Catch {
    Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($Function.Fullname): $_"

# Exporting Module Members (Functions)
Export-ModuleMember -Function $Public.Basename

#region Aliases
# Query Aliases
$Aliases = $null
#$Aliases = Foreach ($Function in @($Public + $Private)) {
$Aliases = Foreach ($Function in @($Public)) {
  if ( $($Function.Fullname) -match '.tests.ps1' ) { continue }
  $Content = $AliasBlocks = $null

  $Content = $Function | Get-Content

  $AliasBlocks = $Content -split "`n" | Select-String 'Alias\(' -Context 1, 1
  $AliasBlocks | ForEach-Object {
    $Lines = $($_ -split "`n")
    if ( $Lines[0] -match 'CmdletBinding' -or $Lines[0] -match 'OutputType' -or $Lines[2] -match 'CmdletBinding' -or $Lines[2] -match 'OutputType' ) {
      if ( $($_ -split "`n")[1] -match "Alias\('(?<content>.*)'\)" ) {
        $($matches.content -split ',' -replace "'" -replace ' ') | ForEach-Object { if ( $_ -ne '' ) { $_ } }
    else {

# Manual definitions
$ManualAliases = @()

# Exporting Module Members (Aliases)
$AliasesToExport = @($Aliases + $ManualAliases)
Write-Verbose -Message "Aliases to Export - Count: $($Aliases.Count)"
Write-Verbose -Message "Aliases to Export - List: $($Aliases -join ',')"
if ( $AliasesToExport ) {
  Export-ModuleMember -Alias $AliasesToExport

#region Variables

# Defining Help URL Base string:
$global:OrbitHelpURLBase = 'https://github.com/DEberhardt/Orbit/blob/main/docs/'

# Adding Testing Mocked Objects for all modules to draw from
. ($PSScriptRoot + '\Tests\Testing-MockedObjects.ps1')

#region Custom Module Functions
# Addressing Limitations
# Strict Mode
function Get-StrictMode {
  # returns the currently set StrictMode version 1, 2, 3 or 0 if StrictMode is off.
  #NOTE Higher versions may be available but not able to test against them yet. Functionally v3 is the highest
  try { $xyz = @(1); $null = ($null -eq $xyz[2]) }
  catch { return 3 }

  try { 'Not-a-Date'.Year }
  catch { return 2 }

  try { $null = ($undefined -gt 1) }
  catch { return 1 }

  return 0

if ((Get-StrictMode) -gt 0) {
  Write-Verbose 'Orbit: Strict Mode interferes with Script execution. Switching Strict Mode off'
  Set-StrictMode -Off

# Allows use of [ArgumentCompletions] block native to PowerShell 6 and later!
#TEST whether using Register-ArgumentCompleter now makes this stop working on PowerShell 5...
# May need to have [ArgumentCompletions()] re-instatated if we need it!
#CHECK do we need to have v5 compatibility?
if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {
  # This provides backwards compatibility to PowerShell 5
  # add the attribute [ArgumentCompletions()]:
  $code = @'
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Management.Automation;
public class ArgumentCompletionsAttribute : ArgumentCompleterAttribute
    private static ScriptBlock _createScriptBlock(params string[] completions)
        string text = "\"" + string.Join("\",\"", completions) + "\"";
        string code = "param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams);@(" + text + ") -like \"*$WordToComplete*\" | Foreach-Object { [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $_) }";
        return ScriptBlock.Create(code);
    public ArgumentCompletionsAttribute(params string[] completions) : base(_createScriptBlock(completions))

  try {
    $null = Add-Type -ErrorAction Stop -TypeDefinition $code *>&1
  catch {
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Type for ArgumentCompletions already added'