
    Parse installed module based to get dependent module
.PARAMETER InstalledLocation
    Path to installed location of the module
.PARAMETER Credential
    Repository Credential
.PARAMETER Repository
    Name of the repository
    When is set import-module will be skipped.

function Invoke-ResolveDependency {
    param (        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Path to installed location of the module")]
        [string] $InstalledLocation,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Repository Credential")]
        [PSCredential] $Credential = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Repository name")]
        [string] $Repository = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "When is set import-module will be skipped.")]
        [switch] $SkipImport
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'    
    Write-Verbose '-- begin - Invoke-ResolveDependency --'
    Write-Verbose "InstalledLocation: $InstalledLocation"

    $psdFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $InstalledLocation -Filter *.psd1 -File
    foreach ($onePsdFile in $psdFiles) {
        $Manifest = Import-PowershellDataFile -LiteralPath $onePsdFile.FullName

        foreach ($onePrivateData in $Manifest.PrivateData) {
            foreach ($onePSData in $onePrivateData.PSData) {

                [Hashtable[]] $ExternalModuleDependencies = $onePSData.ExternalModuleDependencies
                Write-Verbose "Number of dependent modules:$($ExternalModuleDependencies.Count)"
                foreach ($oneExternalModuleDependencies in $ExternalModuleDependencies) {

                   [Hashtable] $PSGAlleryInstallParam =  Get-VersionParamHelper `
                   -Module $oneExternalModuleDependencies  `
                   -Verbose:$VerbosePreference `

                   Write-Verbose "PSGAlleryInstallParam: $(ConvertTo-Json $PSGAlleryInstallParam)"
                   Write-Verbose "PSGAlleryInstallParam.Name: $($PSGAlleryInstallParam.Name)"

                   Write-Verbose "Install prerequisity from PSGallery:"
                   Write-Debug (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $PSGAlleryInstallParam)
                   Install-OriAzBopPrerequisity @PSGAlleryInstallParam `
                   -SkipImport:$SkipImport `
                   -AllowClobber:$True `
                   -SkipPublisherCheck:$True `
                   -Verbose:$VerbosePreference `
                   -Debug:$DebugPreference | Out-Null
                   #Invoke-ModuleInstall @PSGAlleryInstallParam `
                   #-Verbose:$VerbosePreference `
                   #-Debug:$DebugPreference | Out-Null


        foreach ($oneModule in $Manifest.RequiredModules) {
            $InstallParam = Get-VersionParamHelper -Module $oneModule

            if($null -ne $Credential) {
                $InstallParam += @{Credential = $Credential}
            if($null -ne $Repository) {
                $InstallParam += @{Repository = $Repository}
            Write-Debug (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InstallParam)
            Invoke-ModuleInstall @InstallParam | Out-Null
    Write-Verbose '-- end - Invoke-ResolveDependency --'