
Since is not possible to Mock Get-Package due dynamic block should be the function sparated for unit test resons
Note: See more on
Since is not possible to Mock Get-Package due dynamic block should be the function sparated for unit test resons
Note: See more on
.PARAMETER RegisterPackageSourceParam
Parameters for one Register-PSRepository
Use exactly the same like for Register-PSRepository

function Register-OriAzBopInternalPSRepository {
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Parameters for Register-PSRepository')]
    [Hashtable] $RegisterRepositoryParams


    #in case of any error we want to stop execution, in stderr having the error. Use try-catch to handle errors if needed.
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
    Write-Verbose "-- Register-OriAzBopInternalPSRepository --"
    Write-Verbose "RegisterRepositoryParams: $(ConvertTo-Json $RegisterRepositoryParams) "
    Write-Verbose "-- End of Register-OriAzBopInternalPSRepository --"    
    return(Register-PSRepository @RegisterRepositoryParams)
