
    Install module with dependent modules in required version
    Exact name of the module
    GUID of the mmodule
.PARAMETER MaximumVersion
    Maximum module version
.PARAMETER RequiredVersion
    Required module version
    Most likely minimum module version
.PARAMETER Credential
    Credential to repository
.PARAMETER Repository
    Name of the repository
    When is set import-module will be skipped.
    Use it when is required to use proxy while accessing the repository
.PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Use it when is required to use proxy with credential

function Invoke-ModuleInstall {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Exact name of the module")]
        [string] $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "GUID of the mmodule")]
        [string] $Guid,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Maximum module version")]
        [Version] $MaximumVersion,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Required module version")]
        [Version] $RequiredVersion,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Most likely minimum module version")]
        [Version] $Version,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Repository Credential")]
        [PSCredential] $Credential = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Repository name")]
        [string] $Repository = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "When is set import-module will be skipped.")]
        [switch] $SkipImport,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Use it when is required to use proxy while accessing the repository")]
        [Uri] $Proxy = $null,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Use it when is required to use proxy with credential")]
        [PSCredential] $ProxyCredential = $null

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    Write-Verbose '-- begin - Invoke-ModuleInstall --'
    Write-Verbose "Name: $Name"
    Write-Verbose "Guid: $Guid"
    Write-Verbose "MaximumVersion: $MaximumVersion"
    Write-Verbose "RequiredVersion: $RequiredVersion"
    Write-Verbose "Version: $Version"
    Write-Verbose "Repository: $Repository"
    Write-Verbose "Proxy: $Proxy"

    if ($SkipImport.IsPresent) {
        Write-Verbose "SkipImport: True"
    else {
        Write-Verbose "SkipImport: False"

    [Hashtable] $InstallModuleParam = @{ Name = $Name }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Guid)) {
        $InstallModuleParam += @{Guid = $Guid }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MaximumVersion)) {
        $InstallModuleParam += @{MaximumVersion = $MaximumVersion }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RequiredVersion)) {
        # Only when is set RequiredVersion we do need add Prefix into Import-Module paramters
        $InstallModuleParam += @{RequiredVersion = $RequiredVersion }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Version)) {
        $InstallModuleParam += @{Version = $Version }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Credential)) {
        $InstallModuleParam += @{Credential = $Credential }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Repository)) {
        $InstallModuleParam += @{Repository = $Repository }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Proxy)) {
        $InstallModuleParam += @{ Proxy = $Proxy }
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProxyCredential)) {
        $InstallModuleParam += @{ ProxyCredential = $ProxyCredential }

    Write-Debug ($InstallModuleParam | Out-String)
    $FoundModule = Find-ModuleForInstall `
        @InstallModuleParam `
        -Verbose:$VerbosePreference `

    if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FoundModule) -and ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FoundModule.Repository)) {
        Write-Debug "Found: [$($FoundModule.Repository)] is not null Version [$($FoundModule.Version)]"
    else {
        Write-Debug "Module [$Name] not found or Repository is not set."

    # Create hastable for check of installed modules
    $GetInstalledParam = $InstallModuleParam.Clone()
    if ($GetInstalledParam.ContainsKey('Credential')) {
    if ($GetInstalledParam.ContainsKey('Repository')) {
    if ($GetInstalledParam.ContainsKey('Proxy')) {
    if ($GetInstalledParam.ContainsKey('ProxyCredential')) {

    $ModuleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule @GetInstalledParam -ea SilentlyContinue
    [boolean] $ShouldInstall = $false
    if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ModuleInstalled)) `
            -and -not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ModuleInstalled.Version))) {
        Write-Debug "The module $Name is alredy installed in version $($ModuleInstalled.Version)"

        [string] $psd1Path = Join-Path -Path $ModuleInstalled.InstalledLocation -ChildPath ('{0}.psd1' -f $ModuleInstalled.Name)
        [string] $RequiredMd5 = Get-OriAzBopModuleMd5FromTag -Path $psd1Path -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -Debug:$DebugPreference
        Write-Debug "Expected MD5 in the manifest is [$RequiredMd5]."

        if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RequiredMd5)) `
                -and -not(Test-OriAzBopModuleComplete -Path $psd1Path -RequiredMd5 $RequiredMd5 -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -Debug:$DebugPreference)) {
            Write-Debug "Real MD5 of the module id different than is expected."
            $ShouldInstall = $true

        # Versions should be compared in proper type
        # Note: Original ($ModuleInstalled.Version -lt $FoundModule.Version) is not working
        if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FoundModule.Version)) `
                -and ([Version] $ModuleInstalled.Version -lt [Version] $FoundModule.Version)) {
            Write-Debug "The module $Name is alredy installed in version $($ModuleInstalled.Version), but found acceptable version for upgrade $($FoundModule.Version) "
            $ShouldInstall = $true
    else {
        Write-Debug "The module $Name is NOT installed"
        $ShouldInstall = $true

    if ($ShouldInstall) {

        Write-Debug "Install-Module param:"
        Write-Debug (ConvertTo-Json  $InstallModuleParam)

        # Sometimes, specially on servers, the installation process is failing.
        # There has been spotted problems when more processes under the same user is trying to install same module in the same time,
        # but it can ge more general issue.
        # Therefore seems to be usefull to use the retry exeception funtion and collect such errors when simple retry can fix the problem.
        Invoke-OriAzExrExceptionRetry `
            -ListedExceptions @('Access to the path*is denied.', 'Administrator rights are required to install or update.') `
            -ScriptBlockToRun {
            Install-Module @InstallModuleParam `
                -Force `
                -Confirm:$false `
                -Verbose:$VerbosePreference `
        } `
            -MaxRetry 30 `
            -SleepTimeInSec 10

        # re-Load after the installation
        $ModuleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule @GetInstalledParam -ea SilentlyContinue 
    else {
        Write-Debug "Module already exists"
        Write-Debug ("Module is already installed in Version: {0} on path: {1}" -f $ModuleInstalled.Version, $ModuleInstalled.InstalledLocation)

    [PSCustomObject] $DependencyMap = Invoke-ResolveDependency `
        -InstalledLocation $ModuleInstalled.InstalledLocation `
        -Credential $Credential `
        -Repository $Repository `
        -SkipImport:$SkipImport `
        -Proxy $Proxy `
        -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential `
        -Verbose:$VerbosePreference `

    [PSCustomObject] $toReturn = @{
        InstalledLocation = Join-Path -Path $ModuleInstalled.InstalledLocation -ChildPath ('{0}.psd1' -f $ModuleInstalled.Name)
        ModuleFilter      = $GetInstalledParam
        DependencyMap     = $DependencyMap

    Write-Verbose '-- end - Invoke-ModuleInstall --'
    return $toReturn 