
 Contains functions for reading ini files

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable MsgTable -FileName OsmiumMessages.psd1

Reads ini file into a hashtable

function ReadIni
    $IniHash = @{}
    Get-Content -Path $IniPath | ForEach-Object {
        # Is it a section?
        if ($_ -match "\[([\w\s]+)\]")
            $Section = $Matches[1]
            # Does section exists?
            if (-not $IniHash.ContainsKey($Section))
                $IniHash += @{$Section=@{}}
        elseif ($_ -match "(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)")
            if ($Section -eq "")
                throw "No Section defined"
            # Add entry to hashtable
            $IniHash[$Section] += @{$Matches[1] = $Matches[2]}
        elseif (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_))
            throw $MsgTable.IniHelperLineNoKeyPair

 Writes hashtable into ini file

 function WriteIni
    $IniLines = @()
    foreach($Key in $IniHash.Keys)
        $IniLines += "[$Key]"
        foreach($Entry in $IniHash.$Key.Keys)
            $IniLines += "$Entry = $($IniHash.$Key.$Entry)"
        $IniLines += ""
    try {
        $IniLines | Set-Content -Path $IniPath
    catch {
        Write-Error "WriteIni: Cannot write ini file ($_)"        

 Gets a single value from an ini file

function Get-IniValue
    param([String]$IniPath, [String]$SectionName, $EntryName)
    $IniHash = ReadIni -IniPath $IniPath
    if ($IniHash.ContainsKey($SectionName))
        if ($IniHash[$SectionName].ContainsKey($EntryName))

 Gets either all or a single section from an ini file

function Get-IniSection
    # Read the ini file
    $IniHash = ReadIni -IniPath $IniPath
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("All"))
        if ($IniHash.ContainsKey($SectionName))

 Writes a value to an ini file and creates section and entry if necessary

function Set-IniValue
    param([String]$IniPath, [String]$SectionName, [String]$EntryName, [String]$Value)
    # Read the ini file
    $IniHash = ReadIni -IniPath $IniPath
    # Find the section
    if ($IniHash.ContainsKey($SectionName))
        if ($IniHash.$SectionName.ContainsKey($EntryName))
            $IniHash.$SectionName.$EntryName = $Value
            $IniHash.$SectionName += @{$EntryName = $Value}
        $IniHash += @{$SectionName = @{$EntryName=$Value}}
    WriteIni -IniPath $IniPath