
function Get-OSServerInfo
    Returns a summary information about the OutSystems Server
    This will returns the OutSystems Server version, install directory, serial number, machine name and private key.

    param ()

        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 0 -Stream 0 -Message "Starting"
        SendFunctionStartEvent -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation

        # Initialize the results object
        $serverInfo = [pscustomobject]@{
            PSTypeName   = 'Outsystems.SetupTools.ServerInfo'
            InstallDir   = ''
            Version      = ''
            MachineName  = ''
            SerialNumber = ''
            PrivateKey   = ''

        $serverInfo.InstallDir = GetServerInstallDir
        $serverInfo.Version = GetServerVersion

        if ($(-not $serverInfo.Version) -or $(-not $serverInfo.InstallDir))
            LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 3 -Message "Outsystems platform is not installed"
            WriteNonTerminalError -Message "Outsystems platform is not installed"

            return $null

        $serverInfo.Version = [System.Version]$serverInfo.Version
        $serverInfo.MachineName = GetServerMachineName
        $serverInfo.SerialNumber = GetServerSerialNumber

        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Server InstallDir is: $($serverInfo.InstallDir)"
        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Server version is: $($serverInfo.Version)"
        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Server machine name is: $($serverInfo.MachineName)"
        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Server serial number is: $($serverInfo.SerialNumber)"

        #region private key
        $privateKeyFile = "$($serverInfo.InstallDir)\private.key"
        if (Test-Path -Path $privateKeyFile)
            $regex = "^--*"
            Get-Content -Path $privateKeyFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
                if (-not ($_ -match $regex))
                    $serverInfo.PrivateKey = $_

            if ($serverInfo.PrivateKey)
                LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Server private key is: $($serverInfo.PrivateKey)"
                LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Private Key file found but there was an error processing the file"
            LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Private Key file not found at $privateKeyFile"

        return $serverInfo

        SendFunctionEndEvent -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 2 -Stream 0 -Message "Ending"